Sushi vs Sambal Udang
On Saturday, Babah has an urge to make sushi. Entah angin Timur mana entah, sibuk nak pergi beli barang dekat our local East West Oriental Grocery store to get the ingredients. The cooking process began around 3.30pm.
While cooking, Sarah played for a little while at the back garden. Amar was having his afternoon nap. And I was the photographer of the day.
So here are some photos of the Making of Babah's Sushi.

Spread the rice on a sheet of Nori (seaweed)
One of the fillings: Layered Omelette
Arrange the fillings on the rice
Use bamboo mat to help the rolling process

Roll and squeeze into a tube shape sushi
Yes... yuummm finger licking good. The procedure completed at around 6pm. (Yes, it was a long exhausting hours taking the photographs)
Then, I took over the kitchen and cooked dinner for the whole family. Half an hour later (ha ah, half an hour later) dinner was ready. Yealah, tak boleh lawan sushi. Tapi Babah said, "Mmmm sedapnya sambal ni." (Lama dah tak dengar Babah puji my cooking)
Sambal Udang ala Mama Sarah yang tidak seberapa
Nisak, for a moment I thought there was petai in the sambal, hehe
Tell Mynn not to delete those pics and steps of making sushi...I need it for future referal when my older girls are back in July...hmmm tak sabar n
Coriander leaves as garnishing is a good idea instead of the ubiquitous parsley.
Oh Wow, if I can make sushi like that, it'll save me a fortune! Thanks for the pictorial 'tuition'.
Hopped here from Bergen's ... and I see DITH's here, too. (Hello Roza).
DITH petai??? Believe it or not, the oriental store sell them occassionally. Belum pernah cuba, though.
Bergen i guess just as ubiquitous as bloggers nowadays. hmmm have i used the word correctly, now??
queen of the house Thanks for making yourself 'present' here. thanks to Bergen. Will pay you a visit in the near future. Saw your name linked to DITH's blog.
I love sambal udang. That looks really good... is that nasi lemak I see?
I currently have sakit perut from yesterday's asam tumis. Yes DITH I have made an extremely edible version of the asam tumis thanks to you!!! But seeing that I used cili kering from India the kepedasan is causing me stomach discomfort... but dengan tak seriknya I had it again for breakfast!! Yumm...
mmm sambal udang was very nice, KKL & O-K bila nak visit kitorang ni???
regarding the sushi postings, of course i won't take it down .. thanks for reading/following the posts! partly because i was doing some experimentations, and partly to make it more convenient to some people, ive compiled the sushi making steps on my experimental website:
insya allah i'll post a link to a downloadable pdf soon so that should anything happen to the blog/site you would already have a copy.
oooooh... KKL, i had an experience with cili kering india. ada sorang housmate i dulu, who shall remain nameless, made ayam masak cili with the cili india one day, but turned out to be cili masak ayam. maaak aih.. pedas with a capital P nak terkencing2 rasa.. a very 'memorable' dish indeed
ya allah
tergelak i baca comment you auntie de
eh chilli banyak boleh cause orang terkencing2?
padanla i asyik terkencing2 je hari ni(and i thought that was because of the cold)
*perutku masih kepedasan..*
tapi kalau ada lagi asam pedas tu dlm periuk when I go home... yes saya akan menyapu licin!
OK jangan bebel, okay? :D
the sushi looks yummy!
*thanks for dropping by.
KKL Ooohh your poor tummy. Dah habis stock cili kering malaysia ke? I think I've used similar cili kering bought here for my first ever sambal sotong. That was way back when I was in my 1st year in Uni. PEDAS (all capital letters, not just capital P) I wonder if my brother still remember this?
Anyone knows how to make your sambal less pedas? Add some sugar? Kicap manis?
mynn Thanks for puji ing my sambal udang. *Flattered*
auntie de hahahaha. i guess it has to happen once in your lifetime. (Or some people - many times)(tak serik-serik guna cili kering india!)
KKL for dinner, breakfast and ada leftover lagi???? Banyak nya masak?
ubisetela thank you for menghadirkan diri. (Thank you Bergen)
kira KKL ni ada guts of steel lah! wahh... kalau i mati hidup semula i tak usik cili masak ayam tu lagi, haha.. tidak mahu ku ingat lagiii.. apa yang telah terjadiii...tragedi 35 clare st...
in retrospect, i shouldve known really, when i saw the dish was more putih with biji cili than red.
Auntie De
Ahaaa... I deseeded the chillies first laa... but still the kepedasan was kow kow one!
This morning ada lagi ikan asam tu... I had it for breakfast :D
Sampai ke office ada food sebab seminar kena cancel, so had plenty of orange juice with coffee... sedap pulak... sejuk sikit perut.
There is still a tupperware of the ikan asam.. I was supposed to bring it fr lunch but tertinggal... yay.. that's dinner sorted then!
Mama Sarah
Perut K Waheedah tak tahan sangat pedas2 ni. I ada buat bubble and squeak (mash with veggie) so bolehle dia makan. Tadi dia ada buat masak ayam... yehehehe banyakle aku boleh makan malam ni...
I like to add plenty of tomato ketchup to my sambals (trick housemate lama). Also can lebihkan asam.
auntie de i wonder siapa duduk 35 Clare st sekarang... tempat jatuh lagi dikenang. tempat makan cili masak ayam lagi best.
KKL oh ya, another trick - tomato sauce. yea betul. my mum suka letak gula melaka sikit. 1. utk ganti gula 2. bagi colour sambal cantik.
btw; i thought kuah pedas and orange juice don't go together? your perut can stand one? wahh, mmg betul guts of steel ni kan auntie de.
i kekadang cheating letak tomato puree.. warna pun jadi cantik, kepedasan kurang (suitable esp utk mat saleh tak tahan pedas), consistency dia pun best. plus rasa asam jugak, so save on precious asam jawa di kala tak cukup asam jawa.
mama sarah: 35 clare tu i think mr ali, owner dia yang duduk sekarang. dia dah do up and cantikkan rumah.
Mama Sarah
Haaa orange juice and asam... padanlah 'pelaburan' hari tu begitu hebat sekali! :D
Auntie De
Saya pun guna tomato puree. Kak Waheedah buat sambal ayam with chopped tomato. Kuah banyak lebih, so yesterday saya recycle kuah for another lot of asam pedas. Hari tu ikan cod (Iceland) hari semalam ikan mackeral (Iceland mari jugak). Pun letak tomato puree sikit. Tak beli asam jawa kat kedai India kah? But sometimes asam dia agaklah power.. expecially yang paste tu.
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