Sauntering around Scotland: The Fringe Festival
Sunday, 27 August 2006
I thought that I should share some of the events we saw along the Royal Mile on Sunday. They have definitely attracted a large crowd. Auntie De took a lot of videos during the event. But we didn't get a copy from her. Otherwise we could have shared the 'live' experience here too.

each time he received money from the audience.

"one... two... thlee..." counting before he began his act, and
"you get me?" if he thought the audience didn't understand him.

Funny Babah thought that opera singers must be gemuk.

when he received money from the audience.
And oh, he made some weird and funny noises too.

My guess it was Muhaimin who enjoyed the show most!!
Mama Sarah, why did u like that sardine-face-look chap wearing weird outfit??! Is he of Japanese origin? But I like his blue umbrella hehe
I love the red indians!
Hmm should I write "why do u like" instead of "why did u like"?
haiya naja, he reminded me of an actor in msia lah. tapi tak ingat nama. tapi mamat tu memang lawak sungguh. malu pulak bila teringat kita ni dok tergelak2 celah2 orang.
well. it wasn't over yet, the holidaying... lorr... been bz, sekali tgk2 dah ade 2 entries with loadssss of picsss....
what i can say is the pips there when its festival time, they really got into festive mode. not like here... nih frust with own experience..:P
eh,crazy japs are also there...
mama sarah, i feel bad for not totally remembering you, gimme your real name would ya...
you know, people studying in UK seem to have a gala time. relaxed and all with time to work and travel a lot... but i guess ppl there have to work as living expenses are high, right???
Cool! Street performances are always worth seeing (for me at least).
Thanks for sharing the pictures. Rasa seronok bila tengok.
mamasarah: tempat ni macam tempat seniman jalanan beraksi jer..betul ker...hush..bagus sesekali buleh relaks jap kepala yang serabut yer dak...sungguh komited deper beraksi yer....jauh perjalanan banyak pengalaman yang dapat kita kutip..saya ni melancong mata jer bila masuk blog awak....he..he
I appreciate ur sharing of ur family's adventures. more! more!
BTW how long does it take for blogger to upload ur tonnes of pics ah? I nak upload 1 pun susah
mama nayya loads of photos. sorry lah. hehehe.
izhal yelah, as i've said b4, i was not a popular girl in school.
income tax is definitely high. but groceries shopping probably quite OK. Yang mahal probably tax ini tax itu.
dyanna at least one person is happy!
shami hehehe, tak terfikir perkataan tu "seniman jalanan".
anne there are more. hehehe. to upload one photo took 3-5 seconds. kalau blog server moody, 30 seconds.
The golden Mermaid at the foot of Castle Hill tu tak de ke? Banyak Auntie De (and Sarah?) bagi dia duit.
bestnyer...yang budak main violin tu baru bangun tido ker kena paksa main. Heheheh
Opera singer tu yang tak tahan...orang kurus pun bleh keluar suara tau!!
Kalau cerite Phantom of the Opera lakonan emily rossum to the protagonist tu kurus apa.. hahaha.. selapas perempuan gemuk tu kena hempap masa nyanyi atas stage dia replace the main singer in the opera...
but the pics sure bring back memories... takut clown... nanti dia kata "we all float down here" macam cerita IT baru tahu!
When I was there, every summer during Edinburgh Festival, that would be the most challenging time of the year. My head will tell me that I should continue with my work, my heart on the other hand, will keep telling me to just go out and enjoy myself with all those festive activities. There's so much to see and so many things to do.
weve got videos of the different acts! nanti la one of these days kita tunjuk! :D
nnydd i prefer the lady with payung. The gambar was not in the main computer. Kena ambil from mynn's laptop. Nanti i cilok and upload here.
zakiah hahaha... tak terfikir pulak dia tu kena paksa main. nampak muka sedih je.
OK i tak pernah tengok Phantom of the Opera. Clown tu senyum je.
Pycno Hahaha... selalu mcm tu kan? selalunya final exams pun cuaca dah makin panas - tapi kena 'stay in' utk study.
auntie de tulah, kalau boleh share tentu best. dah lah orang tu guna HD camera. :)
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