Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Sorry, but it's Stratford upon Avon again!

Part of the Shakespeare's birthplace

Auntie De, her family and friends went to a few nice places yesterday, including Oxford. She mentioned the next stop would be Cambridge.

But then she suggested to go to Stratford upon Avon. I hesitated to agree with her suggestion, worried that she would be late for scenic Cambridge. Anyway, the advantage of Spring-Summer season, the days are longer. They could always have a quick stop in Cambridge on the way to Essex later on.

So off we went into A46 straight to the Shakespeare City. Upon arriving, Auntie De straight away asked for the nearest 'Gift Shop'. She collects fridge magnets.

We went passed Shakespeare's birthplace. Took some photos infront of the house. Then Auntie De and Fifi bought some souvenirs from the gift shop. While the Babahs bought some icecreams.

At the icecream parlour

Dah comot dah

Ni anak Babah 'sebijik'

We waited Auntie De and Fifi for a short while and struck a few poses, and started walking again towards River Avon. We have to walk passed the town centre to get to the river and the park.

The weather was sunny but not too hot.

We reached the park and the river. We crossed a small bridge to get to the other side of the river. There is a monument with excerpts from Shakespeare's work on every corner of the structure. Pity, the monument was a little bit vandalised.

Background: The monument

We chose to sit under the shade of the trees near the monument and let the kids loose.

Emyr struggling to be set free

Emyr being a typical 20 months old boy, just loved the freedom. But it could be dangerous if not supervised because of the river. He definitely aimed to run near the water. Auntie De was always running after him. And Emyr was always trying to make and escape.

Emyr making an escape! Amar too!

I could feel Auntie De's concerns over Emyr's safety. I was like that too when Sarah was his age. I felt like Sarah could anytime jumped in the water to be with the ducks and swans. Now Sarah is slightly bigger and I think she understands the meaning of "dangerous" and she managed to refrain herself from going to close to the water.

Be patient Auntie De!

The finishing line.
Sarah was the winner, Emyr second, Last but not least, Auntie De.

Still managing a smile although losing to the kids!

Amar was over friendly. While trying to escape, he went to a couple who sat close to us and said "Aaaaa?" (meaning hello!)

He also saw a tennis ball lying around and made a runner to take it. But luckily I was still able to run after him.

We made a move shortly afterwards. Amar was behaving ever so excellently that day. He didn't protest when he was strapped in the stroller. (He rarely does, anyway)

All in all, it was another eventful trip to Stratford upon Avon. It was even more fun when the Des and Fifi were with us.

I think these ducks must have recognised us by now. Hey ducks, I have an incling that we are coming again... soon!


simah said...

bestnya u berjalan mama sarah...the pics r nice too..thanks for sharing them with us..eh ur hubby dah beli handphone baru ker utk u?

Anonymous said...


update for nisak: my parents won't be going back to notts this weekend and are staying in essex. please reroute your journey plans to essex ok? :) we will finally be going 'balik kampung' to cardiff tomorrow, tapi day trip je, and will be returning tu essex.

these days emyr looks at your picture and says 'AaSak! AaSak!'

Mama Sarah said...

simah u remember!!! haha. belum beli fone baru. masih fikir lagi.

auntie de mana budak emyr tu? kasi training -- NI SAK--



Esok I jumpa, kalau dia panggil AaSak lagi, i gigit!

p/s: balik cardiff eh? kirim salam rindu to spicy wings Chicken Cottage!

dyanna said...

Uuu.. chicken cottage.. does brought back a lot of savoury memories, hehe.. the milkshake, chicken wings...

Actually I think Auntie De won the race, kalau lari in reverse..

I do do agree that Stratford Upon Avon is a beautiful place.. surely is a muse for Shakespeare.

Jamil said...

Sarah does indeed look remarkably similar to her dad. Memang anak babah sebijik la :)

Funny..from the way Auntie De was posing, I thought she was the finishing line T_T

Hehe...Sekarang awak ni Auntie Aasak yer? Dok mengasak siapa?

dith said...

Did Sarah have a haircut? Looks shorter. Yep she does resemble babah Mynn a lot.

I'm sure the ducks by now have taken you as Shakespere's next of kin!

So nak pi jalan-jalan eh? Happy trip!

Anonymous said...

Hi alun,
The pictures are wonderful, wish I can be there myself. But perhaps the pictures of food looked better haha.
It amazes me the kind of meals you cooked up! I know I can never be able to make such savoury meals - I stick more to the simple kind heh.

Btw when are you coming back to Malaysia? And is your husband working or studying still?


Mama Pongkey said...

:D Hehehe the minute I saw Sarah for the 1st time I knew she was Babah's Mini Me!

Pergi Essex yea? Ada Freeport Braintree kalau nak menyopping. Ada Mexx, Next, Clarks' and er, other stuff that I dunno about. Cambridge is gorgeous at this time of year. Kalau ada kawan kat Cam Uni best boleh masuk the Colleges for free!

Ajzie said...

Memang sama ler Sarah n ayah nye. Anak ayah betui.. Seronok kan mereka. Makan ice-cream sure comot mcm Alya.. Tp nak makan sediri jugak..Sabau aje lah..

Sherin de Souza said...

Syoknye! Cantik la.. Mana gambar u ni?

Mama Sarah said...

Dyanna siapa yg pernah kerja dkt Chic Cot ah? I suka spicy wings dia. BBQ ribs pun sedap.

Hiyoshi Auntie De the finishing line. haha.

DITH haha Shakespeare's next of kin. But we don't have his curls lah.

Mama Sarah said...

Jue When are we going back? haha, that's the question! Muhaimin is working and 'studying'.

KKL Why are you not in Cambridge, boleh kita masuk free. Nak pergi Essex bukan nak shopping tau!

Ajzie Tulah! Berapa kali salin baju. Nasib baik summer, basuh baju cepat kering.

Sherin You pernah sampai Stratford Sherin? I'm sure ada Malaysian student dekat STratford Uni kan? Tapi jarang pulak nampak students kat situ. Gambar? Hehe, as if you don't know me.

Sherin de Souza said...

Unfortunately I tak pernah sampai sana la but I've heard all about the place. I went to Cambridge though. Also a nice place. Have you been to Dover? Check out the haunted Dover Castle. Really nice.

dyanna said...
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dyanna said...

MS: Kalau tak silap Azah dulu keje situ (kot?)

It might just be me, but I think the green 'main panel' is a little bit darker.. tweaking/testing with html,eh?