Saturday, June 16, 2007

Pizza Hut and Memorial Park: 19 May 2007

Thank you for your well wishes to Sarah. There are some new spots! But Sarah is wise enough not to scratch them and we regularly apply calamine lotion on her body to ease the itchiness. Other spots are healing except for the big ones.

Today's entry is just to record our activity happened on 19 May 2007. Nothing different really just a normal Saturday we spent with the children in the town centre and Memorial Park. Sarah has just acquired her likings to pizza and requested to go to Pizza Hut for lunch that day. She had a piece of garlic bread, a slice of pizza and best of all ~ unlimited desserts from the ice cream factory.

Babah met his old workmate who happened to sit just next to our table. It was a very pleasant and peaceful lunch. Sarah behaved herself very well and Amar was in a deep sleep. [I am a mean Mom, always taking advantage on this sort of opportunity!]

Coventry Crown Court

From Pizza Hut, we explored a new area of Coventry that we have just discovered! [After 3 years of residing here that is] It's where the Civic Centre and Crown Court are.

The above is Sarah carrying her new little mermaid pyjamas posing infront of the Crown Court. The area was in close proximity with Coventry University buildings, Herbert Art Gallery & Museum and Toy Museum.

It was still early, we went back to our car and drove to Memorial Park. The park may not be appealing to some people but it was good enough for our children to play at its playground.

There weren't many people when we reached the playground. Sarah and Amar had a good time on the swing and slide.

Even Babah couldn't resist the temptation of the swing! (Amar giving a little wave to Sarah who was on a slide at that time)

Sarah loved it when Babah pushed her high and fast.

She thought she was flying.

Amar definitely has gained his confidence with other apparatus too. We let him explore the playground under close supervision. He did remarkably well on the above bar and on a springy horse.

The next day, we went to National Sea Life Centre, Birmingham. This will be my next entry.

credits: Plain background paper and embellishments by Shabby Princess.


Elly said...

she's so pretty with her hair tied up n with clips...

Kak Elle said...

happy family outing lah ..... glad Sarah improving with the chicken pox.

almost complete my photos for viewing and I only entered whats necessary to view .... yg lain tu cencored....hahaha

Kiah Kardashian said...

oh dear...I dah miss the previous entry about the chicken pox. Rayyan got it last year around this time. The spots lagi teruk lagi dari Sarah punyer (i rasa sebab masa tu tak kena vaccine varicella lagik). Nangis 2 hari non stop.

Amar dah pandai cakap ke?? Rayyan ni nak masuk 2 next month langsung tak cakap lagi ni. The only thing he knows is 'NOOOOOOOO!.

FaRuHa said...

Sarah-chan dah baik dr chicken pox?..semoga cepat sembuh.

Mama Sarah said...

1. Elly I have to pujuk her to get her hair done! And after half an hour, her hair will be messy again.

2. Kak Elle Lovely photos! Made me want to go there too.

This entry is about what we did LAST MONTH!!! For now, we are very much stuck indoors.

3. Zakiah Kat sini tak dapat varicella vaccine. I dah pernah minta dari zaman dahulu kala dari GP, tapi diaorang geleng kepala je. They think it's best to get it agaknya.

Sarah dok renyah gatal ajelah. The first few nights memang berjaga lah sebab tak mau kasi dia garu time malam. Tapi agaknya dia pun 'biasa' rasa gatal kerana eczemanya, jadi dia pun pandai minta ubat makan/sapu.

Tak tahulah kalau Amar yang kena nanti macam mana??!!

Rayyan pandai cakap NOOO aje? hihi kenapa agaknya ya? Well, Amar pun belum pandai cakap sangat. More about his development in my later, later entry - entah bila nak buat entry ni tak tahu!

Mama Faris Semakin pulih nampaknya. Lega juga rasanya tidaklah seteruk yang dijangkakan. and her spots pun tak lah besar sangat. ada 3-4 je yang BESAR. yang lain sederhana saiznya.

NorAiniJ said...

Hello dear, it's been like a month since I last visited this happy family. Keciannya Sarah kena chicken pox eh? Thank God she looks ok now from the latest photos. OK dear, take care, till next time.

Mama Sarah said...

6. NJ This entry was on something we did a month ago - before Sarah caught the chickenpox.

But she's much better now anyway.

nuhaafnan said...

poor babe, glad that she's getting better.

hmmm... that pic of mynn on the swing sure made my day :) why can't we have more swings like that in Malaysia?

Theta said...

My auntie and uncle used to live in Coventry before moving to Guildford, Surrey.

From your description, Coventry sure has a lot more grounds to cover compared to Guildford.

Lovely days are with the family!

Mama Sarah said...

8. Anne takkan tak banyak kot anne?

9. Theta We used to think Coventry is a dull place, especially the town centre. But in reality, it is ideal for many reasons including its precious history.

I'm sure Guildford is the same.