A day in Oxford
We didn't 'plan' this trip. Although, I purposely left the website pages about places to visit in Oxford on the computer hoping Babah would 'read' when he came back from work on Friday. He asked, "Nak buat apa this weekend? Nak gi Oxford ke?"
Heh heh, my hint worked. My only concerned was the weather. It was cloudy, not so good for photography. At least, not with our camera. But still, we came back with 400 plus photos in our camera.
It was a 50-60 minutes journey from our house. The journey was pretty smooth and we headed straight to the first "P" sign we saw once we reached Oxford city centre. There were so many interesting places to visit. Every corner that we looked at has its own attraction. We didn't know where to start. So we just followed 'our feet'.
The first few buildings that we saw
One of the many colleges in Oxford. (I'm guessing St Peter's College)
A tower still standing in the middle of the city centre.
Another tower that still exist.
An unknown building. We were just snapping photos along the way.
It was a huge grand place. We passed the huge door where a gentleman in black suit and black bowler hat was standing. We should have gone in through the huge door where we would see a beautiful fountains, Tom Quad and Peckwater Quad. But we didn't know and walked straight ahead. The place and many other spots in Oxford were not clearly signed unless you have with you a map of Oxford.
We thought that we have reached the botanic garden when we saw a huge iron gate with lots of people entering the place. Actually we were still in the Christ Church grounds and have just arrived at the proper entrance of the main building.
Christ Church: Great Hall
Christ Church is the only college in the world which is also a cathedral. (Source: Wikipedia) It has been seen as the most elite college traditionally and has produced thirteen British prime ministers(!).
There was a long queue at the entrance so we didn't even attempt to join the queue. We were busy posing for photos when I heard a Dad telling his son that this was the place where they filmed Harry Potter. I can so relate the building to the film.
Lewis Carroll author of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland also attended this prestigious college. And the city of Christchurch, New Zealand was also named after this place.
Near the meadow
Opposite the building is the meadow, a huge open field with a view of River Cherwell and River Thames running near it.For those who are interested to view a professional virtual tour of Christ Church may click here.

The Front Quadrangle of Balliol College
This college claims to be the oldest college in the University. The interesting history stated that the college is thought to date back as far as 1263 when John Balliol, a wealthy English Lord, and his wife Princess Dervorguilla of Galloway bought and maintained a house for poor students in the suburbs of Oxford as an act of charity.
We found this place by accident. It was right opposite of "The Oxford Story" and the Tourist Information Centre, where we bought a couple of fridge magnets for our own personal collections. The entrance fee was only £1 per adult.

The Garden Quadrangle
The weather became quite chilly that we had to wear extra layer of clothing.
Babah and Sarah also went up the steep steps into the Hall. And I couldn't help but to imagine and hope that Sarah and Amar would study hard and be an Oxford University student one day.
Amar remained a good boy in the push chair,
while Sarah had the liberty to run around the garden.
Babah and Sarah also went up the steep steps into the Hall. And I couldn't help but to imagine and hope that Sarah and Amar would study hard and be an Oxford University student one day.

Overlooking Trinity College
For virtual tour of Balliol College, click here.
The Clarendon Building
Suddenly at 4 pm, the clouds cleared away and there was the blue sky again. Even Sarah noticed it and said, "Ada sun dah." And there were still loads more to see! Like before, we blindly walked to the end of Broad Street where we saw the above Clarendon Building. It changed possessions a few times but currently, it is part of the Bodleian Library.
This must have been my favourite place. I didn't know what it was until I heard a tour guide explained to a group of tourist that this place used to be the main lecture halls. Each department or faculty was clearly signed on every door in Latin. They do not use the rooms as lecture halls anymore, but if it is used as a library is also not certain as the tour guide was explaining in a rush as the place was going to be shut at 4.30pm.
This photo shows the spires more clearly. The Old Library is a 3 storey building, and believe me, it is very, very high.
This photo shows the spires more clearly. The Old Library is a 3 storey building, and believe me, it is very, very high.

The Radcliffe Camera
Below is a funny writing by an Oxford University student about Radcliffe Camera, also a part of the Bodleain Library.
The Radcliffe Camera is located in Radcliffe Square, further on down Catte Street . It's surrounded by Brasenose and All Soul's Colleges. Peek through the gates at their quads. Pretty, huh? Radcliffe Square is really pretty and quiet. Surrounded by the Libraries and Colleges, it feels intelligent. It's cobbled with bricks and really hard round stones that really can hurt your feet. Watch out for those cobbles; they get slippery when it rains. You don't look so intelligent if you slip and fall on the cobbles. Trust me. I know. unknown author.
Camera simply means Chamber. It was built to house a library of science and funded by John Radcliffe. Many think this is the finest building in Oxford including the interior. Unfortunately it is not open to public.

Background: All Soul's College
Still within the proximity of Radcliffe Camera, there were a few more nice buildings housing various colleges. One of them was a gothic style building, All Soul's College, the only college which does not admit undergraduates.

St Mary's Church

St Mary's Church
There was little time left to explore this place which is rich in architectural and historical interest. It is also said that the view from the rooftop offers the finest views of Oxford.
We will revisit Oxford if we get to see Summer again next year. Otherwise, we have had an enjoyable and stress free trip to one of the most prestigious and prominent part of the UK.
Oxford memang cantik!! Pernah tgk gambar kawan yg dah ke sana. Tgk gambar dari MS nampak lebih cantik lagi. Yus belom sampai lagi, akan jejak juga sebelum meninggalkan bumi UK ini. Janji husband pada kami....
Kena pegi Oxford & cambridge sebelum balik malaysia, at least. btw You guys UK kat mana?
next destination cambridge pulak? betul ke journey dia 50 minutes? rasa macam sekejap pulak. dah biasa drive jauh kot.
I've always heard Oxford University tu the 2nd most prestigious after Harvard, yeke?
Anyway John Radcliffe ada kait mengait dgn Daniel Radcliffe ke? hehe :)
As usual you've covered the trip extensively and leaving me with a feeling of having been there as well, :p
Lovely place indeed!
(but I heard it's difficult to secure a place for medicine over there?)
Crimsonskye, tak de kena mengena, tetapi the Bodleian Library and Christchurh College tu jadik tempat penggambaran untuk Prisoner of Azkaban.
I went to Oxford on school's biology class trip - prime objective Magdalene Botanical Garden. Actually best tau garden ni - specialty dia medicinal plants. Masa tu tak suka Oxford - gloomy, and not very colourful mcm Cambridge. Then on, I visit Oxford on average once a month, and the city still tak best. One place yg mengidam nak masuk is its Islamic Centre on George St right in the middle of town, sbb pegi weekend and centre tu close at weekends. Ade very sedap Persian kebabci in Oxford - location dia secret, kalau nak tahu kena baya rasuah, ;)
What an awesome place!! You kenal any Msian's there? By the way, my cousin and his wife are (still) in Oxford (I think). The wife is a student there although I don't know which college.
yus dulu masa undergrad, saya selalu turun oxford dgn kawan2. pergi ice skating aje. tapi tak ingat pulak oxford cantik masa tu. sekarang ni, experience dgn keluarga, rasa lain.
mynn this weekend hujan lah :( kalau cerah seronok juga jalan2 cambridge. banyak colleges macam oxford. i rasa architecture oxford lagi cantik.
crimsonskye 2nd after HArvard? Mynn might want to say, Cardiff Uni is the best.
DITH nanti kita superimpose gambar DITH di RAdcliffe Square :)
yelah, very difficult to get a place there. Their requirements are always higher than other Uni. Plus, kena ada extra in activities and curriculum. i'm sure your children have these extras.
nnydd i'm sure crimsonskye was joking about Radcliffe.
When we were there; I said to Mynn, we should have contacted you to be our tour guide. But we didn't plan to go to Oxford. It just sort of happened!
We saw Islamic Centre. Mynn took a photo of it. The Persian Kebab: Is it the one near the bus station? Opposite the Noodle Bar?
p/s: apa itu rasuah ya syeikh?
QoTH We used to know a Malaysian family studying there. But I think dia dah lama balik. (Husband dia yang buat phd in Engineering) But when we were taking photos near the Clarendon building and the Sigh Bridge (photo not included) we had a brief encounter with a Malaysian family. The husband introduced himself as "Shahrudin" "Suhaimi"? alamak, dah lupa pulak! They said, cost of living in Oxford is VERY expensive.
sukenya tgk bangunan2 bersejarah ni. amin..moga anak2 mamaSarah masuk OXford univ. nanti. doa jgn putus ya..
MamaSarah ... my cousin and his wife are still young, married in 2004 and still childless, so I doubt that's the family you met :)
Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Wishing I was there this instant!!!!!
syikin amin amin amin...
QoTH The family we met was with a very young baby. PRobably not your cousin. Lucky them, they are staying in Oxford. Beautiful place!
afie Hahaha, you might want to come during Summer. Have you visited the place?
berjalan ajer kojer mama sarah ni. Hish dah tu amik gambar macam suruh orang pergi ajer....heish...duduk umoh diam diam ler weiiii
rasuah = tambng weekend train to oxford. second class jadi lah because i can up-grade to first class for free.
mynn, do u remember mr Radcliffe Llandough yg x penah senyum tu? i had to present a case once when he suddenly grinned. 'you spell my name wrongly - not RAT-cliffe.' he was on the verge of a very big laugh. first tine tgk. but honestly muka dia better when he was not laughing! teehee..
All of a sudden, I get this feeling that I come from some Ulu...
The world is a big pond... all you have to do is be brave and swim...
Oxford kenalah cantik dan tenang... sbb kalau tempat tu hiruk-pikuk, Oxford University students wouldn't be Oxford students... fikiran pun celaru... hehehe...
Very beautiful place and pictures. I love pictures of Amar(in the stroller) & Sarah together. Macam posing la.. So cute!
zakiah ni tgh duduk diam2 lah ni.
nnydd camane upgrade 1st class ah? ajar lah.
hiyoshi Ulu mana tu ya?
OK people are like crayon, it's not what colour they are. it's the picture they make.
dyanna Masa kat Balliol College tu, terserempak dgn 2 jejaka. I rasa students there. Style rambut and all, teringat cerita Chariots of Fire and Flatliners. APasal ntah?
Sherin geeee... thanks. susah nak ambik gambar diaorang sebenarnya.
oxford was far from "tenang". infact hiruk pikuk - macam oxford street! it's because of the number of tourists. bising pulak tu with a live band playing ( <-- best pulak lagu diorang, spanish)
ingat sangat mr RAT-cliffe. how could i dare to forget. i also had him as a student & had to operate with him as a surgical house officer. giler moody.
I travel so often on the train that I decided to sign up for the First Great Western passenger club. It is called 'Forward', and is free; you can apply with a standard tix or a train pass. Then monthly they will send you booklets of vouchers the best of which are free teas, free first class lounge entries, and free upgrade to first class accommodation during weekends. I can take as many friends onto the First Class as I want if I have the vouchers. Very good because this would ensure we are all fully refreshed with drinks and food upon arriving at the destination.
This is only with First Great Western, which also serves Oxford -I am not so sure if other train providers also have similar club.
did you work with him? teehee... he was also the one who operated on Ajean's pilonidal sinus.
mama sarah
Ulu hati? Oh dear...my attempted jokes are going from bad to worse.
But really, I am so envious to see all these pictures. Makes me want to go on a holiday too.
the nearest thing to colonial structures akin to the ones in Oxford here in Bukit Mertajam is St Anne's Church. Kalau I rasa mcm nak pi Oxford, boleh la pi posing depan church tu. Opps don't think tht's a good idea. Isu murtad2 ni tgh hot. I heard some 'moles' got into the church during the recent St Anne's novena/festival & found some Malays praying in the church. Betul ke tak, wallahua'lam...
nnydd kita jarang naik train. the first time bawa both kids naik train pergi london last year. Rasanya dgn Virgin kot? great western pergi west aje kot?
hiyoshi yes hiyoshi, as i've been telling lots of my friends; it's nice to come for a holiday in the UK. (to study, tak berapa sangat: sebab tak de duit)so, study hard my friend; one fine day, come for a holiday.
anne i hate that issue. make me sad.
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