Cardiff: Night and Day (12 -13 October 2006)

We went crazy on the first night in Cardiff. It was cold and breezy, but we still went out to Cardiff Bay. Our hosts were more than happy to join us. Babah has been waiting for this moment to learn a trick or two from Li, a good friend and another avid photographer.

When we left Cardiff in 2004, the above building was still under construction. Knowing a little bit about the construction industry, I was curious and perplexed with the choice of material used for the building at that time. The facade where it bore the 'poem', to me was a strike of genius, but the the rest of the facade where it used slates was just horrendous.
Only today that I know they were all chosen for a reason by the architect. Read here for more details. Hence, the whole concept was envisaged as "Unmistakably Welsh and internationally outstanding". By the way, after understanding the design concept, I do not think the slates look ridiculous anymore.
Front view of Wales Millennium Centre, reads "In these stones horizons sing" and "Crev gwir fel gwydr o ffwrnais awen" Two different poems specially written for the building by Welsh famous writer, Gwyneth Lewis.

We have also managed to stopped by the Millennium Stadium for a few snaps of photos. The stadium was built for 1999 Rugby World Cup for which Wales was the main host. Other than for rugby, the stadium also hosted a variety of sports including football and indoor cricket. It can also be transformed into a speedway track for the British Grand Prix.
Many famous artists have had their concerts here. And I found out from Wikipedia that Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham was filmed here too. Is this true Dyanna? I haven't watched the film.
A stylish building between the city centre and Cardiff University. It serves as Cardiff's centre of local government.
The first floor of the city hall is decorated with marble statues of famous figures in Welsh history.

eh..pertama kita?
baru perasan, sarah tak sejuk ke tak pakai baju tebal tu? sbb tgk amar tu bukan main tebal lagi bajunya tu..
eh, tak de cadangan ke nak bukukan semua gambar2 yang MS ambil sepanjang duduk abroad ni..kualiti gambar dia cantik2lah..eiii..geram tul tgk gambar2 ni, menambah selera nafsu nak berjalan ke sana aje..
You forgot to mention this: City Hall is also one of the main venues for examination ;)
Is it true about the KKKG and Millennium Stadium? Wah cayalah!
I didn't know slates were used on the facade. Yes, bearing in mind the association of pneumoconiosis and slate workers mortality, I don't agree with the choice too. Oh well, I wasn't the architect.
askm... salam to u..
nice shots.. have u been to knutsford? i've been there for a month je.. situ lagi macam kampung i rasa..
cantik waktu mlm. Wahhh seronok betul Sarah n Amar main kejar2, even dah hampir pukul 10pm.
1. Syikin Maksud bukukan tu apa ya? Dialbumkan ke? Ada juga hajat nak buat album-buku (photobook) tapi nak tunggu ada offer.
2. Naja Thanks for the info Naja! KKKG tu tau lepas buat research dkt wikipedia. Rasa macam nak tengok pulak cerita tu.
3. Mulan Rasanya belum pernah ke Knutsford. Tapi dah dekat sangat dengan Chester dan Cheshire Oaks tu kan?
4. Azie Yang main kejar-kejar tu, Sarah dan Danial (anak kawan). Amar duduk dalam pushchair.
ooo ic, ingat Amar. Kenapa di pushchair aje. Dah ngantok ker or dah tido? Kalau Alya dan Ammar saya ada sure berlari sama..
MS and all,
even cuter OMG
Dengar khabar ada orang nak celebrate birthday. Mama Sarah dah siap Birthday cake nya?
Berapa batang lilin terpacak atas kek kali ini? Jangan sampai runtuh kek, sudah...;)
In these slates horizons sings
Wow, what a beautiful phrase. Wonder how the whole poem sounds like eh?
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