Hari ini Dalam Sejarah

May be Malaysian are rejoicing with the news of the front page of many newspapers today. But jakun me is proud to have an enterprising sister-in-law and family, that I think it should be recorded in this blog. Well done you guys, hopefully your business will continue to flourish and blossom to its full potential.
For those who happened to be in Section 8 or 10, Shah Alam, do visit Restoran Azira. If you meet my sister in law or my brother, do send my regards to them. Who knows you might get a special discount ;)
Full story here.
For those who happened to be in Section 8 or 10, Shah Alam, do visit Restoran Azira. If you meet my sister in law or my brother, do send my regards to them. Who knows you might get a special discount ;)
Full story here.
Mamasarah....nak pi cariklah...baca aje kat nstonline tu...macam2 ada....kecur plak air liur...baca ade laksa Johor....yummy....
Insyallah balik Msia boleh cuba.. nanti..
ler... i selalu sangat sangat gi mkn kat sana. kalau bulan puasa tu bleh kata memang selalu lah! i kasik 5* to this restaurant.
p/s just nak jadik bz body. siapa ker lady yg married to an ex-tnb guy tu yer? i think related dgn azira ni jugak kan...
aa.. i lagi! baru lepas baca the article. faizi la tu... he's my hubby's fren. i pon pernah gi umah dia, i think few years back la. what a small world!
I was just reading this in the paper today :-) My brother lives in Section 10 Shah Alam ... so who knows, maybe next time I go visiting, I'll drop by at your brother's place :-)
ok..next time i back to KL, sure pay a visit :)
Restoran Azira is a staple for the M.Ali clan, back when we're still living in Shah Alam!
It's either Azira or Restoran Hatinie in the next row of shophouses, two of the long-standing restaurants in Section 10.
Talk about small world. :)
boleh laa..kita pergi bila mamasarah dah balik sini nanti..untung2 dapat makan free...ha..ha...
I pun nak join maklang lah.... tak free , 50% discount pun ok jugak.. :)
Insyallah...kalau den tercampak kesana... Sapa lagi kalau kita tak support org2 kita berniaga...dari dok kayakan mamak2 yg charge rege makanan takde kesian...
wah3. good job! next week im going back to msia. if happen that i'll go to shah alam (since i use to go to klang n stop by at shah alam) insya allah will pay a visit to their place. makan makanan johor la pulak ye :)
hey, tu la one of the spots kitorang melantak kat shah alam! Haha..
Alamak jauh ler kat shah alam nak try laksa johor...next month convo Uitm maybe bleh pergi..
thanks for the lovely post sis.
for those veteran frequenters, thanks for the kind words and we look forward to see you again!!
for the first timers, make sure you come with an empty tummy (especially those coming from a long way).
p/s salam to kamarul (my first workmate in TNB)
mlm smalam mu hubby said,
'ada rest kat shah alam jual lempeng cicah sambal tumis, jom try'
i gelak la.. sebab i dah baca this blog pepagi lagi...
org johor..semua nak bercicah...
lor... i live somewhere there, and there is a friend of mine who happened to be a regular/loyal customer of Azira for the past 20 years. She keeps suggesting for me to try it out.... definitely i will, malam ni lah!!
what a small world...
Dear Kron,
Sorry I been out of touch lately. Too many things happening in the office.
Hope you and the kids are well.
Hey, this place at Sec 8 is behind concorde shah alam is it? Wait a minute, isnt concorde at Seksyen 9. Donno lah...
after reading the article.. u should be proud la! wah memang like the rest of ur friends.. i pun kecur baca article kat nst tu...!
now at least peole who r passing section 10 shah alam know where to go for lunch or dinner...yum yum..
Hey, I did go to the restaurant before not knowing that it's actually owned by your sis-in law! Next time I go over I have to look out for her and faizi.
wow! camtu buleh la pi tetiap hari....diskaun pun dapat tetiap hari...hahha
Hi Mama Sarah, Saw your callsign 'Mama Sarah', got curious and kaypoh over. Love your Blog.
And the restaurant. When and if I balek kampong will certainly pop over as I love Malay food. Ada ayam percik? Ikan percik? I stayed in Shah Alam once in 1980, short while. But heard its changed a lot now.
I couldn't help smiling read the word "jakun" you wrote, arhaaa ha ha.
I remember old days a Malay comedian on TV (Bakat TV) used to mentioned that word but opposite way, "Saya ni orang 'kunja'". Someone asked what is 'kunja'? And he replied, "Jakun la". Ha ha.
Then he said, "saya pun betul macham monkunchi". He was asked what is it? He replied, "monkey". Arhaa ha ha.
You keep well, Mama Sarah. Nice callsign. Best regards, UL.
ni kira iklan ke apa ni? hehe
wah kecur ayaq liuq i kat sini wehhhh...dok kira hari lama lagi nak balik. definitely nak try sini. insyaallah balik kami duduk kat shah alam. Ha breakfast pree la nanti nih. Heheheh
Thank you all for your positive feedback. Hihi, even I can't wait to go back for their laksa Johor!
DD orang Johor makan bercicah. Ha ah, mmg kita suka makan cicah2 ni kan. Teringat first time makan goreng pisang cicah sambal kicap cili!
Elviza If you drive from the Federal Highway, the restaurant is actually before the Concorde Hotel on the left. I'll get my brother to give me the address and publish it in here.
U.Lee Hi! Am so honoured to see you here. Yup, don't forget Restoran Azira if you are in Shah Alam. You might find something different from the usual nasi kandaq in Penang ;)
Salam Perkenalan Mama Sarah,
laaa...akak ni duk Shah Alam dah 17 tahun...selalu gak singgah makan kat situ...yes, dulu cuma ada rest Azira dan Azira Laundrette, tapi now dah tambah satu lagi Azira Beriyani pulak... dulu we all pernah raikan my students menang satu pertandingan programming kat situ (ramailah...dekat 20 org)..seronok depa dapat mkn beriyani Johor..
Akak dgn Hubby pon org Johor jugak... my hubby favourite dia telur pindang...wah excited sungguh bila dpt tahu kat situ ada jual telur pindang (org Johor mesti tahu telur ni kan...) ialah kalau akak nak buat tak berbaloi lah pulak, selalu dpt makan bila ada kenduri kahwin aje...tapi skrg kat Johor pun org dah jarang masak telur pindang masa kenduri, dah ganti dgn gula2, kek etc... bila mama Sarah balik Msia, sound2 la akak...boleh jumpa...
akak nak link blog mama sarah kat blog akak boleh? sila lah berkunjung ke blog akak yg tak seberapa...
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