Sauntering around Scotland: Seton Sands

I mentioned previously that our next couple of nights were spent by the beach in Seton Sands. Sarah has been to a beach in Kuala Terengganu once before. She was so excited upon seeing the sand and open sea. She kept on reminding us that she needed a 'bath' at the seaside.

Auntie De asked me when we were at the beach: "Hey look, free seaweed.
Care for sushi, anyone?"

Emyr: Huh?

Emyr: Ok. You lead.
Uncle De: It's time to go now.
We spent only an hour at the beach on the last day in Scotland. The wind was very strong and according to Babah the water was icy cold. (I kept on imagining ombak yang besar and mangsa Tsunami quietly)
Anyway, it may not be the most beautiful beach in the world but still, it was such great fun to introduce the seaside to the kids.
Anyway, it may not be the most beautiful beach in the world but still, it was such great fun to introduce the seaside to the kids.
so cute la the kids. I rasa pelik sikit because anak I pun nama emir kan. so bila baca ur captions kan, I rasa "eh?".. :O
hehe.. I remembered when my dad insisted that the seaweed he found near the beach (at LANGKAWI lak tuuuu.. huaa.. imagine la the 'kebersihan' of our sea water!) is more or less the same like those we ate at japanese restaurants. "Eiishh.. lainlah!" was of course her answer. Nak prove to my mum punya pasal-- he actually had a bit of it-- and worse-- he even had my little sister (so that dia ada geng laa kan) to take some jugak! Well.. what can I say? Esoknya my mum had to visit two mangsa keracunan at the hospital :P
alamak..banyaknya saya tertinggal entri awak ni..
geli pulak tengok rupa coral or kerang ke tu, yg kat tepi pantai tu..berkumpul2 pulak tu.
mahainya parlimen tu..apa yg istimewa sangat kat dalamnya?
ramai ya penghibur jalanan kat sana tu..
apapun, mmg seronok tgk gambar2 yg MS share ngan kami..rasa teruja nak experience sendiri.
The seaside! I was kind of imagining sunny skies, gentle waves, a lemonade vendor, and people basking lazily in the open.
I am old fashioned that way.
sherin satu hari nanti, ada satu entry "Sarah with Emir and Rissa"
mama imaan i wonder if your dad would want to try another bite of our local seaweed!
syikin £180 Million over budget and lambat! kecoh juga UK masa tu. sekarang dah cool down.
hiyoshi you can't have sunny skies all the time, mate!
looks like barnacles...hmmm
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