Thursday, April 06, 2006

My Movie Stars

I've been doing A LOT of research on how to post a movie on my blog. Babah Sarah gave a suggestion to browse through "You Tube". I did, and it was only recently that I dare to upload some movies. So here are the results.

Amar, when he first discovered his feet. (Direct translation: masa baru dapat kaki)

And this, Sarah at work.
Please excuse some inappropriate gestures by Sarah. She has just learnt to do 'that'. I do not know how to edit a movie clip yet. So, apology and enjoy (because the rest is fine).


Anonymous said...

Is it just me or is the video not working?

Mama Sarah said...

ello uncle de!!! so early in the morning, already check ah?

both working fine here. prob i was doing some editing just now. try again?

Mama Sarah said...

uncle de, pls confirm if both r ok?

Anonymous said...

canot la, maybe sebab video private kot

Anonymous said...

mama sarah, li uncle li laa..tak buleh pun tgk movie per view ke hehehe! wei..project lego land apa cite nih?? ke nak tunggu we all balik mesia baru nak pi huh???

Mama Sarah said...

alamak.. betul ke tak leh ni? i tengok ok je. ok ok ok.. akan diperbetulkan sekarang jugak!

Anonymous said...

I pun tak boleh nak tengok bie.. hehehe i tengah jawab masa lunch ni. Uncle De & Li, welcome to nisak's blog!

Mama Sarah said...

salam everyone,

i dah betulkan. try again please.

pastu confirm again. tq uncle de.

Bukan Hila aka Aboh Danial aka Li, hehehe, nanti bila i dah terer nanti boleh lah Pay per view. macam you nak charge for your expertise (photography).

Anonymous said...

alrite, sudah boleh.

Anonymous said...

okok..puan director! movie sudah jalan..ada can dapat award ni hehe..err kat mana nak bayar ni? pakai direct debit buleh ka?

p/s: Nick name 'Mama Sarah' tu nanti Amar tak terasa hati ke? hihihi..

Mama Sarah said...

Aboh Danial,

I prefer Paypal. I'll email you the invoice. hehe...

Pasal legoland pulak; ada org nak xm lah. pastu, bukan ke you all nak gi egypt? mentang2lah ada ka-me-ra (slang org ganu) baru. meleleh air liur kawan.

Nickname Mama Sarah... hehehe Amar tak jeles kot. Amar = Mr Cool. lagipun bak kata Sarah; 'kita share-share'.

Anonymous said...

mama sarah!

terror nyer u blogging...rupa2nyer inila keje u hari2 ek...kihkihkih...

sape nak exam?...muh ke u?...

meh la sini...sejam je wey...bukan jauh pun...

Mama Sarah said...

oits mama danial (aka TOM????)

kikikiki, i ni ikut arus zaman je. tak nak ketinggalan. nak lah CELIK blog jugak. hehehe.

My other half lah nak xm. tapi i yang panic. biasalah i ni.

Anonymous said...

Li, kat you punya photopages, i rasa good change you tulis settings camera masa ambik gambar. 2nd gambar danial tu lawa jugak. rasanya you should start a blog lah e.g. your diary belajar photography & tips2 ambik photo.

Anonymous said...

mynn a.k.a muh

Thanks for your advise. I did put the settings in a one of the entry (forgot which one) and I put it in my latest entry as well (have a look). About starting another blog..hmmm don't I got time to manage more than one at the same time hehehe..consider the fotopages as my day to day blog as I will try to upload an entry everyday from now on (azam nih hehehe) Bwt, I saw your new TOY..Wooowwww soooo ennvyyyy one!

To Mama Sarah...Tom is what Danial will answer if you ask him his name! crazy about Thomas The Tank Engine hihihi

Mama Pongkey said...

I think the 'inappropriate' gestures were the highlight of the video!

*laughs maniacally*

Nasib baik takde orang kat office nih.

Mama Sarah said...

i think you are the only person yang tengok sarah's video clip in full. sebab yang lain tak comment pun pasal that "inappropriate gestures". it's either that or the "inappropriate gestures" i thought are not inappropriate after all; ie appropriate lah yea? confuse jadi mak ni.