Friday, April 21, 2006

Boy ke Girl?

Praising your child helps to reinforce your child's correct behaviour and self discipline. It also increases the bond of affection between parent and child and builds self-esteem.

I still remember, before Amar was born, I thought my praises for Sarah was in abundance. Probably because she is the first child and I was a jakun mom. She gets a lot of "Good girl" remarks from me.

After Amar was born, I had a difficulty to say "Good boy" to Amar, because I was so used to saying "Good girl" to Sarah. Sometimes, tersasul-sasul cakap "Good girl" to Amar and "Good boy" to Sarah.

I'm sure I have confused everyone now. It has even confused little Sarah at one point.

"Good girl, Sarah. You are a very good girl." I praised her once.
"No Mama, Wawa good boy." Sarah corrected me.

Anak saya tu memang lagi pandai dari saya. Macam saya lagi pandai dari tuan doktor. But since I was cleverer than a doctor, I tried to correct her,

"Sarah, good girl." emphasising the word girl.
"No, Wawa good boy!" That time, she emphasised the word boy!!
"Girl" correcting Sarah again.
"Boy" She's getting irritated with all the corrections.

And we went on and on. Sometimes I won, sometimes I just gave up (sebab bising Amar nak tidur).

And sometimes I have to give some explanations to Sarah why she is a girl and Amar is a boy. For example, Mama pakai tudung. So mama, girl. Babah tak boleh pakai tudung, so Babah, boy.

Then she started asking, "Wawa (p)akai (t)udon(g)?"
And I would say, "Yes, Sarah boleh pakai tudung. Sebab Sarah girl."
"No, Amar tak boleh pakai tudung. Sebab Amar boy." I explained.
"Doll (p)akai (t)udon(g)?" She asked innocently, still in the same topic.
"Yes doll boleh pakai tudung." I answered.
"Emmm, (b)otol (p)akai (t)udon(g)?" Here she goes, I thought. She would ask every single thing that she saw.
"No, botol tak boleh pakai tudung"
"Car?" Dia tak habis tanya lagi.

Sometimes the explanations went deeper than just a mere tudung. But it is hard to put them in words and also because I've agreed with the terms and conditions as a Blogger that I shouldn't include any explicit materials.

At present, Sarah manages to differentiate a boy from a girl. Sarah knows that she is a girl. Amar is a boy. Babah is a boy and Mama is a girl. Marium is a girl and Abdullah is a boy. Chihiro is a girl and Abang dia (Haku) is a boy. I have no idea how and when she has made up her mind about who's boy or girl. But at least she got that right now and deserves a hearty "Good girl" from me.


Anonymous said...

Heheh, a scene from the Simpsons, Bart always asking why, why, why, until Homer got tired... ;)

Also another scene where both Lisa and Bart would ask, Are we there yet? Homer would answer No.

Bart & Lisa : Are we there yet?
Homer : No.
Bart & Lisa : Are we there yet?
Homer : No.
Bart & Lisa : Are we there yet?
Homer : No.
Bart & Lisa : Are we there yet?
Homer : No. Oh wait, yes we are.

Ah kids!

Anonymous said...

i like the first picture. is it recent? emyr seems to like the third one so much.. he was kissing the screen!

Mama Sarah said...

pok ki I remember that one. are we there yet? ada survey in UK ckp, kids will start asking 'are we there yet' after 6 mins they start the journey. 6 mins!!!

i'm soo not looking fwd to long journeys with my kids.

auntie de Taken a month or two ago. Malas nak cari gmbr kt internet. so guna gmbr anak2 je senang.

computer dah baiki ke?

amboi2 emyr, kiss saper? sarah ke amar ni? you cheeky little boy!!!

rambut amar dah gondol. emyr bila lagi?

Anonymous said...

hey, i was juuust thinking about cutting emyr's hair tomorrow. already have the shears ready pun. asyik la teringat kat nanny dia yang suka his curls. tapi he is starting to look a bit like a girl, so its ok to cut kut..

komputerku sudah dipomen

mm.. emyr's all hugs and kisses these days. prolly just glad to be home in wrexham.

Mama Sarah said...

emyr punya curls mcm goldilocks tp macho mcm Mcmanaman liverpool player zaman 90s dulu. now i tak tau dia player mana. i'm sure uncle de tau.

yeay computer dah elok. alhamdulillah. sujud syukur.

emyr ni belajar kat mana hugs n kisses sokmo ni? nursery? ke mama babah dia ni?? eiii no shame lah.

Anonymous said...

Hm jangan curls macam mamat Simply red mick Hucknel tu jelah.


dith said...

Nisak, I dont remember my first 3 kids asking me endless questions like Sarah coz they were brought up by MIL :((

Bergen said...

Thank you for visiting, ma'am. Have a nice day.

Will visit you blog again.

dyanna said...

moms might as well be a part time philosopher, since the children are now asking philosophical questions.. sort of like Aristotle and Plato kind of relationship..

Mama Sarah said...

DITH I wanted so much to reply your comment late last nite, but didn't know what MIL stand for?

ITU PUN TAK TAHU!!! Memalukan. (Now I'm pretty sure of the meaning. Thanks to the internet!)

Anyway, I'm sure your first 3 kids were very well mannered and didn't ask unnecessary questions when they were younger. They were born genius like some kids I know.

Sir Bergen I wanted to write a similar topic like yours, but was stuck at one point. LAnguage and literature have never been my strongest point.

You also mentioned Dungun in your previous posts. I worked there for a year. Miss the warung nasi lemak infront of the biggest pasaraya in Dungun : Pasaraya SAlwa, that is.

di their questions are even harder than SPM questions. NAsib baik tak de time limit to answer them. have you received the da vinci codes?

Anonymous said...


at last, emyr has had his hair cut. number 5. we used the winnie the pooh hair clippers set that we bought in coventry, not sure if u remember. siap dapat winnie the pooh reward sticker

anyway, have sent picture to his nanny and tok. does look more grown up with the current haircut.

Mama Sarah said...

auntie de Yup I remember the hairclipper you bought. Masa tu Emyr 'hairless' lagi. You were so berpandangan jauh. Tengok gambar?? MMS lah. mebe boleh beli juga for amar or sarah!

ours is for adults. boleh juga for kids (rasanya lah) tapi the sound it makes, mesti menakutkan amar.

Mama Pongkey said...

:) Pasaraya Salwa is no more.. Mama Sarah... there are so many new supermarkets in Dungun now, one of them You Hoe :D

dith said...

Auntie de- macam mana rupanya clippers Winne the pooh ? *blur sikit sebab dah lama tinggal alam memotong rambut bebudak* :p

Anonymous said...

this is prolly the best picture i could get on the web (gambar ebay je..) dianye hair clippers macam kat kedai gunting rambut, but so much quieter so bebudak tak takut. and ada gambar winnie the pooh which is emyr's favourite :D and comes with reward stickers for the kids!

dith said...

Auntie de- Oh I see! Maybe I can suggest to my SIL (MS should know what this means by now, hehe) as her son has difficulties cutting his hair and is looking more and more like a girl each day!

Mama Sarah said...

Assalamualaikum all, Saya dengan suara yang sengau-sengau dan kepala yang pening-pening lalat menjawab komentar-komentar anda:

auntie de thanks for the gambar. Emyr the macho boy. Well done mum. Hari ni contact Uncle Hafis. Dia kata akan online soon bila dapat "SupaPC".

KKL It's funny I'm calling you KKL here. I wonder nanti in real life terpanggil you KKL juga macamana? Pasaraya Salwa no more??? Ooohh, how sad! (About time!) Tempat ku membeli belah suatu ketika dahulu. Barang2 berhabuk kedai tu. tapi i pergi jugak. I miss Dungun!!! Esp their fresh fish.. CRABs especially. And I wonder project Sek Teknik I tu macam mana sekarang. Dah ada pelajar ke?

DITH Trying to pull my leg, ey?? Naughty DITH. I typed my innocent question directly dkt google "What does MIL stand for" Dapat jawapan yang memberansangkan. Thank God for internet. Nasib baik bukan trick question kan?

Anonymous said...


DITH: yes, very useful one. tapi kalaulah ianya dipakai utk orang dewasa terpaksalah bersabar sikit, terutama sekali kalau thick thick hair. hence the adult hair clippers for uncle de, heehee

Mama Pongkey said...

Mama Sarah

Nampak gaya dah ramai student kat situ... sibuk aje. Masa I balik tu, ada diorg tgh baiki the roads around that area... so if you are driving at night rasa macam adventure pulak... dark with no street lights and sudden unclearly marked twists and turns, not to mention mini valleys and hillocks!

Hehehe kalau u panggil i KKL I panggil you MS lah.. or kalau nak Arabkan 'Umm Sarah'...