Saturday, July 22, 2006

18 July 2006: Mission: MSD London

MSD London, Bayswater

Sarah woke up that morning crying when she couldn't find Nanny in the guest room. "Mana Nanny?" She asked.

Atuk and Nanny left for London at 5.45am, also by bus. It's only a 2 hour journey. I forgot to ask if there was any traffic problem like the day before. But I was sure they arrived safely there and straight away went to MSD London on work purposes.

Trafalgar Square

Later, they went around city of London. And as you can see, the weather was bountiful in sunshine and the temperature soared to 38.1°C, breaking previous UK records.

Charing Cross, Tube Station

They were brave to use the underground tube. Well, there was nothing wrong with the service. It was just me who was scared.

The London Eye

At least, they have each other in London. And unlike me the day before, I felt so weird taking photos of building in London with no-one standing before it.

Houses of Parliament and Big Ben

Houses of Parliament used to be London's Palace of Westminster. The last monarch to live there was Henry VII who moved out in 1512.

While Big Ben (the clock tower seen on the right of the photo above) is London most recognisable attraction according to a tourism survey in UK.

Some reports also say that Houses of Parliament and Big Ben has spectacular view especially at night. I think our friend, Rosli Othman has once captured the night image. Click here to view.

Tower Bridge

Believe it or not, the bridge is 116 years old. Just one interesting fact about the bridge; in 1952, A London bus had to leap from one bascule to the other when the bridge began to rise with the bus still on it.

Atuk and Nanny arrived home around 8pm, and Sarah was the happiest person to see them back!


dith said...


Wonder if I'd ever have the chance to savor the beauty of London. Hopefully Muhammad does well and secures a seat in UK. Insyallah, maybe then I'd be given the opportunity to!

Mama Sarah said...

DITH Wah, Muhammad coming to UK! I'm more excited on the perspective of meeting you here (no hard feelings Muhammad) Cuma, i wonder if we are still here when you come to visit.

Anonymous said...

Hmm.. I think I want to go up on the London Eye at least once... kan dear (KKL ler sapa lagi)... I have been to London XX number of times visiting you but never been on the London Eye... haiya

Anonymous said...

What's actually the London Eye? Looks like an amusement park ride to me.. hehe.

Mama Sarah said...
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Mama Sarah said...

any londoner wants to answer miss crimsonskye?

mynn said...

if ever you guys nak naik london eye, call i sekali. i'll (we?'ll) go with you guys. kitorang pun rasa nak naik at least sekali. the view of london from atop the eye is supposed to be amazing.

london eye is the ?biggest ferris wheel in the world. the size of one of those cubicles could fit a small car. it's around £20 to ride (if not more expensive) per person. i'm not sure how long it is per rotation, but because the 'eye' is so big, you could see the whole of central london, therefore all the monuments, palaces, bridges and important places, from atop the 'eye'. cool eh?

Anonymous said...

mynn: 20 pounds per person?? Boleh tahannnn....!

mynn said...

for "just" a ferris wheel ride, expensive no?

Anonymous said...

but naik sekali for the phot op.. i mean worth it...

mynn said...

bring your camera o-k, i'll copy the pictures off you.