Apa ada pada rupa?
I started blogging late February 2006. Long, long time ago, I came across some sort of a weblog written by a Malay girl. She wrote about her daily experience and lots of words of wisdom. I thought she must really be one clever IT girl having to create a website as such. (I compared with the website Babah had to do for his projectwork. He used Dreamweaver software for the project, and it looked sooooo complicated)
Then I started reading Dyanna's website. Her black and white header captivated me (I prefer her current template) but I was not surprised with her capabilities. She was known as very IT literate.
I wrote to her saying that I wanted to start blogging but my main worry was my language. I was never good at writing during my schooldays. Then Dyanna said, 'buat apa nak takut bahasa tunggang terbalik. Bukan ada cikgu nak betul kan pun?" So I have decided to write in English as flawless as I can (flawless, I must be joking!) and trust me, you don't want to read my writing in Malay. It's ridiculously ridiculous. (Yes, that bad.)
So I started blogging. I didn't know that blogging is actually very simple. Easy peasy!!! But still, I was very naive about blogging world then. Not long after that, I was told that a good friend has a blog too. So Babah and I checked out her blog (Kenakelayan aka KKL). She has started blogging ages ago, and has a very long list of blog friends.
My oh my, her blog is so beautifully written with high class usage of language, with profound research and carefully formatted with annotation and footnotes just like writing a dissertation. I somehow felt small! And just prayed that she won't ever come to my blog and read my writing. (Please God, don't let her read my writing. It's the same feeling when you receive a guest when your house is 'upside down')
I chose the above photo to represent me as a blogger. Green leaves just to complement this green template. Also because the one drop of dew on the leaf, symbolising there is only one Mama Sarah in this world (haha, so bongkak of me) and the holes or torn leaves meaning I'm not perfect.
KKL left some comments in this blog. (Nooooo!!! She reads this blog!) Then Babah and I started to return comments in KKL's blog. Not long after that, we have received so many feedbacks from family, close friends, friends whom we have not heard for a long time, and made new friends too.
Later I learnt that there are so many Mama(s) in the blogging world too. But by then, it was too late to change my username to something else as I felt synonym to the name already. The same to the template. I've decided not to change the template.
I was also intrigued by the names other bloggers chose (care to tell the story, you all?). I cleverly catagorised them as the following;
- Some are straightforward like mine (ie Mom 2 Ashley, Dr In The House).
- Some are just purely their names (Sherin, Dyanna, Simah [?]) or an anagram of their names (ifos, xitayx)
- Some model themselves as someone else (they know who they are).
- Some have really funny and weird names (ie kenakelayan, pycnogenol).
- Some just left me wondering why they chose them? (ikelah, crimsonskye, Bergen)
As far as I'm concerned, this, or my blogspot is supposed to be about my two children; Sarah and Amar. And specially dedicated to their grandparents, though far but always dear to our hearts. I posted some photos to accompany the entries. And I have tried my best not to include my own photo in this blog. Simply because, this blog is not about me. (pardon me, sometimes I do post some entries regarding my cooking, and they got their 5 minutes fame too)
For those who have not met me in person, or must have confused me for someone else, I would like to introduce myself now. After all, I'm the kids' mother AND this entry is particularly about ME and the chronicles of how I began blogging, though no one asked for it.
Yes, nothing is free in this world. But I am so kind to give you a free explanation.
So, salam and hello all, this is a photo of me holding Amar.
Cute entry with a not so cute photo, :p
Selama ni Mynn ambik gambar bukan main sturdy lagi. Hak ni tetiba shaky macam ada Parkinson je! hehe
But I just LOVE your pic of green (lotus??) with a drop of dew and some holes on it. Its just so soothing to the eyes. That's why I just love green gardens full of leaves of different green shades. Gardens of flowers of many colors dont appeal to me.
I once wrote an entry describibg all my blogging friends but it sounded as though I was about to quit blogging thus I didnt post it, hehe
A very good post indeed!
I have the same feeling when I was contemplating whether I should start a blog. I worried about the language to use, the grammar, the content etc. Then I decided to just do it. I didn't want to have a theme because I wanted to write about anything under the sun - my kids, family, work, movies etc. That's why if it is your first time reading my blog, you'll probably think that it is - ROJAK! :)But, it is all about my life, hence the title, Life Worth Living.:)Alamak, macam blog entry pula. Sorry....
Btw, I love reading blogs written by mums! Go Mummies!
dont worry about the languange ...we're not writing for an english essay competition yeah....I was first intriduced to the blogsphere when my friend directed me to hers when i asked her how her gal was doing....after looking at what blog was all about, i decided to start one of my own then (i was a 4 months pregnant then). and now my blog's dedicated to my gal, ashley....someday she'd be able to read through the posts and she'd know what great joy that we as parents are going through bring her up....i chose the name mom2ashley cause i thought it's pretty straight forward la...hehehe....i used to use my name and then i changed it after a while..
:) Gomen, Mama Sarah. I would've kept my reading of your blog secret or not read it at all if I knew it would make you uncomfortable. :P Actually it was O-K who tipped me that you had a blog.
I like your writings. I just wish my life is just as exciting, or I can find interesting perspectives in my everyday stuff. But no... hehehe. Er, takle eloquent pun, I think you are much more eloquent than I.
I enjoy Mummy blogs too. I get a glimpse of what it is like to run a busy family. In a way I am 'curi tips' daripada seniors, hehehe. Walaupun sebnarnya sebaya je dengan senior semua. :D
Ahh have to go do Subuh!
Tak aci gambar tu blur!!!
Everyone has her own way of writing. I guess that is called a blog personality. You can let a little bit or all of the real you shine through in the way you write and in the 'feel' of your blog. IT IS YOUR BLOG and you can do whatever you want how you want it. Why worry? I get a good feeling reading mommy blogs and those written by young mothers sometimes make me wish I could go back to being young :)
Surprised to see my name mentioned.. hehe.. thanks.. kembang sat.. maybe my nose turned a little bit red.. (ref: Thermal Scan)..
Are you glad now that you've blogged?
I enjoy reading your entries.. Hope you'll keep on writing.
Hello Mama Sarah :)
Thanks for dropping by our blog.. it's nice making friends via the blogworld, don't you think? The other day I bumped into a familiar face (actually I recognized her kids more than the mother through the picture she posted on her blog!). I braved myself to go and say hi and it was a pleasant experience indeed :)
Unfortunately my father, upon knowing we have a blog for our son, was a bit (actually wayyy) against it-- you know, fearing for those with bad intentions who might know too much about the family via the blog and use it against us.. my hubby and I sayang laa nak close the blog as our main intention was to document the daily things we do so that our son could read them once he's old enough.. so we kept the blog but had to be more anonymous in writing (not as much fun though.. we couldn't put as many pictures as we wanted)
wished we live in an ideal world where everyone could be trusted (and a father who's more understanding..! but I understand his concerns)
anyways.. do keep on writing and enjoy what you do.
..and maybe we might just bump into each other someday ;)
Betui tuh kata QOTH cakap, Everyone have their own way of writing. So suka hati ler nak cakap apa, nak citer apa and nak guna bahasa apa kan..
Salam Kenal dari saya jugak..
Ajzie pun suka hijau..
DITH will bear that in mind! who knows, we might be neighbours. must have a corner of greens for your eyes.
Sherin hahaha too. if i were you, i'd definitely keep my blog a hush2, esp from your FIL!!!
mom2ashley look who's here! someone famous! p/s: i think you're very creative!
Prof KKL "padahal sebaya"??? I'm a little younger than you, orait?
Sometimes, when I have the time to re-read my posts and comments, I found loads of grammatical mistakes. RAsa nak sembunyi bawah meja! Malu sungguh.
but hey! Please you all, please (3x) cover one eye. And those who dare, sila beri tunjuk ajar (haha).
Queen Yes, everyone has their own way of writing.
I respect writers who are just rich with words, perfect grammar and beautiful stories - just to name a person: like DITH.
If i were to describe your writing personality, i'd say 'very unique and informative'
My fellow bloggers (including those who have left their comments here); I envy their creativity and the ability for them to write, and surprisingly have entertained and made me go back to their blogs.
oh and thank you for saying you like reading blogs by young moms.
yea, saya masih muda belia.
Cik Di M.Eng B.Eng Berbanyak-banyak terima kasih kepada anda yang telah memberi peransang kepada saya utk menulis (Walaupun vocab saya sangat limited)
mama ilsa your dad has got me worried too. errrrkkk... i must be careful with what i write next.
no wonder your template has somehow 'toned down' sikit yea? hmmm.
Ajzie payah benar nak hafal ejaan wilhlem~aje.... saya guna Ajzie sahaja ok?
Nama haziq pun ada "Ammar" kan. and mama-mama mereka pernah bersekolah di SIGS. yeay, what a coincidence.
cesh, gambar blur!
btw, answering your question in the previous three post, my nick means 'budak baik'.
Your poor brother.
SIGS??*drroza perks up her antenna* siapa sekolah sana? I schooled there too!
nnyddha ha ha! very funny.
i know you are a budak baik, ya syeikh. but nnydd does not mean that. unless if it is in another language. so what language is it then?
p/s: sengaja di enhance kan ke blur an gambar tersebut.
Dr Roza Me and Ajzie ex sigs. Tapi saya tak tahu ajzie batch bila. I was there for a few months only. sempat for my PMR/SRP. then form 4 sekejap. seingatnya Pn Fatimah was the HM.
Lepas tu masuk MRSM.
And before SIGS, sekolah Assunta. Tapi selalu malu nak mengaku ex Assuntarian (sebab I think now not so good reputation? saya sempat zaman sister enda and zaman polis kadet. zaman gilang gemilang.)
sekarang saya sudah tua!!!
Eh saya pun budak Assunta jugak! Tapi yang Kuantannyer branch, sekolah rendah :D
Hehehe ye tak ye jugak... by the time kawe start family dah bukan young mother lagi... hehehe... O-K ok tak?
Mama Sarah- The schools that I went:
Form 1- SIGS JB
Form 2- Assunta PJ -first term
SIGS JB- 2nd term
Zainab KB -3rd term
Form 3- ZS
Form 4,5- SGGS, Penang
2 schools we went to were the same but different era lah sbb I am verrrry the old one!
You really want to know?
Ceritanya begini. Pada suatu hari, selepas solat Isya di Dar al-Isra, saya melawat Mynn di biliknya dan dia suruh (read: paksa) saya main Diablo II. Dia kata best. Nak main tu kena create profile character. Kena bagi nama. Mynn bagitahu dia pakai nick Mynn. Mula-mula saya ingatkan nick tu Amin punya. Saya pun fikir lah apa nick nak pakai ni.
Pastu, sebab masa tu saya duduk di hall, nama dia senghenydd court, maka saya potong 'senghe' tu sebab tak commercial namanya, dan saya pakai 'nnydd'. Character saya masa main Diablo tu nama penuh dia, 'Nnydd Commander of the Faithful'. [Nnydd Amir al-Mukminin].
Ok, cerita dah habis. Saghah, tepuk tangan Saghah.
KKL remember this KKL, we will always be young at heart, ada bagus???
DITH banyak nya sekolah!! dulu2, bila orang tahu saya ni asyik pindah randah, orang ingat my dad was an askar! hahaha.
askar pindah randah ke?
so, i'm guessing you too followed your dad when he got transferred? what was it like moving house for you?
ps: we stayed in KB (for 2 years) too!!! kalau tak silap, kita duduk dkt Taman Sari, Jalan Hospital. Masa tu tengah buat A-Levels kat MSMKL.
WAahh banyaknya tempat tinggal kita yang sama. kecuali penang. have never been there.
May be boleh visit Cik Di kita nanti.
My Poor Brother, Nnydd Oooohhh begitu kah, ya syeikh ul mukminin? menarik sungguh ceritanya.
sejuk telinga mendengar perkataan Welsh. Mynn pun used to stay there. D1-4 (kan bby kan?)
tapi bab main game diablo tu... dah tua -tua masuk university pun main game lagi kah?
*clap*clap*clap* to Uncle Nnydd
As Penangites would say: "Mai, chek mai, chek mai..." The doors are always open for friends.
yup..simah is my name..a short one from bla bla blasimah hehehe
i think i have missed quite a lot of ur entries.. cepatnya mama sarah tulissss..so i comment semua kat sini ja..
i think it is a wonderful effort for u to try to record in particular the development of ur children's life..esp utk ur parents who r at the other side of the world baca..at least tak la diaorang terasasangat that they r missing out dlm life development of sarah n amar..
mynn...masyaAllah..bertuah u dapat suami yg baik
pasal blog writing ni.. ..u write what u wanna write..anyway u write..tunggang tebalik bahasa dia pon (mcm i tulis kat my blog)..who cares..the blog is urs n urs alone..who cares what others think kan?as i see it..u r doing a wonderful job with ur blog :0)
di kita balik msia nanti memang nak sangat pergi puloooo pinang. siap nasi kandaq banyak2 ok?
simah you're so sweet simah. thanks.
bukan tangan i tak steady lah. that picture is what people would call a work of @R7 :p
Baru dapat baca semula apa ada pada rupa serta all the comments. Cerita hospital macam dah habis. Apa lah pulak nak tulis seterusnya.
Setakat ini jalan cerita dan plot Amar dan Sara memang very good for us at home tapi komen2 mengiringinya banyak yang tak faham.
ada ala ala the ring tak? yahaha.. sorry mama saghah
mynn yea lah, yea lah. work of art pun boleh lah.
Ayah komen tu tak semestinya relevant dengan isikandung cerita. haha. nak tanya mama masak apa kat rumah pun boleh jugak.
auntie de i tak tengok lah cerita the ring. nanti i takut duduk sorang2 kat rumah.
betul ada kat wrexham minggu ni? nanti kita isi minyak penuh2, sampailah rumah you nanti. ok ke?
ha ah kitorang akan menunggu dgn setia. we all ada rumah whole day tomoro, so if u want an early start to the weekend pun boleh :)
ala i pun tak abis tgk cite ring tu. sekadar first 20 mins je.. haha.. tapi ada part pasal gambar2 tu. but nvm, kalau nak tau tanya mynn then :)
I tgk Citer Ring sorang2 tgh2 mlm the 1st yr I sampai UK. Mmg horror, lagi horror bila tiba2 pintu living room tu terbuka... rupa2 my housemate heran apa yg kita terjerit2 tu..
auntie de
kitorang confirm datang wrexham this weekend tau, insya allah esok bertolak aim sampai insya allah around noon before sembahyang jummat. tak sabar!!
Salam Mama Sarah,
thanks for dropping by.
When I started to blog, I had the same feeling because I know I'm not good with words.. my writing memang terrible in both BM & English. At first I even kept it from my friends who blog coz I my language is not at par with them.
But now I'm so glad that I blog, it keeps me in touch with old friends, make new ones and reunite with friends I thought I've lost.
auntie de don't even remind me of the title. give me the creeps
KKL anda pandai menjerit tengok cerita hantu jugak kah? have you watched dark water and the eye? saya selalu remind diri sendiri, ini adalah cerita rekaan semata-mata dan saya sedang ditipu.
still didn't work. especially sebab teringat-ingat cerita exorcist.
mynn haaa, nak jalan pagi tu, sila tidur awal-awal.
ubisetela i wonder where you get your name from.
"I chose the above photo to represent me as a blogger. Green leaves just to complement this green template. Also because the one drop of dew on the leaf, symbolising there is only one Mama Sarah in this world (haha, so bongkak of me) and the holes or torn leaves meaning I'm not perfect."
Thank you for the above explanation. You may not be perfect Mama Sarah, but you are one genuine blogger. And, I like only genuine bloggers. Jenis yang plastik-plastik tu, Pycno tak minat lah.
BTW, I love this entry - genuine and straight from the heart!!
Keep up the good work.
Thanks very much pycno! Didn't anticipate that coming at all.
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