Birthday Celebration in Cardiff
So, I'm late again. You must have got used to my cerita basi by now. This time, it's about our long Christmas holiday cum endless dinner parties. You will never guess how long Babah and his good friends planned for this mini vacation. They were all very excited and looking forward to our gathering, initially planned from 22 - 26 Dec. However, due to unforeseen circumstances we had to delay our trip until Sunday, 24 December 2006.
Around lunchtime that day, we were welcomed by our gracious hosts Rosli & Hila (again!). Auntie De and family were there too. They arrived the day before as scheduled. Ever since we arrived that day, we have been invited to numerous makan-makan invitations by new and old friends in Cardiff.
Makan-makan Agenda:
24 Dec 06
Lunch at Kak Amy's new house
Dinner at Sabrina Moroccan style house
25 Dec 06
English Breakfast at Li n La's Bed&Breakfast
Late lunch and dinner party Rosli & Hila's mansion
26 Dec 06
Malay breakfast at Rosti's kitchen
Tea at S'bucks
Dinner at K.Sawiah exquisite and pristine home
Around lunchtime that day, we were welcomed by our gracious hosts Rosli & Hila (again!). Auntie De and family were there too. They arrived the day before as scheduled. Ever since we arrived that day, we have been invited to numerous makan-makan invitations by new and old friends in Cardiff.
Makan-makan Agenda:
24 Dec 06
Lunch at Kak Amy's new house
Dinner at Sabrina Moroccan style house
25 Dec 06
English Breakfast at Li n La's Bed&Breakfast
Late lunch and dinner party Rosli & Hila's mansion
26 Dec 06
Malay breakfast at Rosti's kitchen
Tea at S'bucks
Dinner at K.Sawiah exquisite and pristine home
25 December 2006 : The dinner party
The Food
We all woke up relatively early that day. It was somehow a special day although we do not celebrate Christmas - it was in fact my birthday. Like it or not, we will somehow celebrate the day every year.
(I am so tempted to write every single thing that has happened on that day, but I guess I just have to cut the story short!)

Hila bought a huge turkey from the local Halal butcher earlier on. She has invited some close friends over for dinner. Both Hila and Inah (her helper) started to prepare for the dinner party since early morning, and started roasting at 11am.
The preparation looked quite simple but the roasting took a good 5-6 hours! In between, Hila made roast veg to go with the roast turkey. She even made her own chicken stock to make the gravy for the turkey. Side dishes were very yummy fried mee, delicious fried rice and fresh salads in olive oil with feta cheese.
(I am so tempted to write every single thing that has happened on that day, but I guess I just have to cut the story short!)
Hila bought a huge turkey from the local Halal butcher earlier on. She has invited some close friends over for dinner. Both Hila and Inah (her helper) started to prepare for the dinner party since early morning, and started roasting at 11am.
On another thought, it could be for Safiya. May be Hila has planned to give a surprise birthday party for Safiya who has just turned 1 on 20 Dec 06. So I didn't say anything.
Mamas & Papas
A minute later, Babah came in with two cakes: The cake with pretty butterflies for little Safiya and chocolate cake for me! So it was not a mere dinner party after all.
We ended the night smiling, satisfied with the lovely food and most of all, in the company of great friends.
After hours of cooking in the kitchen and entertaining her home-stay lodgers and invited guests that night, Hila must be drained too.
Special dedication
This is a little bit late, but thank you ever so much for having us at your place for THREE days! May Allah bless your family always and may Allah grant you abundance in rizq.
Not to forget to all our friends in Wales who have invited us for lunch and dinner, plus the birthday gifts (I am not worthy for all those, seriously!) we can never repay your kindness. We are forever grateful to all of you.
Not to forget to all our friends in Wales who have invited us for lunch and dinner, plus the birthday gifts (I am not worthy for all those, seriously!) we can never repay your kindness. We are forever grateful to all of you.
Thank you for planning yet another great "surprise" party for me (and Safiya). Haha no wonder you did all the loading to the car. And no wonder Sarah said "Ada cake" but then you counter said it was "pancake, and not cake!" You've been hiding the cake in the car!
Thanks for all your thoughts of preparing the most elaborate and fanciful cake for me too, with sprinkle of icing sugar as snow, chocolate logs as trees and runny jam as the river of love. I still accept the simple, ready made and no frills chocolate cake. It's your beautiful ideas that count!
Thank you again, I've had a great time during my birthday. I pray Allah will keep us all under his blessing and hoping for happiness forever and ever.
To everyone else, thank you for all your wishes too. And sorry too that this entry is already the shorter version(!) of what actually happened during our short visit in Wales recently. We'll see again next time with my entry on Hari Raya AidilAdha, insyaallah.
p/s: please feel free to click on the photo for larger image.
Thanks for all your thoughts of preparing the most elaborate and fanciful cake for me too, with sprinkle of icing sugar as snow, chocolate logs as trees and runny jam as the river of love. I still accept the simple, ready made and no frills chocolate cake. It's your beautiful ideas that count!
Thank you again, I've had a great time during my birthday. I pray Allah will keep us all under his blessing and hoping for happiness forever and ever.
To everyone else, thank you for all your wishes too. And sorry too that this entry is already the shorter version(!) of what actually happened during our short visit in Wales recently. We'll see again next time with my entry on Hari Raya AidilAdha, insyaallah.
p/s: please feel free to click on the photo for larger image.
wah..romantiknya babah buat surprised birthday party utk mama ni :D. ha, ni kena cinta n sayang lebih kat baba ni tau mama!!! heehe.
bagus tul kengkawan lain, pandai berlakon mcm tak de apa2 hehe.
seronok bila di perantauan, ukhuwah sesama kita bertambah erat..moga ia berkekalan selamanya. mana tau kot2 ada yg berbesan nanti hehe
1. kaklong syikin wah, baru je saya upload entry ni (Dan masih edit lagi) dah ada comment. Thanks kaklong. bab berbesan tu kelakarlah!
cooollll!!! i've got tears in my eyes already as i just love such delights made for special people. can't remember the last time i had a wonderful birthday. maybe my time will come some day (and still praying..) hahahaha! so, 3 candles mean 30?? still young..
3. D sorry i haven't had the chance to leave any comments at your blog.
about the 3 candles = 30, not quite right.i think hubby was having difficulty to arrange a certain number of candles on the cake. it would be too crowded for sure! he just rounded my age to 3 candles. whatever that means ;)
wah wah wah...syoknyer suprise party lagi u...lagi best every year mama sarah punya bday public holiday plak tuh. ayam belanda tu sungguh mengancam kalbu.
Happy birthday again. Semoga Allah memanjangkan usia dan memurahkan rezeki.
5. Zakiah ya ya. ingat lah daku bila cuti christmas every year ok? ayam belanda tersebut sangat besar! nasib baik muat oven!
Nice pictures and you have a great friends. Semoga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki.
Aww Mama Sarah, lucky you! sweet sweet surprise. Good food, great friends, cute babies, balloons and cakes! Oh the chocolate cake!!..
I looove the idea of your friends preparing the surprise while you were there with them. I got excited myself part Babah Sarah datang bringing the cakes! Sweet!
And babah, pancakes? thihihi.. :p
alamak, MS, kita kat sini baru mengrecreate roast dinner hari tu (tapi pakai ayam kecik je) tak sesedap or semeriah, tapi sekadar lepas gian, hehe..
Selamat Hari Jadi....dekat2 dengan Cik Abang maklang. 28.12.
Seronokkan kalau ada surprise party ni.... moga2 bertambah kasih dan sayang antara 2 insan ini, hingga keakhir hayat, Aminnnnn....
I pray that Muhammad gets to study there and gather good friends like yours.
we are indeed blessed to have friends as great as fazuan, aida, rosli & hila as well as all the others pictured in puan mama sarah's blog.
re: "pancakes"
as usual I secretly coerced with little sarah in order to get some of the stuff from tesco for the birthday including the cakes. I explicitly told sarah - this is a secret between us, don't say anything to mum.
The first thing she did as we got back home was run to mum & said, "mama cake, cake!!"
it was lucky I also brought back a macdonalds breakfast and i quickly "corrected" sarah - 'pancake' lahhhhhh bukan 'cake' - throwing sharp glances (not that she got the hint, but after that she stopped mentioning the cakes).
moral of the story: be careful what you say or do infront of your 3 year old :D
ps bie
"running river of love" eh?
:) i am a sucker for romantics...huhuhu....mama sarah, so so sweet of baba to celebrate ur birthday like that!
pics of the babies and kids ...and so manay papas and mommas...hehehe...can add to my list for prospects jugak ek...just like syikin!
again, as always, thanks for sharing great story and great pictures.
lives on romance....who needs mills & boons!
mr arif.
:) too saying the same as my twin above.
ms, i love love LOVE this entry so much. It didnt matter whether the cerita is basi or not, it's still worth it :)
It looks like a very special birthday party for you! I shall have to recommend your blog to my husband hihi
mamasarah better late entry than surprise party...happy birthday once again.Can I link u to mine?
7. Azie Terima kasih. Dah tentu lebih menarik kalau Azie sempat singgah Cardiff tempoh hari, boleh join!
8. Farah Normally I'm quite quick to pick up hints- but this time, memang slow!
9. Auntie De Hey, I pun baru je beli seekor baby chicken (SEKETUL) Ingat nak buat roast chicken gak. hihi. Nak tiru your recipe (IF i can still remember, that is)
10. Maklang Nice to see you here maklang. Hehe ramai gang birthday bulan Dec dgn saya ni :)
11. DITH Not forgetting my other friends who have gone back for good. Alhamdulillah, I do have good circle of friends. I do look up to them.
12. bby! Sarah kan memang tukang pecah tembelang!
13. Mynn hahahaha you did say "river of love" didn't you! Don't you go telling some other story now ;)
14. Mr Arif excuse me? look who's talking mr romantic, you! :)
p/s: I could never passed 2nd page of any mills n boons.
15. Idham hi arif's twin. Make yourself comfortable here.
16. Anne thank you dear. Do you still remember your previous comment about your 'senior'? She admitted she used to be 'very serious' during her senior years.
17. Jue Hihi this is nothing Jue!
18. Kak Elle I did a 'theatrical' surprise when the cake appeared before me. Ya lah, Sarah spoiled it all by saying "Look cake" kuat-kuat!
wah hebatnya sambutan hari jadi mamasarah...grand gitu...he..he
Sodap nampak ayam besar tu....
Maner gambar birthday mama dia nih...he..he
Selamat hari jadi semoga panjang umur, dimurahkan rezeki, dan dirahmati Allah dunia dan akhirat....dari saya sekeluarga....
happy birthday mama sarah. Semoga diberkati selalu.
Dapat rasakan kemeriahan party tu. Sure sedap ayam turkey tu ye...yum yum yummy.
aikk lupa nk letak nama kat atas tu
it's me mamafaris
HOOORAH! YAHOOOOO! I now know who you are! And to think that I've met you twice... Keep the good work rolling. I enjoy your entries.
19. Kak Elle p/s: of course you may link :)
20. Shami Terima kasih doakan kesejahteraan saya dan keluarga. Amin! Sebenarnya memanglah dinner party aje. Tapi saya yang perasan party tu utk saya. hihi!
21 & 22. Mama Faris Thanks again! Malam tu seekor turkey tu, boleh feed dalam 17 orang dewasa dan 10 kanak-kanak. Very generous size!
23. D I've now read all your entries. I could only guess you're near my place too. HAve we actually met before? Yang mana ya? hmmmmm....
mamasarah, maklang selalu menjengok kat sini cuma tak tinggal komen. tak sempat kenkadang tu or bila dah type2 dia tak mau masukkan komen tu...
Noor Ruzilawati said
Mama sarah, happy belated birthday and may your life continue to grow and change beatifully through the years.
Happy belated birthday, Nisak.
You are blessed with very good friends who all know how to share good times with their good friends.
Tapi satu saja .... kenapa gambar semua orang ada tapi gambar you tu mahal sangat??? Alaaaa ... bagi chancelah sekali sekala :-)
kelakarnya... cake --> pancake.
Sungguh la Sarah ni.. :D
kiranya surprise party le tu ya.. hehe.. tahniah.. dan selamat hari lahir tertunda atau tertunggak dari kami di sini hehe
mamasarah, happy belated birthday and happy new year too... Mmg dah lama tak baca site ni, banyak betul cite. Looks like everyone had a great time.
how sweet!bestnya!!! mesti syok jumpe ramai2, jauh di perantauan and most of all celebrate besday kite sama2!heheh..
wah mama sarah..korang memang bersosial betul!! n lucky u..dapat makan kek lagi!!
mesti best korang semua berborak borak mcm tu?.. budak budak comel tu semua pun mesti riuh remdah main dengan banyak geng..
sukanya tengok the pics..!!
yg kurangnya of course.. GAMBAQ TUAN PUNYA BÄ°RTHDAY!! weiiiiiiii tunjuk laa heheh
by the way... mama sarah n mynn..
u do not wanna share secrets with ur lil ones hehehe they do exactly what ur sarah did!1..
i dah terkena banyak kali dengan hatice hehe
sweet!!Pandai Babah....turkey tu nampak sedap, yus tak pernah makan..hihi.
Bestnye dapat tengok gamabr kakak-kakak hang out sama2. You make me miss my rakan2 sebaya.. senyap je diorang tu..
MS, your picture very expensivelah.. tak leh tunjuk kat blog. Hehe
25. maklang that's ok.
26. NoorRuzilawati Terima kasih! Lawatan anda ke sini amat dialu-alukan.
27. Queen gambar saya tak mahal mana pun. tp saya sendiri yang segan nak letak di sini.
28. Dyanna Cake -> pancake... Babah tu yang nak cover line!
29. Zino Tertunda atau tertunggak, saya terima.
30. IbuAmin Everyone else is busy but me :P
31. Nani Malu juga sikit, sebab birthday tu maknanya bertambahlah umur kita. SAya sudah tua!
32. Simah bersosial... hihi. hope u meant it in a good way. Saya anggap merekalah family saya di sini. Family sendiri jauh di sana. MAka merekalah penggantinya. Thanks very much to Hila and family on that day kerana bersusah payah memasak dan mengajak kawan2 yang lain.
33. Simah Haiyo, Sarah memang tukang bocor rahsia. SEkarang dah pandai cakap ni - janganlah dok cerita apa2 rahsia kat dia.
34. Yus Haha, macam2 idea babah tu. SElalunya kena kantoi!
Turkey, rasanya itupun firt time kami makan roast turkey. Before this cuma makan yang 'salami' type.
35. Dyanna I dunno, but it seems that once you are working, akan rasa knackered bila tiba hujung minggu. All you want is time for yourself. Kasihanilah sahabat2 mu. bagi chance sebulan dua utk menyesuaikan diri dalam environment yang baru tu.
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