The Art of Sleep

As I'm writing this, Amar is napping. Let's see how long he will sleep this time!

(This is for kenakelayan) Last night, Sarah and Amar slept at 8pm. I started to tidy up the house, doing the laundry, washing up etc. When everything was more or less done, I sat infront of the computer, "minding my own business" and tried my best not to enter any entry in my blog.
Around 1am, Amar cried. So I quickly went upstairs, didn't want him to wake the whole neighbourhood. Repositioned Amar, and he continued sleeping.
THEN Sarah cried. When she felt my hands tepuk2 her back, she calmed down.
I wanted to leave her, when suddenly Sarah celik mata and toleh towards me (ala2 cerita exorcist) and said; "Mama dia mana?"
She repeated herself a few times, with her eyes wide open.
When I didn't answer, she answered herself, "Mama dia (m)akan kot?"
I knew straight away she was referring to cerita "Spirited Away". The part where Sen nangis masa makan pau dengan Haku. Each time sampai scene tu, she would ask me, "nape?"
My usual reply was "Dia cari mama dia kot."
Then she would say, "Mama dia mana?"
"Makan dengan Babah dia."
Sampai termimpi-mimpi si Sarah banyak sangat tengok Spirited Away!
I nak buang DVD tu! Banyak spirit. Tak elok untuk kesihatan.
Oh nooooooo...
May I suggest an alternative? (hehe)
The Adam's World Series. Islamic ala Sesame Street.
Available at any good bookshops.
Something for Mynn to buy when he next goes on a dvd splurge! :)
Some kids have started memorising the Quran at an early age. Maybe you want to start on Sarah?
U know what? Masin mulut ni, DVD spirit away, tertinggal dlm laptop mynn. he went to work this morning with the dvd! Sarah nangis sekejap this morning asking for "away" (Spirited away) she has to be happy with toy story instead.
How i wish Sarah and Amar to belajar and tamat quran at an early age. She has a few children nasyid cds already. BAgus sangat dia belajar Aa Ba Ta etc... Even BAbah get to learn as well. hehehe...
I was a slow learner.. tak reti baca sampai tua...
Nowadays mengigau gaks.. two days before getting the car siap mimpi cakap ngan Ustaz as we were getting the car. Bila nampak mak ai.. buruk gila (dalam mimpi) and I said out loud, "You have got to be joking!" - sampai terbangun. Talk about nightmares. More scary than the Ring... waaa..
:) I realised bila dah tua2 ni how much crap there is in my brain from all those stuff we were exposed to when young...
I guess cartoons okaylah, but kena balance this out.
It will take a lot of effort to teach kids the Quran (it is also a good time to betulkan the makhraj of letters) at such a young age but they learn so fast that it will be more than well worth the energy.
hehehe Sir O-K, why not buang je kereta tu, mcm i disappear kan dvd spirited away. see what happens?
Nooooo... we (oops I mean he, ehehe) paid a lot of moolah for that car!
ehehehe.. just a thought... hehehe. sorry Dame O-K.
Had an OK dinner. sate Batu pahat.
The beef is nice.. but I think the satay is too spicy.. loved the Nur Satay in Ampang.. hmmm. maybe next time I'll have some of that.
Last week I had a craving for lontong. Dificult to find in Trg.
Also had ABC and nasi ayam last week
So feeling ok on the food front.
Just feeling down lately because I had to down rate 10 people from a good rating to ok rating..
Also coming up to the 6th anniversary of Mama's passing away.
Maybe i'll make a quick trip to KL some time in April.
When I was younger used to love transformers. Not because they were cool (which they were by the way) but the stories were interesting. They had none of the stupid smurf stuff.. they actually had issues... I guess at the time cartoons with real life issues were not heard of yet. It took the japanese to show the westerners that there is a market for animation that actually deals with real life issues such as love, hate, war, famine.
My highly recommended film - grave of fireflies. K-layan is right. Very moving story.. may not be suitable for kids.
hehehe.. kelakar lah you all.
i lupa nak cerita, our main tv, rosak semalam. haaa tu lah. didn't i tell you? bad omen, this Spirited Away.
masin mulut i ni hah. dulu2222, masa mynn final year xm, dia d/load christina Aguillera, lagu apa ntah? yg dia pakai very indecently. Pastu I bagi ayat2 semburan, pastu computer rosak. haaaaaaaaaa... masin tak mulut i nih..
p/s: speaking of mulut masin.. sedapnya lontong....
beryani batu pahat.. yum yum...
tolooooongggggggg naakkkkkkkkkkk.
Dame O-K, kita pergi London July ni, makan kat Mawar nak?
Kalau I free I boleh masakkan sekali... tapi Mawar pun boleh pergi jugak. Rindu kat beef rendang dia. I pun dah lama tak pergi.
Tapi dekat rumah I ada this HALAL, no alcohol, Thai Restaurant, owner dia Melayu Johor. The best Thai food I ever tasted. Seriously. Harga pun ok, macam Mawar.
Jangan percaya review yang 15 pounds pp tu. Tipu! I makan 5-7 pounds dah super kenyang. 7 pounds tu include starter weh! Tu omputih tak reti order.
I though semua yang Christina A punya video clip lebih kurang tak cukup kain??
Hah speaking of mulut masin, my kakak nyer mulit memang power. Fuuh.. kalau dia sumpah macam macam jadi...
Another kisah ngeri..
Hari ni nak ke Kuantan, attend wedding kawan dari sekolah dulu. Maybe I can practice me photography.
Wah dah tukar layout...
Amacam Next Sale? Ada pembelian yang bagus?
I am not going this year... :(
Mama Sarah is experimenting with different templates and coding with html. the site is abit of a mess at the moment tapi insya allah soon will be sorted. What she wants is a layout with a wider space to write on. and she's playing around with the html to customise this. any suggestions?
and, dah balik shopping dah. It's really 22222222 nice weather outside. ingatkan nak keluar, sekali our neighbour's daughter came over for help with her homework. so unfortunately kena tunggu homework habis dulu before going out. such a pity! sebab sunshine is so rare around here, especially on weekends. tak sampai hati nak kata datang lewat2 sikit e.g. bila takde matahari. hehehe.
oh well, the whole family is going out for a stroll now. to enjoy the sunshine while it lasts (and replenish our vitamin D).
vitamin bukan sebelah pagi jer ker?
vitamin pagi jer??
Not necessarily true. Dalam botol pun ada. Baru je beli.
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