Oh No!

Apart from thinking the positive sides of sending Sarah to nursery, I went further and scared myself with the thoughts that she will be susceptible to various illnesses. Yes everyone! Sarah's got it. She got me really worried, especially thinking the sleepless nights she will have to go through because of the dreadful itch.
The weather has also been very warm these few days. For your information UK people don't really know about the thing called "Air-cond". We are however blessed with a desk fan which unfortunately stopped working 2-3 days before Sarah got the chickenpox! The Mama had to hand-fan (Is there such word as that?) Sarah using a hardcover storybook.
Anyway, it has been a few days now. The spots are the most around the nappy area, some on her chest and back. A little on her feet, face and head. We expected worse than that. Thankfully, it seems that she's had a mild one. Now the blisters look like they are drying up, some have black scabs and some look like a hollow dent.
Oh yes, I've just remembered something Sarah said when she saw some spots on her face. While trying to cover her spots with her little hand she said, "Oh No! Stevie will see the spots!" I told her that she has to be rested at home until the spots are all gone, but then she insisted that she has to go the the nursery! [So now you want to go to nursery eh??!!]
Before I took her to see our GP, I explained that the GP might want to look at her spots so that he knows what medication to give. Of which she replied, "Sarah tunjuk my hands and face only. I don't want to show my b****t (bottom) or my c*** (chest). Sarah malu nanti"
Throughout the break out, Sarah was more or less her usual self. She was not that miserable and she didn't scratch the spots that much. Her appetite was also really good. But she had problems with washing/bathing when the blisters burst. It could have been quite painful at that time.
By the way, I often heard that those who gets chickenpox
1. Must drink young coconut juice so that the spots come out and heal faster.
2. Must not be drenched in rain. Otherwise the scars will be permanent.
3. Must not eat anything with kicap (soy sauce) for the same reason as number 2.
Anyone wants to make a research on this? Babah gave me a 'semacam' look when I said I wanted to give Sarah air kelapa muda when we first saw the spots.
Sarah is on her way to recovery now. She cannot attend nursery until her scabs are all cleared. So far, neither Amar nor I have any signs of chickenpox yet although we are very much in close contact with Sarah. Let's hope that we are all free from it and pray that Sarah will be cleared soon too.
note 1: Sarah could have gotten the chickenpox from anywhere, not necessarily from the nursery.
note 2: As far as my earliest memory is concerned, I have not yet had chickenpox. That's why I am very petrified of it. Especially when I was pregnant with Sarah and Amar (and any other time too).
note 3: Babah has had it. So he was quite cool about it although he thought that he's caught it from Sarah when he saw some spots on his face, but that I think are jerawat. Still, one may get it more than once in his lifetime, right?
Before I took her to see our GP, I explained that the GP might want to look at her spots so that he knows what medication to give. Of which she replied, "Sarah tunjuk my hands and face only. I don't want to show my b****t (bottom) or my c*** (chest). Sarah malu nanti"
Throughout the break out, Sarah was more or less her usual self. She was not that miserable and she didn't scratch the spots that much. Her appetite was also really good. But she had problems with washing/bathing when the blisters burst. It could have been quite painful at that time.
By the way, I often heard that those who gets chickenpox
1. Must drink young coconut juice so that the spots come out and heal faster.
2. Must not be drenched in rain. Otherwise the scars will be permanent.
3. Must not eat anything with kicap (soy sauce) for the same reason as number 2.
Anyone wants to make a research on this? Babah gave me a 'semacam' look when I said I wanted to give Sarah air kelapa muda when we first saw the spots.
Sarah is on her way to recovery now. She cannot attend nursery until her scabs are all cleared. So far, neither Amar nor I have any signs of chickenpox yet although we are very much in close contact with Sarah. Let's hope that we are all free from it and pray that Sarah will be cleared soon too.
note 1: Sarah could have gotten the chickenpox from anywhere, not necessarily from the nursery.
note 2: As far as my earliest memory is concerned, I have not yet had chickenpox. That's why I am very petrified of it. Especially when I was pregnant with Sarah and Amar (and any other time too).
note 3: Babah has had it. So he was quite cool about it although he thought that he's caught it from Sarah when he saw some spots on his face, but that I think are jerawat. Still, one may get it more than once in his lifetime, right?

Amar wanted to be in the limelight too. In the midst of my fearsome of the chickenpox break out, Sarah and Amar continued their daily activities almost as normal. I am yet to write up a proper development on Amar. For the time being, suffice to say that he enjoys playing rough activities with Sarah.
It's heart warming to see Sarah making Amar laugh. We feel proud of him that he's responding to his surroundings more now and making effort to be involved in a more normal children's activities; let it be a normal run around and simple peek-a-boo.
On Monday (11 June 2007) evening, shortly after Babah arrived from work - the kids started to behave extra excitedly. They were running in circles (according to Babah) (I was in the kitchen preparing dinner) when suddenly Amar fell and wailed so loud that got us all worried.
His right hand looked limp and as if dislocated from his wrist! I really thought that it looked as if it was dangling away from his arm. Babah (having watched too much of Lost) went into the kitchen and found a senduk nasi (something like a flat ladle) and tied it to Amar's arm with a brown tape.
The chicken was still roasting but I had to turn off the oven and quickly got changed. There was no time to think about the colour scheme or nicely ironed blouse. I ended up wearing a mismatched colour outfit, but who cares? My mind was racing to think of plans should Amar has to stay in the hospital. We went straight to the Children's A&E department, Coventry University Hospital with wailing Amar all the way in the car. We registered at the reception and waited to be called.
Not long after that, a senior nurse called us and took the full history of the incident. He passed a comment on 'how efficient' Babah's quick thinking of the improvised bandage. (which later Babah wondered if the nurse meant it in a good way or with sarcasm??!!)
The nurse weighed Amar and gave him a syringe of calpol and ibuprofen (which we did not get around to giving him). Then we were asked to wait in the waiting room to be called by a paediatrician. There were at least 10 other children waiting to be called. The in-charged doctor will treat patients according to the severity of the illness - not first come first serve.
As we were waiting, Amar calmed down and started to move his supposedly injured hand like normal. Babah did some tests to see if Amar was really OK. We were quite worried if he has dislocated his shoulder or hand or arm or fractured any parts of his arm, as he was crying rather abnormally when he injured his hand. By then, he looked very much normal again. He even gave us his cheeky smile. His hand looked very much 'in place' too, honestly we really thought we saw the hand was somehow detached from the wrist! Seriously!
After a few minutes of contemplation, we decided to self discharged. Babah had to sign a form for this and then we went home. When we arrived, Sarah and Amar started to run around again like nothing have happened before.
It's heart warming to see Sarah making Amar laugh. We feel proud of him that he's responding to his surroundings more now and making effort to be involved in a more normal children's activities; let it be a normal run around and simple peek-a-boo.
On Monday (11 June 2007) evening, shortly after Babah arrived from work - the kids started to behave extra excitedly. They were running in circles (according to Babah) (I was in the kitchen preparing dinner) when suddenly Amar fell and wailed so loud that got us all worried.
His right hand looked limp and as if dislocated from his wrist! I really thought that it looked as if it was dangling away from his arm. Babah (having watched too much of Lost) went into the kitchen and found a senduk nasi (something like a flat ladle) and tied it to Amar's arm with a brown tape.
The chicken was still roasting but I had to turn off the oven and quickly got changed. There was no time to think about the colour scheme or nicely ironed blouse. I ended up wearing a mismatched colour outfit, but who cares? My mind was racing to think of plans should Amar has to stay in the hospital. We went straight to the Children's A&E department, Coventry University Hospital with wailing Amar all the way in the car. We registered at the reception and waited to be called.
Not long after that, a senior nurse called us and took the full history of the incident. He passed a comment on 'how efficient' Babah's quick thinking of the improvised bandage. (which later Babah wondered if the nurse meant it in a good way or with sarcasm??!!)
The nurse weighed Amar and gave him a syringe of calpol and ibuprofen (which we did not get around to giving him). Then we were asked to wait in the waiting room to be called by a paediatrician. There were at least 10 other children waiting to be called. The in-charged doctor will treat patients according to the severity of the illness - not first come first serve.
As we were waiting, Amar calmed down and started to move his supposedly injured hand like normal. Babah did some tests to see if Amar was really OK. We were quite worried if he has dislocated his shoulder or hand or arm or fractured any parts of his arm, as he was crying rather abnormally when he injured his hand. By then, he looked very much normal again. He even gave us his cheeky smile. His hand looked very much 'in place' too, honestly we really thought we saw the hand was somehow detached from the wrist! Seriously!
After a few minutes of contemplation, we decided to self discharged. Babah had to sign a form for this and then we went home. When we arrived, Sarah and Amar started to run around again like nothing have happened before.
what a scare kan?
Hope sarah doing ok...sayang dia malu nak cakap ngan auntie elle hari tu.
Finally arrived home this afternoon ard 3.30pm after 2 hours delay in London.I don't even have the chance to shop in London......
owh..better to get infected by now. it gives immunity to sarah. the elder, the more severe. pity amar too. but he ended up makes me smile. amar oo amar...
Good that now Sarah is recovering...but you better be prepared for the 'next' one to get infected! Take care...hugs and kisses to both Sarah & Amar..they're lovely.
alahai kakak sarah...take care ok!!! wah, dah besar la dia dah malu2...
last monday iman jatuh, dia bangun and jalan dengkut2 and jatuh balik, bgn lagi jln dengkut2.. i takut kalau2 terseliuh..then tetiba dia senyum, terus jln mcm biasa sambil senyum2 lebar!! uihhhh....abnormal sebentar pengaliran darahku!
Fear not Mama Sarah!! On the bright side, it's actually a good thing Sarah dapat chickenpox awal. So she don't have to worry about it bila dah besar panjang nanti, InshaAllah. Unlike myself (baru dapat 2 tahun lepas)..
Sarah!! Cepat² baik!! Amiiinn..
P/s: Oh yaa, air kelapa muda! Heard of that petua before. My atok selalu bagi bila farah tengah demam panas. To cool off the body kot.
wahlao, amar ni mcm aunty jugak ah! when i was small, i had an incident just like this during a wrestling match with my father. i wailed & everyone thought I broke a bone. my Tok always asks me "ingat tak masa anne olok2 patah tangan tu?" sheesh, malu seh.
and sarah, c*** tu ape, ek?
Awal entry sedikit muram ,kesian kat sarah, in the middle masih sedih sian kat amar , towards the end, akak senyum... kelakar pun ada lega pun ada amar dah okay.....hehehe.
air kelapa muda, akak memang try kat anak-anak , memang keluar banyak chicken pox nya dan cepat sembuh sebab keluar sekaligus and nak hilngkan gatal serta parutnya , waktu 3 orang anak kena sekali, kawan bagitau sapu dengan batu kawi (beli dari farmasi cina ), tapi nampak macam leopard lah budak-budak but memang tak bergaru dah...and tak de parut apapun........
take care !!
Oh dear, poor Sarah! And maybe there's a chnace Amar will get it too, you think?
My kids missed school for about 3 weeks (ya, 3 minggu lama tu) when they all got chicken pox the other day. The least affected was the youngest and he two teenagers suffered the most with the most spots. Agaknya betullah orang kata lagi besar lagi teruk. I don't know how the air kelapa muda works but I just went along with the idea. All the other pantangs I tak peduli pun and people were horrified I let them have kicap (please please tell me how eating kicap can leave black marks) and I tak pun buat 'bedak' lepas baik or bagi mandi dengan daun mambu (mambo-jumbo's more like it, heheh).
Get well soon Sarah, and Amar pulak - don't give your mom and dad such a scare again!
Get well soon both Amar & Sarah...Ingatkan virus CP nie idok ler sampai ke UK..hu..hu..hu..
Salam ziarah.
Dear Sarah, get well soon. Syafakillah :)
oh yea..when i was 5..i broke my hand. masa tu nangis kuat. but my ummi tot i was laughing...fuh...
Poor u...hope all is well now. When i was reading ur post on Amar, my heart beat fast...so kesian if his arm is really dislocated. So lega at the end! That was wht happened to my nephew whn he was 2yo. fell off the playpen...that monyet climbed out n lost balance! Like Amar he was playing after a while at the hosp...but he was unlucky...really dislocate his arm! A speedy full recovery to Sarah and u take care.
P/S not necessary u or Amar will be infected...it depends on individual's immune system.
Babah tak prescribe Sarah syrup Zovirax ke?
It seems Amar is prone to orthopedic conditions eh? I remember his had a severe thumb infection not long ago.
Oiseh Amar, self healing pulak.. macam cerita Heroes. Heheh...
I advise that you put socks on sarah's hands so that she won't scratch her itch (why does this phrase sounds familiar? hehe..) unconsciously when she sleeps and leave scars on her face (or B*** or C*** apa tu?)
1. Kak Elle Sarah held the phone but didn't utter a single word. At least she heard your voice saying 'hello' to her.
2. Sarah Yup, I was saying the same thing to everyone too. It's better to get it when she is still young. That is of course after it seemed that her spots are not that many as we expected. So it was bearable for us all.
3. Nik Farizah Hihi... I am on the look out. I get worried when I see a tiny swell on my body! And very sangsi when I see Amar scratching his arm the other day. But so far so good.
4. DD Sarah jangkit chickenpox from Iman kot? gurau je. berjangkit melalui internet. hihi! (lawak tak kelakar ke ni?)
So your Iman pun dah pandai buat drama ya?
5. Farah Kat sini tak de jual kelapa muda. So you have to rely on the ones sold in cans. Unfortunately they taste like santan :(
Yeah, luckily Sarah tak banyak ragam sangat with the chickenpox.
6. anne haha... Amar belajar dari Auntie Anne ke ni??? Heh heh I'm waiting for Nunu to act up like you did, I bet you'll hear the same line again from your Tok ;)
7. LuJordan My parents pun ada sebut batu kawi. Tapi tak tahu nak sebut apa kat kedai Asia. Kedai Cina kat Coventry ni dah tutup pulak! Anyway, alhamdulillah Sarah is much better now. It's almost a week, but her blisters have almost dried up.
8. QoTH I saw some comments left on other blogs about this daun mambu thing. How am I to know what it looks like??? But luckily Sarah is much better now - and it's just been a week today.
9. nbk466 kot dia travel melalui internet kot? haha.
10. MrJournal Thank you.
11. MR Journal Oh dear, must have been double painful eh?
12. Elly We were very relieved ourselves when Amar started to move his hand normally that day. It was as if he just put up an act, which was very unlike him. I really hope he won't do that again, because it's not funny!
13. DITH You know the system here is funny. We went to our GP, and he treated Sarah like "Ala small matter je ni". At first, he gave Sarah infant paracetamol only. Then I asked if he could prescribe calamine lotion as well, which he scribbled it on the prescription paper.
How am I supposed to know to ask for Zovirax? I bet the GP thought it's unnecessary (like many other GP kat sini yang a bit tight with ubat if it's not necessary)
14. Dyanna errkkk do we have a superpower kid in this house?
the sock is a good idea. i thought of that too. but alhamdulillah, Sarah knows that she's not supposed to garu. at least not infront of me!
Dyanna and Anne B***** and C*** are just terms used in this house for certain parts of our body...
Harap Sarah cepat sihat.. dan boleh ke nursery balik yea..
Nisak get ready.. pasni your turn plak..hihihi..
you ni buat sakit perut i pepagi la.... lawak!
how is she today?
alaa.. kesiannya budak budak tu specially sarah. hopefully she'll be OK soon.
and as for amar... tu ler. budaklaki laki. lasak nya bukan main kan! Bravo amar!!!
what a scare! still can laugh cheekily. hehehe.
hope sarah get well soon, mamasarah. i havent had any chikinpox too.
How is she now? Poor girl..hope she gets well soon
sama mcm yus, bila dengar chickenpox jer terus kecut, tp bila semua anak2 dah melalui proses tu, takdelah sangat. Amar mungkin kena lepas ni, macam Abid hari tu, yus ingatkan dia ok, tapi lepas dua minggu Aqil dan Alia sembuh, dia pulak kena.Get ready!
17. Ajzie Alaaa janganlah takutkan saya!
18. DD She's much better, alhamdulillah. you mandikan Iman tak masa dia kena hari tu? You pulak kena teruk tak? tak leh imagine kalau i kena macamana? tak relaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
19. Mummy Rizq I rasa, Amar belum masuk kategori lasak yang bukan main. Tapi senang benar nak terjatuh or terhantuk or tergolek dan sebagainya!
(Tapi potensi nak lasak tu ada)
20. IbuAisyah I ni baru nak bersedap-sedap hati about escaping the chickenpox now. TApi orang dok takut-takutkan lagi, so now rasa gatal everywhere!
21. Huisia She's much better, thanks.
22. Yus Baru je rasa 'LEGAAAAnya' sebab tak jangkit dari Sarah. TApi yus punya statement... alahai hancur harapanku! TApi ada hikmahnya juga kena sekarang, daripada kena masa nak naik flight esok. tak pasal2 kena grounded pulak. ya tak?
Sounds like you've got your hands full!
I know mine are *sigh*
Hello Mama Sarah, regret to hear your kid ada chickenpox. Guess most of us have to get thru that one time in our lives.
Anyway, here's hoping she's recovered by now.
Keep her cool while she recovers. Heat will being the itchiness.
Have a good Summer, UL.
oooh poor little sarah.. hope she'll recover soon..
p/s.. can easily buy coconut drink there kaa??
hati2 ya mama, chicken pox ni berjangkit.
harapnya sarah bertambah sihat. kalau dpt, pantangkan dia seafood, faham ajelah, seafood ni biasanya gatal2 terutama utk org yg allergic. takut nanti sedap makan, pas tu, tergaru2. sayang nanti elok2 parut boleh hilang, kekal jadinya.
bab air kelapa muda, mmg petua org tua supaya bagi minum utk keluarkan semua chicken pox tu..
24. Hiyoshi So no chance to lend us a hand eh?
25. U.Lee We bought a new standing fan! Cannot tahan the heat anymore.
26. Mulan Ada jual dalam tin. Tapi ada yang rasa macam SANTAN!
27. Kaklong Seafood memang Sarah dan Amar tak makan langsung. Telur pun tak makan. Saya pantangkan dari kecil sebab bimbangkan eczemanya. Tapi sampai ke besar mereka tak mau makan seafood/telur.
betul kata Azie...hati2...kuman2 tu sedang berternabgan, esp masa sarah nak recover tu...incubation period is 2 weeks...
daun bambu tu is the daun nymph (neem...tak tau spelling ni)yang maklang cakap ari tu. Kat ujung daun ada macam jarum2 halus. kalau kena gatal2 sedap kalau kita sapu or kebas2 kan kat badan,...lega sekejap!
Semuga Sara cepat sembuh...
I hope sarah gets well soon.
semuga sarah cepat sembuh...
29. Maklang Mana pula nak cari daun tu? Nasib baik spots Sarah tak banyak. Rasanya tak lah teruk sangat gatalnya.
30. Juraina Thanks. She's much better now.
31. Zino Terima kasih. Dah 80% pulih rasanya.
Perhaps if I grow a new one, I could lend you that extra hand!
33. Hiyoshi that will be scary!
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