How to Make Cookies by Sarah
Sarah and I went to Tesco to buy our weekly groceries, when we saw this funky cookies cutter and a mini rolling pin. It says on the pack: suitable for 3 years and over.
Sarah is not 3 yet, but I thought it would be a good activity under VERY close supervision.
So here is an account of how to make "Finger Licking Yummy Honey Cookies" by Little Sarah. (words by Mama Sarah, of course)
First you need (directly from the recipe suggested at the back of the pack) (click on the photo above to get the original recipe),
175g clear honey, 175g flour, 3 eggs, 75g butter, 175g chocolate chips and1 tsp baking powder

Lightly dust a chopping board with flour and
roll out mixture onto board with the rolling pin provided.

You might need to press hard
to cut through the chocolate chips.

Place on a greased baking tray and put in the oven (170C).
Please get an adult to do this part for you, because the oven
is hot! hot! hot! (trademark of Big Cook, Little Cook)

The fun bit! Makan time.
Sarah's home-made "Finger Licking Yummy Honey Cookies" on Opah's special day, or shall we just buy Famous Amos Cookies?
Sarah is not 3 yet, but I thought it would be a good activity under VERY close supervision.
So here is an account of how to make "Finger Licking Yummy Honey Cookies" by Little Sarah. (words by Mama Sarah, of course)
First you need (directly from the recipe suggested at the back of the pack) (click on the photo above to get the original recipe),
175g clear honey, 175g flour, 3 eggs, 75g butter, 175g chocolate chips and1 tsp baking powder

Add in the flour, baking powder and chocolate chips to the butter mixture.

Lightly dust a chopping board with flour and
roll out mixture onto board with the rolling pin provided.
Cut with the cookie cutters. Yellow, purple and pink.

You might need to press hard
to cut through the chocolate chips.
And have a little laugh when you succeeded to cut it.
Or you can make any other shapes if you like,
round shapes ?
round shapes ?

Place on a greased baking tray and put in the oven (170C).
Please get an adult to do this part for you, because the oven
is hot! hot! hot! (trademark of Big Cook, Little Cook)
This is what you get 20 minutes later...
Allow the cookies to cool.
Allow the cookies to cool.

The fun bit! Makan time.
Sarah's home-made "Finger Licking Yummy Honey Cookies" on Opah's special day, or shall we just buy Famous Amos Cookies?
Pandailah Sarah, mashaAllah!!! Tak nak hantar ke London kasi Aunty Manis rasa ke? :D
Cute-nye! Ada lagi x biskut tu?
alamak, sedapnya.. perut auntie de dah berkeroncong ni. moga2 sarah ikut footsteps mama dia jadi a good cook! emyr has already followed my footsteps towards becoming a good eater! hee hee :P
(kalau auntie de ada masa sarah buat cookies tu memang tak sempat tangkap gambar punya. tangkap gambar auntie de yang kenyang je, hehehe)
wah Sarah so clever la..
Nak sikit? Bole posto ke M'sia?
The most satisfying part is seeing her eat her own cooking. Is she aware of that? That she has eaten her own cooking? :))
Auntie Manis, Auntie Naz, Auntie De and Auntie Sherin Cookies semua habis! Kita sebenarnya buat half the measurement. And makan "sekali hadap" (bak kata auntie de)
Auntie DITH I couldn't wait to eat my cookies! I wanted to eat them straight from the oven. But Mama said "No! Wait for them to cool first!"
p/s you guys; auntie de ada recipe famous amos cookies. Sedap! Boleh jadi hidangan biskut hari raya. TAk nak minta resepi from auntie de?
cookies dia sedaaaap, i yang makan semua, tu habis tu (im not joking about makan almost semua)
ASM, 1st time here...
of course you're qualified to be a mother, you gave birth didnt you :) Insya-Allah a fie one too...
keep on recording your memories there :)
When Sarah was small, I often wonder how would she looks as she grows. Now, more and more she resembles her mum. Look, and perhaps culinary skills?
However, having followed her progress so far, I now wonder did her mum antics was like Sarah's (i.e. quoting MS - hyperactive) when she (Mama Sarah) was two?
mynn haha! memang babah & mama sarah yang makan banyak. sarah tak kisah pun. dia yang tukang suap orang.
izhal waalaikumsalam, 1st time someone passed a comment like that too! kelakar pulak rasa. Pn. Fara tak ber-blogging juga ke?
my rich brother, nnydd i'm pretty certain that I was just a plain two year old girl, as not much has been mentioned about me from my family. Probably that means I was a good girl. (Not!! heh heh)
Let us all pray supaya Sarah dan Amar menjadi anak-anak yang soleh, hormat kepada orang tua dan taat kepada Allah.
pandainya ni bila nak makan cookies...u all bole la suruh sarah buat kan? tak payah beli kat kedai ..
masyaallah.. pandainya Sarah.. dah boleh buat cookie.. auntie diyana nak sikit. I don't think I did anything like her when I was two.. except for... hmm.. tak ingat. Tahniah to Mama Sarah yg bijak memupuk minda anak2 beliau.
simah suruh sarah buat. hehehe, memang dia suka pun. each time dia tengok gambar dia buat cookies, mesti dia bising nak buat 'akot' (biskut)
Di nak sikit kena datang sini. ka t malaysia nanti kita hidang yang beli sahaja. hehe.
nanti karang takut pulak datang jauh2 beribu2 batu, hidang biskut Sarah saje dan air Robinson.. heheh... gurau je ;)
nisak and auntie de
just to let u guys know from 2mrw till sunday ada malaysia week kat covent garden. perasmian by dato rais yatim and host by mahathir lokman. if u guys interested. tatatititutu.
mama danial aka tom
auntie Di Mama Sarah tak lah sekejam itu. Kurang-kurang pun ikan bilis goreng, all time favourite.
KAlau tak sempat goreng pun, kita tapau Nando's lah.
Mama Danial si Choo choo train You nak pi tengok Dato Rais Yatim ke? Nak tengok mahathir lokman. Ke you nak pi makan sate? Mahathir lokman tu single lagi kan?
Ambik ler gambar food banyak2, pastu load kat fotopages. boleh i cuci mata.
dato rais yatim. name sounds familiar but cant for the life of me remember who he is. mahathir lokman i remember, haha.. oh well. makan sate bebanyak utk i ok?
auntie de tu lah duduk UK lama sangat ni auntie de.
kenal celebrity sahaja yea? menteri tak kenal eh? tsk (3x)
Hehehe dengar citer kat Covent Garden tu ada pertandingan or was it lucky draw? Anyway, hediahnye tiket balik Malaysia plus hotel... best best best!
Kalau ada makan halal free nak jugak pergi... tapi no time lah..
bukan apa mama sarah, to me, very few Malaysian politicians stick in my mind, only because of their lack of jasa to the rakyat.
mahathir lokman tu i ingat pasal dulu saban hari tgk dia baca berita.. haha..
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