R-L; Babah, Suboohi, Abhishek and Dawn
It's only normal to hear how great it is to work with his workmates from Babah. He enjoys going to work and love working with his great friends. Ever since he began his working life, I hardly hear him complain about his team. Mostly all positive. He once said; it probably feels like going to the nursery rather than to work!
Last bank holiday weekend, they have arranged a barbecue outing at
Rutland Water. The place is about 1.5hrs from our house. We used the countryside route (quite hilly and winding) but we love the scenic view along the way.
Let's get the party started:

Dawn with her gigantic match.

I vaguely remember who had to bring what? I remember we brought the meat, chicken (marinated overnight) and some vegetables. Suboohi brought the disposable bbq set and some games. Abhishek was responsible for snacks (including yummy chocolate cake!) and drinks. And if I heard this right from Babah, Dawn had to bring 'everything and anything else'.

Peppers cut and prepared by Bilal

Well done, please

Babah with his small portion of food.

View of our little corner

It was forecasted to be a great weather, but the first half of the day was quite cloudy and chilly! Luckily we brought our jackets and warm clothing.
Row, row, row your boat

Just before 3pm, we (Richard mainly!) spring cleaned the place only leaving behind the still glowing charcoal behind for a boat ride around Rutland Water. We rushed to "
Rutland Belle" the name of the boat that took us on a cruise around the man-made reservoir.

The above is Normanton Church Museum. It's brief history
here.Other than the boat ride, there are also activities like water sports, trout fishing, bird watching and cycling. Oh, of course the area near the museum is quite beautiful too.
The Sports Headlines

The day was far from over. Right after the boat ride, we started to get a generous amount of sunshine that we thought of lazing around for a bit more. So we went back to our barbecue spot. Suboohi and Bilal brought with them badminton rackets, a ball and frisbees.

Popular Suboohi among the children.

Football time with Sarah.

Frisbee session with Amar.

This is how you catch it people!

and don't go throwing it into the water!

The Frisbee rescuer! (A rescue mission by Babah. The frisbee was accidentally thrown into the lake.)
The fun family outing
Also during the second half of the outing, we spent the time finishing the rest of the food! There was generous amount of fruits, cakes and sodas.

Dawn with her fruit kebab.

This is how you 'change' a wriggly baby. Demonstrated by Richard.

The ground was huge. Ample space for the kids to run around.

"Gotcha, Adhi!"
It's just that the parents have to watch out for their kiddies so that they don't jump into the water. Sarah was very good. She knew it was dangerous. But it still gave you those anxious feelings whenever she stood too near to the water. I saw Amar sitting at the edge of the bank and moving bit by bit to get into the water! He didn't get into the water which was (I think) very much to his disappointment.

Otherwise, it was really a nice venue for a family outing. I love the above photo.

and this one too.

and this one of Ame!
There were tonnes of Ame's photos. She was the centre of attention that day!
After meeting with Babah's friends, I can understand why he enjoys going to work so much. They are just a bunch of super nice people with great enthusiasm and sense of humour too. In short, our day out was excellent especially because of the great company we were with. Thank you all!
:) lovely, fascinating, joyful, ah what a merryland of company u had there ....mama sarah!
it is such a joy to see people from different back ground and ethnicity working and playing together in such sweet harmony.
the activities, the smiles, the food, the laughter * can be heard from the photos - serious*, all of these are what great memories are made of!
the baby is super duper cute!
Teringat la masa zaman i makan gaji dlu. Mimpi ler nak pergi kerja dengan rasa riang. Hish...never. Syukur duduk umah sekarang ni. Heheheh
oh...how i wish jadik cam yr hubby..sronot pi kerija...emmm not that i'm tak happy pi kerija but lebih happy bila tak pi kerija...hahaha.
tak kerija tak dpt duit...tak de duit tak leh nak shopping...laaaagiii tak happy kan...hahahhaha.
yes, just like dd, i also wish i could be like your hubby... enjoying myself at work which i currently do not. Not that i don't be grateful to Allah for giving me such 'rezeki'... alhamdulillah.
Looked like you had a Wonderful time! You should include a picture or two of you to show us how much fun you had *wink*
Waaa..international BBQ...Shah Rukh Khan pun ada...he..he..he..
i know i've heard the story & seen the pics before on mynn's blog, but ms's entry is always fresh & never boring. Bak kata, tak jemu mata memandang
the long wait for this entry is totally worth it :D
This is how you 'change' a wriggly baby. Demonstrated by Richard.
hahahaah budak tu tak jatuh ka nisak?
Do like to go to work (when you worked in Msia last time), MS? I still remember the story you told us during usrah abt your boots dulu.. ehehe..
Flash news from Msia:
PM akan kahwin this weekend.
alamak, dyanna - mana2 i pegi orang dok flash i this news. aaarrghhh...
Idham They were talking about our 'colourful' gathering that day too. My husband is very lucky to get them as his friends. They are very merry indeed.
psst: for some reason, my computer does not want to load your blog. Normally it will shut down by itself :(
Zakiah bila lama di rumah, teringin nak kerja semula. bila di tempat kerja, rasa nak duduk rumah pulak.
tapi dok rumah juga yang best kan Zakiah kan kan?
dd begitulah adanya... may be working condition kat msia gitu kot? workplace kat msia kena sediakan 'permainan' mcm yg disediakan di tempat kerja suamiku. hihi!
nikfarizah it's not that bad is it? hihihi...
Juraina email boleh lah insyaAllah ;) ;)
nbk466 jangan jealous you! kajol, aishwarya rai pun ada. haha...
anne hang ni pandai betul ambik hati orang tua ya!
simah tak jatuh pun. macam supergirl je.
dyanna i LOVE working apart from certain mishaps. oh dear, what did i goreng you juniors about my boots eh? well, that's what you get when you work on a construction site during monsoon season!
anne whoops, i did it too in my latest entry ;) don't you read it then.
comelnya gambar2!
hope that 1 day, i'll be enjoying my work as much as babah :)
Lovely photos as always MamaSarah.
Good company, good food, that's what we need more in this world ;)
Take care.
Apesal Anne? did he broke youor heart?? :P
Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.
- Daniel
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