Beryani Ala Mama Sarah

My dear husband left a comment in a previous entry asking me to visit this blog. He has been away for a week and hasn't been eating properly. On Sunday, I decided to make him my special Nasi Beryani with Agar-Agar with custard as dessert.
I've also managed to take some photos of the preparation, in case you are thinking that I didn't make it from scratch. I can also provide you with the recipe, only upon written request.
The ingredients;

Acar Timun

Both to be eaten with Fried Chicken Wings and Nasi Beryani ala Mama Sarah.
Don't forget Fruit Cocktail Agar-Agar with Custard.

Kalau susah sangat yang ni pun sedap juga ;)
waa.. kerabu mangga! telan air liur i tau mamasarah..
and as always, HIDUP SINDHI! kikikikii..
jahat tak i? I meant to do that to you, esp.
yess, hidup sindhi!!
i wonder if hafiz is reading this.
Waaah, pandai nya you buat bie, tak sangka i jadi cantik.
post lah resipi jugak bie, gambar je ...
eleh, ye ke buat from scratch? ke buat from scratch
btw sindhi tu apa?
hujan lah nak pergi GP. i hope petang ni dah reda.
Waah.. bestnya nasi bryani.. rasa macam nak makan esok.. hehehe
Hmm tak sabar nak suruh my wife cook for me one..
How does it compare to Bryani Shah Alam tu???
From scratch?? amboi2, nak mengena i eh bby?
I memang nak bagi complete recipe dlm this entry semalam, tapi nampak kelam kabut. So, biar minimal. Sesiapa nak resepi boleh minta.
You tak tahu ke Sindhi tu apa bby? Ke buat-buat tak tahu? Ingat tak I buat beryani from scratch kt cardiff dulu? Pastu auntie de jumpa kotak rempah Sindhi beryani dlm tong sampah?
Dah nk dkt kol 4 ni. nervous pulak nk jumpa GP. esp sbb nk tinggal amar ngan org.
Sir OK aka Pok Ki; long time no hear eh? Shah Alam beryani's far better!! Tu kerja depa tiap2 hari msk beryani. I ni amatuer je. Tp licin juga. Sarah pun suka fried chicken.
heeheee.. i takut nak explain pasal sindhi tu mama sarah, takut pecah rahsia rumahtangga. tapi haha, kantoi kantoi.. sorry la.. bukan niat i nak korek tong sampah orang, hahahaha (bunyi tak senonoh je kan?)
gi gp kenapa? anything the matter? hope its nothing bad.
ahh.. kepala i rasa cam bas mini.. dah penuh sesak tapi ada nak kena masuk lagi ni..
Sedapnye terliur dibuatnye. Kansel ke plan I nak makan kebab, should I go for beriyani instead? Dulu tepi rumah ada takeaway sedap, now dah tutup :(
Er, saya hanya tahu buat beriyani ikan sahaja. From scratch. Beriyani yang lain masih belajar.
Mama Sarah, mintak resipi kudasai!
(Tapi tak mau yang Sindhi or Laziza or Shan! Dengar citer Shan dah ada jual kat Mesia).
kita nak cooking demonstration la mama sarah.. mana cukup kasi resepi je. nanti tak jadi kang, haa...
pas tu i boleh kasi eating demonstration. free of charge :P
tergelak i baca you all punya comments lah, especially auntie de korek tong sampah orang aduh, kelakar. eating demonstration pun kelakar.
Habis kitorang terliur tengok you masak bie, dah lah i duduk jauh ni, tak de orang masak, kena makan makanan canteen je;(~ balik karang baru tau...
update: GP bagi sarah antibiotics. GP suruh dtg balik sebulan lagi. Kalau still tak baik lagi, ada dermatology nurse dkt the clinic.
bnyk juga cerita ni. KIV.
Sarah punya eczema, tahap TERUK. Malam2 dok scratch-scratch. Kulit dia koyak and infected.
Susah nak bawa both to the clinic. Esp sebab hujan. KEna tinggal amar dgn org melayu duduk end of this road.
Auntie De and KKL: Aik KKL lagi hebat ni auntie De! Shan pun dia tahu jugak. Beryani ikan from scratch lagi tu! Fuiyoo. Respect lah. I scratch-scratch boleh lah.
KKL: nak recipe? Orait. I tgh fikir nak buat another entry or nak tulis kat comment box aje. Diharap bersabar ok?
i tgh tulis comment, tgk2 ada 2 comments while I was writing mine. habis my comment jadi basi tadi.
cooking demonstration?
errr.. (konon2 confident) Sure no problem.. errr....
Best juga kan? kalau buat video, pastu upload kat sini. wwwaahh, canggih gitu.
otak i tengah fikir ni: kena kemas dapur dulu. kasi spotless. kalau tak nanti, tak glamour lah masuk video, tapi dapur tunggang langgang kan?hmmm. sape nak jadi cameraman?
FOC eating demo eh auntie de? Boleh lah. tapi kena bagi good review tau! susah nak cari singlet mamak kasi masuk dalam nasi beryani tu. whoops tu rahsia kesedapan nasi beryani ku.
Kesian dengar Sarah kena eczema. I hope she gets better soon...
Kasi demo pun bagus jugak, lagi jelas instruction dia. Mama Sarah boleh ganti Nigella Lawson :) Nanti boleh buat opening and closing credits, ada background music, ada funny comments.. ehehee this could be the beginning of a very big thing :)
Cameraman Mynn le.
Aiks saya tahu fish beryani tu je. Itupun entah korang suka ke tak ehehe. (Jangan iklan lebih2 karang expectation korang tinggi karang hampa jek :()
cooking podcast? what say you all?
p/s: sorry no new entry sbb smlm sarah jaga scratch2 lagi. sat lagi baru nk pegi ambik ubat.
eh good idea nya bie, buat cooking video and upload kat blog.
saya sokong!
uiyoo.. cooking programme podcast.. chef wan pun tak mcm tu, but then, he has his own cooking show on TV anyway.
k nisak, host for pictures pakai flickr ke picasa? flickr ada free unlimited storage ke?
both: picasa and flicker. flicker is maintained by mynn. ada limit. nanti mynn jwbkan. i'm not too sure.
baru ni register dgn friendster, as this one friend asyik pester suruh link dgn dia.
i think i'll stick with my blog for the time being. tak terkejar pulak nanti. esp kids pun nak attention jugak.
Flickr i dont think ada limit but we dont host our pictures for the blogs there, we just post the pictures for people to see on flickr.
In terms of hosting pictures, do you know blogger hosts our pictures sometimes via picasa (or hello). i dont know why if your picasa is still not working.
what ever pictures we have, we normally just upload them to blogger, apparently they freely host them.
i use photobucket for hosting of some pictures too.
Mama Sarah, buat la vidcast masak masak. boleh la letak Sarah as assistant chef sekali. mesti menarik
haha, sarah as assistant.
very good idea.
"bukan mamaaa, [k]acau camni!!!!"
bossy little one.
jom lah then. masak apa? bubur nasi sarah and amar.
summer ni, buat BBQ pulak.
Nak join!
JOM!!! Tapi nak pekena ABC Mawar dulu.
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