Oxford Uni Park: 5 November 2006
A week after Hari Raya AidilFitri, we went to Oxford to visit some new friends. Babah has actually sort of 'joined' in Borakphoto club. Some of the club members are studying in Oxford and a couple live near our house. They made some arrangement to meet up in Oxford for a photography outing.
Our meeting point was at Alynn's house, a young and talented future architect. We were soon joined by her friends Kaoru (a Japanese girl), Fakhrul, Amer and Mubarra'. All were photography enthusiast.
It was actually our first meeting with each other. Alhamdulillah they were all very respectful and friendly people. They called Babah as "Min", which was fine. But they referred me as "Kak"!
Mubarra' prepared a heavy breakfast for all of us; Nasi goreng kampung, sup sayur and ayam popcorn. Alynn made cornflakes cookies and Fakhrul made teh-o. Everything was yummy!
To me, Kaoru was so funny that day. According to Alynn she is always like that. Kaoru took lots of photos of Sarah and Amar. She kept on saying the word "kawaii". The way she tried to join in our conversation in Malay was funny too and she was cool enough to try and eat using her fingers.
While chatting in the living room, one person took out his gear followed by another person and another. It was a horrifying moment when you realised you were swarmed by paparazzi. Hearing their camera clicked all around you just make you freeze. I remember Auntie De's advice for us to look good all the time in case we were caught on camera.
At the same time, it was really funny too when Kaoru gave a sheepish expression when she compared her cute and petite point and shoot camera to the others' bulky and huge camera. I'm sure it was mouthwatering for Babah too, looking at Ariff's personal collection.
After our brunch, we all went to Oxford University Parks. It was early Autumn and the leaves have just turned yellow and brown.
I think it was one of the rare occasion when Amar was not seated on his pushchair. It was quite difficult to make Amar walk in the same direction as us. He was more interested in setting himself on the loose. Luckily there were many of us to look after him and looked after Sarah.
I heard Amer saying it was super cold that day. And he was surprised to see the children playing happily as if it was a warm day. And I bet he was even surprised to hear Sarah refusing to wear her coat!
Until Fakhrul came and picked him up. Amar gave full cooperation and held him tightly. Cis!
One of the 'shooting' locations was where there were lots of dried leaves on the ground. Sarah and her older friends buried Amar with the leaves! There were scenes like jumping and throwing leaves in the air. I bet the onlookers must have thought that we came from the Sahara Dessert, huh?
It was an exciting experience meeting these new friends. The day was fun and enjoyable. I'm sure Sarah and Amar were the happiest to have met these new friends of ours. I wish them all well for their future undertakings and may success be with them always.
As usual gambar2 yang nisak letak di setiap N3 Nisak mmg menarik. Saya mmg suka tgk gambar.
Amar bagai sang kumbang bersama bunga2..
Seronok kan tgk anak2 happy.
orang panggil i min, tapi panggil you "kak" eh bie? hahaahahaha
owah! uuu, amar surrounded by cute girls! hihih. so this is the outing you talked about the other day! love the golden background (aahhhhh) :) and especially love the photos of your two babies playing with those dried up leaves (lagi² amar yang nampak tenggelam dalam daun² tu) hehe.
gambar sarah and amar terbaring atas rumput tu! blow it up, and frame it! geramm!
p/s: i somehow got stuck tengok the yummy muffins at first, before scrolling down reading the rest of the story! oh yummy!
MS, panggil 'kak' ok lagi... I was being called 'Puan' once and was in a state of disbelief and shocked during the whole conversation session.
We better get some awet muda tips from Naja.
yang best tu tgk photographer la.. pro habis nampak... hehehe... 900 pics??? must have been aaaalllllloooot of photos to look at, let alone chooooosssiinggg the best one!!
*kak*.. cantik gamabq gambaq tu..mynnn..bubuh la gambaq *kak* kita kat kat blog awak.. tensen la kak ni asyik dok sorok diri (walaupun i dah tengom gambaq dia kat kad raya tu) hehehe..kakkkkkkkkk nak tengok gambaq kak hahahahahahaü
*jangan jeling yea.. marah nanti cepat tua hahahaha
you are not that old kakak...hehehe..
suka pic ammar and the ladies..
"kawaii" : perkataan wajib dengar setiap kali keluar rumah..
:) wow wow ..i am always facinated with pictures in ur entries....so well composed and so well taken.
And ur amar and Sarah....so so lovely!!! gerammnye tenguk depa berdua tu....
and nice winter coats too they have...kalahkan the adults punya!
1. Azie Syok sangat sebab ramai yang nak tolong layan kanak-kanak berdua tu. Sarah dan Amar pun syok ramai nak layan.
2. Mynn Memang cari nahas lah kalau diorang panggil you 'abang'. hahaha...
3. Farah What a good idea. Tengah nak kumpul2 gambar for blowups. One of them, gambar closeup sarah pegang batu di Penarth. Size berapa bagus ya?
4. Dyanna I don't know how you managed to keep your cool throughout the conversation. I guess, the person didn't want to offend you kot. Lain kali pakai nametag lah Di.
Our Naja will forever be the baby among us.
5. tuting tome Yup! Mmg sangat susah nak pilih. Last-last I chose moments above quality.
6. Simah Malu je weh. Saya low profile orangnya. (hahahahha)
7. Mama Singa Amar loved that very spot. He sat there for a very long time. Dia main daun-daun kering. Malam tu memang both of dimandikan extra long and kena scrub serata badan. hitam habis kuku2 mereka.
8. Idham Thanks to the good photographers, Ariff, Alynn and Mynn.
The coats - nasib baik Sarah tu nak pakai coat. Selalunya dia buka. Panas katanya. Padahal freezing cold.
biasalah mama kalau depa panggil kita yg dah berkahwin n ada anak pulak tu as kakak..panggilan hormat tu..jangan marelah ya..hehe.
saya sure, kalu you lum kawin lagi confirm they call ur name
suke suke tgk gambor2 ni..tak tau nak katalah..suka tgk gambor2 yg kreatif diambil ni.
oh ya..mama postkan gambar ni siap mcm ada border ni, guna program apa ya? ramai sgt tgk blogger or fotopagers yg guna stail border ni..boleh tau tak? nak buat gaklah..tq
another cool set of pictures.. terasa macam ada kat situ je sbb quality gambar yg superb..
Are you not a photography enthusiast yourself? The pictures you take are not that bad.
Amar is a serious little chap isn't he?
I was the first to comment here but apparently kena telan.
I was saying that as you age, expect to experience the cis bedebah episodes more, hehe...and worst still, you ll get anak dara calling your hubby abang and you makcik!! Take take from the many cis bedebah episodes that I got!. Cis10x
The last picture makes me want to cubit pipi amar. goreng pon sodap.
10. Syikin Saya increase border width dekat template blog saya ni sebenarnya. Sengaja nak kasi gambar tu seolah-olah dalam frame gambar.
Orang lain, mungkin guna software Photoshop atau GIMP.
11. Mulan Thanks to the photographers!
12. Juraina Gee Thanks! I am not as keen as Babah though. He reads a lot of photography articles and magazines. He learns the techniques of how to make full use of a camera.
13. Hiyoshi You think so Hiyoshi? He could be mischievous too. Just you wait for my future entry (dunno when though) about Sarah and Amar.
14. DITH (Aduh sakit perut gelak) I can so imagine myself aging 10x faster when I'm back in MAlaysia nanti.
15. Dyanna Amar sentiasa membuat kami cair.
sungguh menyelerakan makanan tersebut.
cashier panggil saya abang, dan panggil 'dia' makcik. terasa amat mudalah saya.
ohhhh bukan saya saja yg kemaruk gambaq yang empunya, rupanya ada insan lain juga...ha..ha
cam sama ja pemilik nama itu simah...alih sikit shami...alih lagi simah..alih lagi shami...he..he..he
p/s: gambaq cantik...! sarah & ammar...siap golek2 yer..he..he
jeles lagi tengok gambar bebudak tuh. Bila besar sure ada beribu ribu photos!!!.
Ala kak mama sarah...bielr nak bubuh photo nih..hehheheh. Kakak oh kakak.
17. ikelah sungguh kejam! agak-agak saya, kalau terjadi kepada saya, sudah tentu kedai tersebut akan diboikot buat selama-lamanya!
18. Shami Shami ke Simah ni? Hobi kanak-kanak tu lah bergolek-golek. Yang tak syoknya ialah bondanya lah yang kena menyental baju mereka.
19. Zakiah Ya! berjuta-juta lemon :)
oh..tq 4 d info. btw,saya baru aje dpt guna picasa, suka tul hasilnya..cuba masuk http://masakansyikin2.blogspot.com
masih try n error lagi tu
mana citer baru, jrg sangat mama lambat update ni :D
oh ya, saya dah kenal Mama ni, sbb saya dah masuk blog ur husband..kecik ya mama ni rupanya..
lama sy tk ke sini...byk n3 yg tertinggal. Dah kenal Kaori, nanti senang la kalau nak ke Jpn pula. Cantik gambar2 tu, really like it.
21. Syikin Saya dah update! hehehe... ampun saya busy.
22. Mama Faris Thanks. Tak sabar nak kumpul duit nak melawat Jepun, NZ, India, dan sudah tentu Tanah suci Mekah.
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