Friday, June 09, 2006

Here's to a good friend.

On every first day of the new term during my school days, my mother always gave us the same pesan: "Baik-baik pilih kawan." I believe she meant well by saying that. I went to SRK Sultan Abu Bakar (2), Muar and I can still remember the names of my good friends. One of them was the top student, Jue. I believe she visits this blog and leave comments occasionally.

Our current neighbours are nice people too. In fact during Ramadhan, the left neighbour gave us food almost everyday! Recently she said, if you have good neighbours, that is because you are good too.

I feel lucky that I am surrounded by good people. Including Auntie De's family. As you all know, we went to visit them last weekend. She has 2 children; Emyr (2 in September) and Safiya (almost 6 months).


uiii, buat apa tu?

Emyr is one funny boy! He has a big and deep voice. He loves to play outside. On the day we arrived, he took his 'Shish' (Shoes) and kept on asking his mom to open the sliding door so that he could play outside.

doing the monkey dance

Emyr is a very good boy too. He sits still in his car seat in the car. And in the stroller during our outing to the Zoo.

this is how you do sumo

Emyr loves books very much. Especially the touchy feely ones. When he cries, the ubat is "Let's read books", then he will go quiet.


Steady... steady....

Waaaaaaaaaaaaa! I want my Mama!!!

The ever so sweet Safiya. Sarah loves her so much. Pantang dengar nak mandikan or nak change Safiya. You will see Sarah tagging along Auntie De to watch Safiya getting changed. Even until now, Sarah agah Safiya's photos on the computer. "Ala baby ni" said Sarah. I will always remember Safiya's laughters when playing with Sarah.

Uncle De

We knew Uncle De after he married Auntie De in 2003. He's a football fanatic and the type, you will get a silent answer when you ask him question when he watches a football match.

Whoops, is that too sensitive? Sorry, Uncle & Auntie De. But I'm sure there are other more football fanatics out there. (Good luck during the World Cup, Auntie De!)

The good thing about Uncle De is, he is a very practical person. I've heard he has given a lot of good and useful advices to Babah on a lot of stuff.

Uncle De's friends

We have met Uncle De's friends on many occasion. I suspect the husband is a football fanatic just like Uncle De. The wife is a doctor. They have an 11 month son, and also pregnant with twins (Due in December 06)

Their son is so adorable and always smiling. Both the mom and dad are very soft spoken and very polite. How I envy the mom's amenity and gentility.

Auntie De

I started to become 'close' to Auntie De in 2002. I would describe her then as quiet but witty. Babah described her as a 'Genius'. No wonder, she was a distinction student in her final year.

During her final year, she had to attend different blocks at different hospitals around Wales. So, I rarely see her and rarely tasted her cooking. To my surprise, after her final exams, she cooked Laksa Johor for 15-20 people! Then, I learnt that she actually cooks very well. (poor thing she had to put up with my tasteless cooking over the weekend during her final year.)

We remain close until today. I have learned a lot of things from her. About cooking, parenting, life etc. She is a very good friend.

When we visited her recently, she said jokingly that if we were to post her photo on the blog, we have to GIMP or photoshop her pores, freckles etc... Sorry Auntie De, I'm too lazy to go through my GIMP tutorial notes. I've decided to post up half of your face so that viewers will only see half of the freckles, alright?

I hope my mother and the rest of the family will be happy to know that we have good circle of friends here.


dith said...

Have we pointed out that Sarah is my eldest and Safiyah is my second daughter? What a coincidence! I think we have pointed this out before, have we? hehe...getting senile, eh..

Mama Sarah said...

DITH Yes Doc, we have at some point. (That 'S' word is not supposed to be mentioned at our age)

And guess what, Auntie De will call her next son Muhammad Luqman and next daughter: Alya.

So, your next son will be called Amar Emyr?

dith said...

Mama- Insyallah, a next son is out of the pic, unless if you want to become my surrogate mum! :p

Jamil said...

Am so blessed to have met all of you. Even if it is just over the internet :)

Izhal said...

hello :) 1st timer here friend :) nice blog you have... Alhamdulillah you have good friends in UK and also a genius good friend visiting your blog always...

nuhaafnan said...

a'kum, bloghopped my way via ... (hmm how did u get here..?) Nway, nice blog u have here. Maybe i can linky-winky?

simah said...

promote mama sarah jangan tak promote kengkawan kat blog..tapi memang..bila ada good people around u..u feel safe n warm inside kan?

Anonymous said...

DITH ingat surrogate mom ada kat barat aje. kat malaysia boleh juga ke?

Hiyoshi I'm lucky to have met you lot as well.

izhal brader, ni your 2nd time lah. muda2 dah lupa yea.

raggedyanne waalaikumsalam. go ahead with your linky winky. why not? you are writing about your princess nunu, right?

simah safe n warm. hahaha. true. I especially like those who inspire you to do good things. just like my family, my fellow blog friends and esp auntie de.

pycnogenol said...

I hope that your mum and the rest of the family will be happy to ALSO know that you are surrounded by equally good, interesting and mysterious blogger-friends!!

dyanna said...

hehe.. Emyr buat apa tu? Is that his normal 'dance' routine? kelakar lah..

Anonymous said...


good people begets good friends, mama sarah! :D banyak jasa mama sarah pada i ni.

emyr has a number of complicated dance routines dyanna, and the one caught by mama sarah was the 'im-so-happy-sarah-&-amar-are-here-ill-dance-like-a-chicken-pretending-to-be-a-monkey' routine. hee hee..

Sherin de Souza said...

mama sarah:
:) Alhamdulillah, you have good friends.. yg pandai masak lagi!

Take care..

crimsonskye said...

I feel all good by this entry alone :)

Anonymous said...

Your special entry on friends and friendship is very encouraging and laudable.

And allow me to quote your neighbour's remark that if you have good neighbours, that is because you are good too during my lecture to some 150 senior teachers on Thursday this week. I will be talking on Values and Ethics.

Mama Sarah said...

pycno 'Mysterious' <-- heh heh.

dyanna Emyr memang kelakar

auntie de Jasa? bunyi macam i ni dah umur 50 tahun pulak!

sherin yes... have to learn to appreciate them more (supaya dapat makanan yang sedap sentiasa) (tak sabar nak jumpa you, nak rasa your Em's fav spaghetti bolognese).

crimsonskye glad you feel that way.

anonymous you may quote my neighbour :)

(I wonder who you are though)

Sherin de Souza said...

mama sarah:

ditto! I pun tak sabar nak jumpa u....

Anonymous said...

Hi alun,
you know reading up your blog has become a must for me each day - scaryy (in a good way of course). It is a very nice break from staring at a word file nearly the whole day! - Easy way to gain weight eh. The post of pictures on food doesn't help either.

Oh, it's nice to be mentioned on your blog, an honor but mind you I was never the top student. Amy always beat me to it.

Can't wait for your entry tomorrow!

Warmest regards,

Mama Sarah said...

Jue I wonder where Amy is now. Ingat tak, when we were in Std 4-5? kita pergi sekolah agama kan? And you got full marks for your arabic.

That was just amazing!

To me you guys memang sangat pandai: Yourself, Amy, Nor Zarina, Ida, (to name a few) and Fatimah (the dark horse)

nuhaafnan said...

erk, i meant to type (how did i get here) alah biasalah huruf i kan sebelah huruf u LOL!