Wednesday, May 17, 2006


I set an appointment to see Sarah's GP on Monday,15 May 2006 at 9am. Since the last treatment, her skin has improved. There are black scars (stories I will divulge later) The GP said that the scar will disappear after time and hopefully Sarah will outgrow her eczema too.

The GP has asked to stop using the 3 in 1 mixed cream. Now, Sarah is on Clobetasone for body, Hydrocortisone for face, Oilatum for bath and Epaderm for any other time all over the body and face. The kind doctor has also asked me to bring Sarah to see her again in a couple of months for another review. If you must know, the prescriptions are free for children under 16.

She is getting better everyday, alhamdulillah. I know every child is different. There are some kids I know whose speech are very fluid at the tender age of 1+. And I know some kids who can do things very early. These are superkids!

I am thankful for every single triumphant Sarah has achieved. When she succeed, I applaud her. Let it be early or late.

She does stumble over words, but I've read that's not a sign of stuttering. So am not worried.

She could also say her name now.


Well, almost perfect. At least not Wawa anymore, and she will correct those who call her wrongly.

Counting nb1
She counts 1 to 10. I think it's time to teach her eleven to twenty now. It's funny when she counts the steps as she comes down the stairs, one, two, ...., ten. And there are 3 more steps to ground, she will start counting again from one. (ie: .... eight, nine, ten, one, two...)

Yes, I know that kids her age could count more than that. Like I said, every kid is unique.

The reading list on the sidebar shows the books borrowed from the library for Sarah and Amar.
Amar loves the touch and feel books. Sarah loves Shirley Hughes books. I find reading them books best in the morning. When their brains are wide awake!

I have noticed that whenever I read books in the afternoon, both of us start to yawn and funny enough that whenever we get to "Alfie's number", a counting book to Sarah, I will find her sleeping! This has happened thrice. The same book, afternoon time means sleep.

She recognises the letters 'O' and 'S' and numbers '4' and '5' very well. Other letters and numbers are guessed at random. Books do play a big role in Sarah's reading development. Constant reading helps her a lot. Sometimes, I see her sitting on the sofa with a book in her hands. She babbles away with familiar words or a made up language.

Sarah loves things to be done step by step. If I taught her things to be done

A, B, C

She will expect me or others to do A, B, C the next time too. She will not accept

A, C then B.


C, B then A.

Sarah's eczema has left her some scars. Sometimes, I couldn't help but to think that it looks like she has been abused! Seriously. Some look like cigarettes burn.

Last week I heard a conversation between Sarah and her Babah.

"Babah nok ni, akit" (Babah,tengok ni, sakit)
"Kenapa sakit" asked Babah
"Mama ukol Saghah. Mama buat" (Mama pukul Sarah)
"Iya ke?" Babah replied sambil ketawa
"Shian Sagha" (Kasihan Sarah) self pity.

I knew her "tale" already, as she complained the same thing to me the day before. She said Mama yang pukul dia and Mama buat, because I squeezed her nanah out so hard until she cried. The scars were still visible and claimed that I was the one who hurt her.

If the social services people come and see the scars and hear Sarah's story, I bet I'd be behind bars!!! Sarah can definitely 'berkata-kata'.

She knows yu (blue), yed (red), yack(black).

Her favourites are PINK! and purple. (And she says them perfectly too)

I think she knows yellow and green too, but she finds them hard to utter the words. After a long thought, she will say "PINK" to every unknown colours.


Anonymous said...

This must be the latest entry. Kenapa pulak Sara tu.Ingat Amar saja yang bernanah jari.Harap tak melarat kedua2nya.
Tapi tumpang gembira kedua2nya suka buku dan Sara pun dah picking up more words. Pastinya tak lama lagi bertambah sibuklah nak layan dia orang bercakap, bercerita, bertanya dll. Nasib baiklah fulltime mother kalau tidak .....
Komputer dah pulih ni tapi mama ada tugasnya.

Mama Sarah said...

ayah sebenarnya sarah punya eczema tahap teruk a month ago. sampai bernanah 3 tempat. Sekarang dah pulih. Cuma tinggal kesan kudis. Dah makin hilang.

Sekarang Sarah masih pelat tapi her speech dah boleh faham. Sibuk bercakap, bertanya dan yang paling letih bila dia suruh kita bacakan buku dan ceritakan princess and the frog and tortoise and the hare.

Mama Pongkey said...

Kesiannya Sarah. I sort of assumed that her eczema has gone away...

And she is very girly, suka pink and purple (strangely enough I outgrew the pink but not the purple). I hope she doesn't start getting into Barbie? Hehehe.

dith said...


ALhamdulillah you have the time and keen eyes to make all these observations on your kids and the best part is to be able to record them. Cherish them!

Anonymous said...

bie you forgot to mention her other skills like:

1. somersaults onto pillows

2. operating a DVD player. she could take a dvd from its jacket, put it into a dvd player, go to the right menus & press play -- to watch a movie.

3. buat air teh utk babah : ambik tea bag, i masukkan air panas, she'd stir the water, ask me to put in some milk & she'd take out the tea bag to throw into a bin & she'd put the teaspoon in the sink.

4. nag babah utk bangun tidur

5. nag babah utk makan duduk

6. nak babah utk ucap "alhamdulillah" after bersin

7. nag babah utk kemas katil lepas bangun tidur

8. nag babah utk jangan sepah

9. nag babah utk jangan buang jacket atas sofa

10. nag babah utk reduce volume of the computer "shhh! amar (ti)dur"

11. main playstation 2

12. jump from high places & still land on her feet

13. sing japanese songs

and lots more!

Mama Sarah said...

check guna fone ke computer kat ward ni?

tu you dah tulis dah tu!!! mana i ada masa nak tulis semua2222 satu entry.

whoops, amar jaga

simah said...

i tak tau mana satu entry yg i suka baca..entry pasal sarah ker or u berlawan kata ngan ur hubby dlö comment section ni..

Mama Sarah said...

Sorry tak sempat nak balas semalam. Kena 'stay up' jaga Amar.

KKL Sarah loves PINK! I pun sekarang dah buat mental note kalau nak beli her clothes. She prefers pink.

DITH Yes, this is a good way to record their milestones. I've always wanted to keep a diary ever since Sarah was a little baby.

This blog will serve an open log about them.

simah hahaha. funny you said that. kita suka berebut 'title' pun. tapi i selalu mengalah, sebab he's the one who's wearing the pants.

Lagipun, when it comes to writing, kadang2 susah nak mengarang because of kelemahan saya sendiri. I wish I could write as fluent as you, DITH (esp), KKL, my hubby, and you know what all other bloggers are so good in writing!!!

Mama Pongkey said...

Hehehe I love reading your writings. I think you are probably more fluent and more coherent than me :)

simah said...

mula la tu nak merendah diri.. u write wonderfully la...kalau tidak takkan org org yg kasi comment kat u ni datang blog u kan? setuju tak kawan kawan bloggers?

Anonymous said...

hee hee.. i ingat dulu masa sarah baru belajar pasal colours ni. first colour she knew of was PINK. semua pun pink. ada satu hari tu, safiya pakai seluar biru, i cakap the colour is blue. dia insist pink. so it went on and on,
'blue..' '(P)INK..' 'no, blue, sarah ..' 'noo, (P)INK..' 'bluue..' '(P)IIINK! ..' etc etc.. hahaha.. kelakar la sarah

Mama Sarah said...

KKL probably is not definite.

Simah betul!!! nanti saya cerita pasal betapa takutnya saya nak mulakan blog ni. sebab bimbang bahasa saya yang tidak mengikut hukum tatabahasa, apalagi grammar saya yang tunggang terbalik. padahal mak saya mengajar bahasa inggeris suatu ketika dahulu! haha sungguh memalukan ibu saya.

auntie de you can never win with sarah! she has to win. otherwise, jerit pekik lah dia sampai orang ikut ckp dia.

tapi i boss. haha. kalau i mengalah pun, i retreat with pride or ada udang di sebalik batu. keh keh keh.

Mama Pongkey said...

hehe I told you I am not coherent!

mynn said...

i'm the one wearing the pants???

what does that mean?

ha ah, zaman sekarang ni tak payah call dah, cerita je semua kat blog. ha ha.

nisak bukan sahaja tengah pandai blog, she's secretly and progressively learning GIMP skills as well.

the picture above is just a tester, but tengok lah in the future macam2 dia plan tu. i sense animated gif soon as your next project betul ke bie? (i terjumpa notes yang you print)

Anonymous said...

mynn and mama sarah:

teeheehee, still finding out about each others?

Mama Pongkey said...

animated giff?? Wahhh nak belajar!

*tunduk style Jepun* 'Sila berikan tunjuk ajar!'