Hoorah! Babah Study!

Babah was on study leave on Monday and Tuesday.
Since he was on study leave, he has decided to study outside!
(Please excuse the unglamorous red plastic Sarah's activity table)
Please be warned that this is my first attempt to author an online diary. Generally, it is about the adventure of Sarah and Amar. Some (if not a lot of) photos will also be shared. The tale is especially dedicated to Sarah and Amar's grandparents who are thousands of miles away but very close at heart.
Pigeonhole Growth n Development
uii.. power bebenor zoom lens camera you mama sarah, kalah aboh danial punye, hehe. kalau guna tangkap gambar i sure nampak blemish2.. lariii...!
zoom lens terpower di dunia!!! yes, aboh danial pun mesti geleng kepala tengok teknik yang i guna.
told you auntie de, about the mangekyou sharingan ... 360 vision kan.
Patut la u were so occupied ya?
Nice back yard
Abah Sarah looked so pensive in that pic with mug in hand. Concentrating on his study or what? hehe
mynn tak habis2 mangekyou you tu! Allah bagi I ilham tau. i can see thru you. hah tu tengah study ke tengah guna Pandora?
Sherin very occupied especially when the boss is around.
DITH i sure hope so!!!
p/s: the other DITH is using the computer, eh?
ke mama sarah telah mengGIMPkan gambar screen tu? hahaha... unlikely, but its a thought :P
auntie de seterer-terer i berkomputer,I tak lah sabotaj screen computer tu.
(padahal buta GIMP!!! well, belum cuba lagi)
haah, bila masa study byk kerut sikit muka i. all to "squeeze" every bit of function from my weak brain cells, hehehe.
Auntie de
haah! mama sarah photoshop kan gambar tu lah! dia superimpose gambar i blog over gambar i study ...
mynn i take that as a compliment!!
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