Friday, June 01, 2007

Happy Birthday to Kakak

Dearest Kakak,

Today is your day to celebrate
by Unknown Author

Today is your day to celebrate
your day to be the star
so let the ones you love all cheer
and say how special you are

A year of fun and happiness
is our birthday wish for you
You are someone special
and your birthday should be too!

Happy Birthday
Love from;
Sarah and Amar


NBK466 said...

Waaa..banyaknya N3 termiss..sorry.. Anyhow..Izlin nie..another cousin?

Anak Singa said...

selamat hari lahir. moga menjadi serikandi islam yang hebat :)

silversarina said...


wah lajunya update entries ni.....

1st....happy birthday izlin
2nd.... comel-comelnya kanak-kanak tu semua
3rd.... mana gambar mak-maknya ???
4th.... you must go to that shakepeare's birthplace, rugi kalau tak pergi ( akak nak tengok gambar je )
5th....have a nice weekend...salam pada mak Princess ye..

dith said...


Both sisters' birthday are not far apart eh!

zino said...

happy birthday kakak comel.. semuga menjadi anak kebanggaan ibu dan ayah..

Ajzie said...

Izlin n yaya adik beradik yea..
yaya 24 may and izlin 31 may..

Happy birthday yaya n izlin

pycnogenol said...

Selamat Hari Lahir Izlin!!

Jalilah said...

Happy Birthday Izlin!! Berapa tahun la agaknya adik Izlin, I wonder...Care to share, Kak Nisak?

Jalilah said...
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Mama Sarah said...

nbk466 The eldest cousin on the maternal side :)

MrJournal Terima kasih.

1. Terima kasih
2. Terima kasih kembali
3. Bonda-bonda pemalu belaka
4. Anak-anak saya lebih gemar berada di kawasan yang terbuka. I avoid enclosed space. Lagipun, dalam rumah birthplace tersebut boleh dibaca dan didapati di internet!
5. Salam telah disampaikan dan telah dijawab.

Dith Yeah, very close. If I can remember well, both were delivered a couple(few?) of weeks earlier than expected.

Plus, their 3rd sister would have similar birthday too, but she was born 6-7 weeks early too.

Otherwise, they could all celebrate the birthday sekaligus!

Zino Terima kasih Uncle Zino (Agaknya itulah yang akan dikatakan oleh Kakak)

Ajzie Yaya 24/5, Kakak 1/6 :)

Pycno Terima kasih Uncle. (pandai-pandai je tolong jawabkan anak sedara)

Jalilah sudah 5 tahun! (bermakna Sarah akan jadi 4 tahun pada bulan Oktober ini. Uuuhhh sudah besar mereka semua ni!)