Attack of the Chickenpox: Episode II
I thought both Amar and I have escaped chickenpox. Sarah had it a few weeks ago and her scabs are almost gone now. But two days ago, I saw a few tiny reddish spots on Amar's body. I had one tiny one on my arm.
Yesterday, I had 4-5 spots with headache and feeling quite feverish. Amar was quite cool yesterday, playing as normal. I didn't see him scratching at all. Towards bedtime, I felt quite relieved that my spots were not very itchy and my headache was a bit subdued with a couple of paracetamol.
This morning was a different story. I woke up with MORE spots!!! Urrgghhh... I just hope to get this over quickly with little drama as possible.
Amar has more spots too. And his spots were MORE than what Sarah had before. Amar's dots (per Sarah's term) were tiny red bumps, which now are filled with clear 'liquid'. He hates any forms of medicine. Hence, the difficulty to apply calamine lotion on his body (I saw him scratching today)
Poor Sarah, she is taking the blame. She said she spread the chickenpox to us and keep on giving us big hugs. By the way, she is a good nurse. Sometimes you will hear her say, "Don't worry. Sikit aje" and she will diligently dabs calamine lotion and talcum powder on us.
Yesterday, I had 4-5 spots with headache and feeling quite feverish. Amar was quite cool yesterday, playing as normal. I didn't see him scratching at all. Towards bedtime, I felt quite relieved that my spots were not very itchy and my headache was a bit subdued with a couple of paracetamol.
This morning was a different story. I woke up with MORE spots!!! Urrgghhh... I just hope to get this over quickly with little drama as possible.
Amar has more spots too. And his spots were MORE than what Sarah had before. Amar's dots (per Sarah's term) were tiny red bumps, which now are filled with clear 'liquid'. He hates any forms of medicine. Hence, the difficulty to apply calamine lotion on his body (I saw him scratching today)
Poor Sarah, she is taking the blame. She said she spread the chickenpox to us and keep on giving us big hugs. By the way, she is a good nurse. Sometimes you will hear her say, "Don't worry. Sikit aje" and she will diligently dabs calamine lotion and talcum powder on us.
Hopefully we'll go through this easily. Amiin.
p/s: honest to God, I feel so gatal-tangan to squeeze my spots!!! Just to see if it pops like a balloon.
Don't pop it Mama Sarah!!! Hang in thereeee! :))
Cepat, cepat! Quick recovery! Amiiinn..
Jangan kutil!! I'm sure you'll feel more 'gatal tangan nak kutil' once the spots dah hitam and nak kering! Sabar Mama Sarah.. Sabar... Kang nanti tak hilang bekas dia!
Wish you all the best! Nanti I datang ziarah when I got some free time, okay?
teringat i last year masa ni la my hubby kena chicken pox then jangkit kat rayyan.
kat sana takder neem leaves ke ek. boleh kurngkan gatal kalau mandi dengan daun tu.
ala kesian nya dah menjangkit ye?ask hubby to prescribe zovirax tablets.
don't you dare pop it kang bekas tak hilang forever.....hehe
speedy recovery to both of you.
Sorry to hear about the spread of the pox.
I hope you and Amar recover soon!
Sarah is so cute with that spontaneous hugging actions! That should expedite the recovery, to be sure! =)
i was dying to warn you tp takut menakutkan you pulak.
my mom said "chicken pox ni selalunya berjangkit lepas the first one dah baik..."
even dulu masa i start kerja balik after a week of mc my bos suruh pergi mintak mc lagi, takut belum betul2 baik then jangkit pulak kat org lain... tp doc tak bagi pulak!!! cis...
anyway...don't garu okeh!!!!hehehehe....
la dah spread kat u and Amar pulak ke..teringat masa saya kena baru ni. First spot kat atas belakang, cox tak tau itu CP saya picit bagi keluar air, tu yg buat merebak ke tempat lain.
Seminggu selepas tu baru kena teruk betul2..deman dan badan lesu sgt!
Pasal parut tu jgn bimbang ia akan hilang. 2 spots kat atas dahi saya yang amat obvious ni pn dah semakin tk nampak tapi 'kawah' tu still ada lagi..huhuhu. Banyakkan berehat, insyaallah everthing will be fine. Hug to Amar..
mama..JANGAN GARUK!!!!!!!!!!!!
nanti berbekas, hitam dan menakutkan ia kekal berkawah!!!tak pasal2 nanti area tu jd mcm permukaan bulan esp. muka..sabar ya. kalau gatal sangat cepat2 sapu ubat calamine tu, tebal2 tak pelah, cuma rasa panas sikitkan..sebaiknya banyakkan rehat i.e. tiduq la hehe
1. Farah geraaammm!
2. Juwaidah Oh tolong... sangat miang dan gatal. (Lain je bunyi tu) Amar pun kesian tengok dia. BANYAK berjuta-juta lemon.
3. Zakiah Tak de kedai Cina nak tanya.
4. Kak Elle I think I must have popped a few secara tak sengaja. Maklumlah, bila terasa gatal tu, tangan cepat je garu. Then ter-scratch the spots.
Amar pun dah start garu!
5. Theta I feel sorry especially when she started apologising to all of us for spreading the virus.
6. DD Yus (another blogger) dah warned. I mmg sangsi bila nampak even one tiny spot, which recently memang betul2 chickenpox.
Masa bawa Sarah gi jumpa doctor dulu, I tanya if i dgn amar boleh minta vaccine. TApi GP (haprak) tu cakap, diterjemahkan berbunyi begini, "alaaa, you kena ajelah lagi baik". CHEH!
7. Faruha Spots saya hari ni bertambah banyak berkali ganda! Nak nangis rasanya pagi ni. Tekak pun sakit. Gatal ya amat.
Saya pasti, Amar pun gatal tak terhingga. Kesian saya pada Amar sangat222.
8. Kaklong Calamine lotion dah habis sebotol dikerjakan kami anak beranak. kena beli lagi. mmg ditahan-tahan tangan ni. tapi kadang2 tu terpaksa dilayan gatal ni juga.
alamak..the germs really spread...
get well soon!!
Alahai... kesiannya Amar.. MamaAmar, auntie ajzie tak kesian pun..kihkihkih.
Moga cepat sembuh.. Jgn2 garu2 or kutil2 or kopek2 kopengnya.. nanti tak cantik..hihihi
Gurau aje tau...
Get well soon! Don't go on and pop em up.
Get well soon kak nisak. Take care
10. Huisia Unfortunately yes :(
11. Ajzie huhuhu...
12. Juraina I tried.. hihi! but they have tough membranes!
13. Naja Thanks. Long time no hear eh...
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