Amar is 2: The Party
note:due to some comments left regarding too small pictures, I'd like to inform that larger images can actually be viewed if you just CLICK on each picture. Each image is of 'reasonable' size for quick loading. Many thanks for the comments.

Initially the plan was to have Disney's Toy Story theme as room decoration. Due to limited choice, we ended up with Spiderman instead. Sarah helped a lot in the preparation stage. The card making, the balloons, wrapping the presents and she baked the cupcakes too.
On the other hand, Amar was pretty oblivious and unanimated! Pycno is right, he said, "Anda (Amar) mungkin tidak menyedari atau memahami nya sekarang..." (from his comment in the previous post).

The party was scheduled to begin after Asar, at 5pm. The day was sunny. The children played outside for a little while. They looked for some ladybirds to be added to little D's personal collection.
Amar was the only one left indoors. He was watching the tv!

We shall not dwell on the baking disaster I had earlier in the kitchen. I think I've baked "too" many cakes (already) that I think by the time my children turn 10, I should be an expert and will be baking a three-tier cake with special icing. (either that or MORE baking disasters!)
Anyway, when it was the birthday cake time, everyone gathered around Amar. He was in the least interested mood, only interested to play with his toys and watch his favourite Buzz lightyear on tv. You may well see that Sarah blew Amar's candle in the photo above!!!

We are so touched by our friends who also remembered Amar's birthday. They sent text messages and called us. Our friends who came to the party brought along loads of presents for both Sarah and Amar! I honestly didn't expect that. We sincerely invited them for 'makan-makan' and get together. I can't deny though, that Sarah and Amar love all the gifts very much. Sarah, being her usual self, she insisted to take everything with her to bed. (She even claimed the toy laptop D bought for Amar is hers!) And I was surprised that Amar too took Bob the builder figure (present from Arep and Dina) with him to bed.
Once again, thank you everyone for all your kind wishes. And to those who turned up at the party, THANK YOU very much. We hope that all of you have enjoyed the day as much as we did.
To Amar, Happy 2nd Birthday once again. We hope that you are pleased with the birthday party. Our endless doas for your well health being and may you grow up into a handsome and a great son.
Aminnnnn...... He's a great boy even now. With guidance from his wonderful parents, I think your doa will be granted by Him... InsyaAllah...
Amin..Doa seorang ibu akan dimakbulkan. Insyallah.
Buzz and Woody hihi Ammar saya pun suka..Ada setengah2 part yg dah siap hafal skrip lagi...
owh..thats the birthday present that he chose. well, looking at ur life with sarah n amar, make me want kids soon. huhu~
mama sarah, may ur doa be granted, insya allah.
muhammad hazwan pun sedang menghitung hari tu.. tak lama lagi birthday dia..
senarai hadiah dia dah lama sebut hehe
makan makan lagi:)gambar nya kecik sangat tak dapat nak merasai nya...haha
have a good easter break.
happy belated birthday Amar!!
eh, dah memang handsome apa.....
untie kena cken pox!!! tu la, dah tua2 baru nak kena...heheheh..
good lah kakak sarah is very helpful.. sampai lilin pun dia tolong tiupkan! hee.. hee... anyway may all your wishes and doa for amar come true...
hehe selamba jer Sarah ni blow amar nyer candles.
mama sarah, next time food pics kasi besar sikit ye :D
ya pictures of food too small! cannot see! :)
Very fun and very exciting party! O yeah!
happy belated birthday amar! May u have many many happy moments with u n ur love ones (ur mom, babah n kakak esp)
like i said in my comment section... kita ada set appointment ker nak beranak anak sama tarih? hatice sama dengan sarah... amar sama dengan baddin! hahaha.. i am at awe!
n u did go thru a lot of preparation for the party...rajin nya u ni!! :0)
Aminn...semoga segala doa buat amar akan termakbul...Insyaallah...
Meriah ye majlis tu....byk pulak hadiah....pasti dia happy
Oh...bulan 7 ni rayyan pulak turn 2. Hermh...tak ada idea lagik nak buat theme aper!...
haah...bebudak besar ni mmg ler tak tau aper aper pasal bday depa kan. Tapi nanti dier besar baru ler dier paham..Tapi kita parents seronok nak buat kan!
iskhhh...iskh best best..
sedap2 makanan... hadiah pun best..
1. Juwaidah InsyaAllah
2. Ajzie Amar masih belum pass bercakap lagi.
3. Sarah ...anak-anak itu hanyalah ujian bagimu...
4. Zino Siap ada list tu!
5. Kak Elle Gambar2 dalam blog saya ni enlargeable. Click pd gambar yg Kak Elle nak lihat, it will 'grow' in size :)
6. DD Handsome as in the whole package, beriman, berakhlak mulia,... dan good looking pun boleh juga. hihi...
Eh I tak pernah kena chicken pox lagi.
7. Mummy Rizq Amar buat tak interested pun nak tiup-tiup lilin ke, nak makan cake ke, apa ke. Dia tau tengok Toy Story aje.
8. Anne Memang selamba. Cik Anne, sila click gambar tersebut ya. Nanti dia jadi besar.
9. mom2ashley Yeah, I know it's kinda small. I had a choice of uploading 15-20 photos or "scrap" them. You can still view the larger image if you click on the photos. The size is OK, don't worry.
10. Dyanna Exciting party indeed.
11. Simah First time buat birthday party untuk anak2. Bnyk nak belajar lagi.
12. Kak Lady Alhamdulillah, murah rezeki Amar.
13. Zakiah Rayyan baru nak 2 tahun??? Dah macam 3 tahun je.
14. Lela memang best. alhamdulillah
Thanks for the mkn mknnn hehe so kenyangg :D
Happy Belated B'day amar! Semoga dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezki.
Aunty jue
oh, I'm sure you will have a wonderful time celebrating the many other birthdays yet to come. Wait until he starts demanding his own themes, menu and guest list!! ooooh, I LURVE kiddy parties!
First time here..
Happy Belated Birthday to Amar!
Those foods make me drooling now...:)
17. Arep Betul ke?
18. Juraina Tq
19. D Just last night Sarah requested a Princess theme. (I said she has to like going to nursery first)
20. Huisia Thanks :)
planning in advance really made the party booommm booommmm.....
Happy birthday Amar and enjoy all the birthdy presents...
Happy Birthday Amar!!
Bukan main Sarah nak tiup lilin tu, Amar kenapa mcm kena paksa aje, tapi masa part dapat hadiah tu, muka dia memang ceria kan...
happy belated bday ammar..
untung sarah ngan ammar dpt mama cam still hutang pink cake dgn kakak..isk isk..
Farah aminkan sekali your doas :)
Amar, you lucky kiddo!
Happy belated birthday!!
mamasarah...mama amar...
sorry for being so late...but , here is to wish
Amar, a wonderful belated birthday!
Seronok bila ramai yang menyayangi sama2 celebrate gitu...
one day, he will appreciate reading and seeing this particular entry.
syabas mama!
Happy Birthday Belated to Amar.
Sorry lambat wish, mamafaris selalu tertinggal keretapi...hihihi
hi there
need help ... I noticed that the photo frame that you used on your blog looks very nice ... boleh refer kat I mana I can "curi" to use? :)
the party looked HEBAT!Mcm dpt rasa kemeriahan tu.sronoknya jd budak2 ye...
well plan make the party perfect!
happy birthday amar... semoga jadi anak yg soleh..!!! syok dapat hadiah tu ya..
A'kum mama sarah... and happy belated birthday to Amar. Amin will turn two this August. Nak plan buat b'day party for him as well, tapi bila tengok apartment yg tak cukup luas tu, rasa demotivated je. Kalau buat kat kedai, tak best sangat sbb ibu tak boleh masak.
Anyway, Amin pun dah ada baby brother and nama dia Ammar (with double 'm').
I'm jealous of you Amar!! You got so many presents. It's been a looong time since I recieved any presents AT ALL for my bithday. Dah tua2 ni, orang tak bagi presents dah. Kene belanja diri sendiri. Hehhe. May Allah bless you and may you have the best in life!! Happy birthday again kiddo. =)
Pejam celik pejam celik, Amar dah besar!!
p.s. Mama Sarah bila nak update with new entry?
*tepuk dahi* blur sungguh anne ni!
bestnya birthday celebration :D...seronok tengok anak2 bermain sesama kengkawan dorang kan?
Ameen...moga semua doa akan termakbul...hehehe...comel sgt amar tu...maybe dia belum paham yang party tu untuk dia ..s.ebab tu lah dia macam tak interested..hehehhe
Mama memang pandai masak...beruntung anak2 tu...
22. LuJordan We had to plan well since Babah was working throughout the previous weekend.
23. Yus Memang Amar kena "paksa". hahaha! Tapi dia nak main dan tengok tv.
24. Mama Singa Thank you. Duduk kat sini memang syok trial and error buat cake sendiri. Senget benget pun tak pe.
25. Farah Thanks :)
26. Id Ya. I hope so too.
27. Mama Faris Tak mengapa lambat. Saya tahu Mama Faris seorang yang sangat sibuk!
28. Princess Misha's Mum I do not encourage you to 'curi'. I bought the designs mainly from Scrapbook element and Two peas in a bucket. I heard that there are some FREE designs too. Mungkin boleh google "digital scrapbook" for more websites yang seumpamanya.
29. Nani Memang seronok jadi budak. Carefree!
30. Mulan Syok!
31. Ibu Amin & Ammar Congrats on the newborn. Rumah kami pun kecil. Kami pun tak jemput ramai orang.
32. AFie hihi kena beli present sendiri ya?
33. QoTH Anak2 demam lah. tu lambat update.
34. Anne Meh nak tolong tepuk!
35. Alex Lacey Sarah sangat suka ada kawan datang rumahnya. Amar - biasa lah. Lebih suka main toys dan tengok tv.
36. Kak Lady Saya pun rasa Amar belum mengerti lagi. Hopefully next year, dia lebih faham.
Saya masak biasa-biasa aje. Menu untuk anak-anak.
mama sarah, please go for something like fat free, sugar free/less, unsalted, cholestrol free/reduced items.. takut laa tengok those food tu.. fatty, oily, cheesy, sugary.. not good for our health, unless you counter it back with exercise etc.. those choc cakes tu mmg la my fav. but when i think of penyakit2 tu, meremang jugak heheheh tapi tu laa... tastebud ni kan.. tak leh tahannnnnnnnn... kadang2 belasah jugak time tak beringat tu :D
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