Yummy Pudds
Sarah has been pretty busy recently. She prepared those yummy pudding for the whole family. We bought a box of Cadbury Chocolate & Caramel Flavour Mousse Dessert Kit purposely for Sarah, knowing that she would love doing such activity.
I would recommend you to watch the video for 'live' actions of Sarah preparing the pudds. But for those who have trouble uploading, do enjoy the photos below.
I would recommend you to watch the video for 'live' actions of Sarah preparing the pudds. But for those who have trouble uploading, do enjoy the photos below.

Sarah couldn't resist to have a little taste of the chocolate mix. Notice the chocolate underneath her lips?
I loved the pictures. Pictures can convey so much more emotion than video can. Both formats aregreat IMHO, but the still frames say so much more - esp the cheeky grin that looks so like Muhaimin
tahnaiah kerana berjaya masak. teruskan hingga ke besar. tak boleh post ke sini ke dish tu?
i could still remember that every fasting month we had to help my late mom preparing the dough(what so ever)to make biscuits. kami pukul dengan senduk kayu or the spring. we cannot stop or slow down or the mixture will become 'bentat'. the process took almost 30 minutes i guess(mana ada jam, berdasarkan letih dan lenguh tangan).
as ok had commented.... i prefer stills too. as for the last image, i would prefer the last to plates to be blurred because it causes strain to my eyes or maybe its just my eyes not to others.
At the rate she's going, Sarah looks set to overtake the throne of cooking from Jamie Oliver. When the time comes, I do hope she'll make me some Chocolate and Caramel Flavoir Mousse :)
fuih, brilliant la this product (hari tu endorse oreo!) even a kid can make it, takkan org yang 'tangan bangku' mcm i tak boleh kan? it's a nice thing, having a small kitchen helper like saghah! bukan kitchen hell-maker mcm si nunu tu :)
waah..waah....pandainya sarah. Boleh ganti mama dia ni...hehe.
Aqil pun selalu sibuk nak tolong di dapur, tp sbb dia lelaki, nak cepat aje, pas tu kasar sikit buat keje, tu yg yus tak kasi tu. Kadang2 jer yus bagi dia tolong.
Sarah, auntie syikin nak sikit boleh tak?
Mama, tak berat ke mixer hand tu utk sarah?
anak2 saya mmg rajin nak menolong kalau saya memasak kat dapur, tp saya tak bagi lagi, janji ngna depa bila dah besor nanti hehe..
The first pic of Sarah posing with the box shows how much she takes after Babah! The smile!
Btw, this beats Maman's fettucini. In fact that recipe was so improvised that I wonder if we can still call it fettucini! hehe
Sarah makes it all look so easy!
Is it because Ramadhan is coming, atau memang semua orang memang suka post about food? Lapar .....
Hai sarah, amboi dah masuk dapur yer,
wah bertuah ler mama sarah nanti...he..he jap jer buleh dapat menantu nih....he..he..he
Mimi kalau saya masuk dapur dia dah siap ambik kerusi duduk tengok apa kita buat ....
OK hehe i told her, kalau nak buat kuih ni kena smile masa mama ambik gambar. and she did.
ikelah when i 'edited' the last photo, i thought the same. mesti pening kepala org tgk ni.
but, i think people like me can be excused with their useless talent of phototaking. The original photo was already 'focused' on the last ramekin. I have no idea whatsoever how it became like that.
i thought it could have been better if I 'accidentally' focused on the foremost ramekin. but tak pelah, next time cuba lagi. kali ni, dessert semua dah selamat dimakan.
hiyoshi if we could find the dessert kit in malaysia, then we can ask sarah and her kuncu2 to make you the dessert.
anne both sarah and amar memang sangat gemar menyepah dapur. they love to play with the real periuk belanga rather than the toys we bought them.
yus selalunya saya tak bagi juga. sebab rasa macam bahaya lah - ada api, air panas, barang tajam etc... tapi sarah sangat2 curious and interested nak tahu everything. so kena pesan selalu kat dia to be careful.
syikin berat juga hand mixer tu. Risau juga terpelanting mangkuk tu. atau Sarah sendiri yang terpelanting. TApi OK je dan confident je Sarah tu. Dapat tengok video tu tak? Cool je dia guna hand mixer tu. Dia tak bagi saya tolong pegang.
Ya Tabibah Tak sengaja same topic lah. I read your entry this morning. Terus terasa nak makan pasta jugak! Ours ni pun tak aci jugak sebab guna 'dessert kit' je. Very simplified method. But ideal for Sarah :)
QoTH I don't know others, but as for us - that shows betapa kuat makannya kami di sini! Malu*malu*
Shami hehe nanti sarah boleh main masak-masak with Mimi!!!
Wah, Sarah macam model utk Cadbury pulak :)
Boleh pinjam Saghah kejap tak dalam 15 hari before raya.. boleh tolong buat kuih raya kat rumah Auntie Dyanna! Hehehe..(suka hati jek nak pinjam anak orang!)
Sarah so clever! Sedapnya sarah... Boleh auntie nak rasa sikit? :)
Rissa pun ada juga tolong I kalau I buat kek or cookies but dia tolong hand me the utensils & ingredients je. Mayb I should try getting her to buat sendiri.:)
-sherin almashor-
mama sarah
"...sarah and her kuncu2 to make you the dessert"
You make it sound as if Sarah is one rouge chef!
dyanna nak pinjam 15 hari nak buat cookies ke? haha, rasanya nanti Sarah yang tukang habiskan. tak sempat nak buat raya pulak.
sherin it's so much fun to see your little one doing the real thing di dapur. but i had to remind her so many times to be careful. takut juga.
hiyoshi i am not clear by what you mean by rouge chef. But what I meant by Sarah and her kuncu2 was Sarah and her cousins. :)
yup, that is soooo true. I will let her try soon. Maybe tmr I will bake choc muffins again! :)
Hmmm in the kitchen the fastest thing i cook is one minute maggi..
cara memasak
air panas dari water dispenser
microwave for 50 seconds on high setting
best served when hot...
hua hua...LOL.. hahaha<---- take your pick
sherin jangan lupa ambil gambar ok?
OK i prefer traditional way of cooking maggie.
For a couple of days running I write a long comment on how lucky Sarah's future husband is. Every time beta blogger gobbles my comment up. :(
KKL i'm sorry to hear that. Sorrylah on behalf of beta. Why don't you upgrade yourself to beta as well? It's not as bad as you think it is.
Shall i upgrade sir OK's blog to beta? hahaha... I can do that free of charge :)
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