About Sarah and Amar again
Sarah seems to get all the attention in this blog. Amar is overshadowed by his sister's dominant character. Both have contrasting personalities. Sarah is hyper-active, attention seeking and cheeky while Amar is more relaxed, cool and independent.
This is not a behaviour assessment, but just to give you an idea what they are currently like . I believe that their attitudes may change with age. I have been observing Amar, how laidback he seems to be, compared to Sarah when she was at his age now.
Sarah was constantly jumping up and down and climbing every piece of furniture even before she could walk. Sarah is still doing her stunts and always trying to create new moves even now (read summersaults, stuntman jumps from tabletops and sofas). At Amar's current age, Sarah was already an expert at climbing up and down the stairs. Now she acts as a motivator for Amar. She encourages him to climb the stairs too. "Jom, (n)aik Aman" her fingers tergedik-gedik calling Amar to climb up. Don't worry Opah, I'm always lurking around to prevent him from climbing.
Earlier, as I was observing Amar walking back and forth the living room, I couldn't help but to feel 'sejuk hati' seeing that Amar is not that 'buas' like the Kakak.
But suddenly, he stopped by the sofa. I thought he was taking a rest but actually he intended to climb up the sofa trying to reach for his toy car. I spoke too soon!
Communication wise, Sarah is pelat. Amar just babbles. The funny thing is that they could understand each other!
They both talk to each other in a language that only both of them understand and would sometimes make Amar chuckle non-stop. Believe me, his chuckles are so contagious and can make you start chortling too.
"Adah mana adah, Aman?" Sarah asked Amar.
Amar smiled and stuck his tongue out.
Translation; "Lidah mana lidah, Amar?"Amar loves playing peek-a-boo with his Kakak Sarah. He would hide behind a pillow, a door, anything really and plays 'Cak' with his sister. Sarah will return a monstrous 'Baaahhh, Aman' to make him jump and laugh sampai air liur meleleh soaking his top.
At times, Sarah would kacau Amar sampai nangis. I asked what she did to Amar that made him cry? Often the answer is "Sarah kiss Amar je" Probably Amar doesn't like his Kakak to smother him.
Sarah is very soft at heart too. Each time she hears Amar cries, she will say "A-kai, Amar" (Don't cry, Amar), and sometimes she hugs him and pat him on his shoulders and go "Shhhh, shhhh, shhhh" and ironically that would make Amar cry even more.
Babah and I love to pretend gigit both Sarah and Amar. [Gigit; the way kucing gigit anak dia] It's a controlled type of gigitan yang tidak akan penetrate their skin, I guarantee you. Sarah has learnt that from us. Not that we taught her, but she copycats everything we do. (*guilty to some things she xeroxed*)
This morning, Sarah put that into practice. She gigit kucing my dagu and I pretended to say that hurts very much. She hugged me and said, "ala la la Mama, a-kai"
Then, she gigit kucing Amar. He loved it!!! And cackled and snorted. Later, it was Amar's turn. The only thing was he didn't know how to gigit kucing and gave a REAL gigitan at Sarah's left arm.
Meraung si Sarah, gegar satu rumah. I know that's not funny but I still laughed so hard.
My poor kids...
heheh i thought boys yg suka panjat panjat...ni terbalik pulak..!!
seronok baca u cerita pasal budak 2 *ekor* tu ..tapi memang...girls small or big...they r meant to be sooooooooooooo caring... i can see it in my daughter too..
n memang kids they understand each other..i pon kekadang bila baddin cakap something n i dont understand him..i will just ask hatice..
I pun kadang2 panggil diorang dua *ekor* jgk, hahaha:D
if Sarah is a red blur, then amar would be a blue dot. he just sits quietly and plays by himself. If sarah makes us don't ever want kids anymore, amar would make us feel like having tonnes. Even though sarah is nakal, she is also very cheeky and funny.
but it's very interesting seeing how they differ in character. we love them both for their own unique qualities. kids are just amazing!
amar yang cool.. control macho kot..eheh..
seronok baca cerita pasal sarah n amar :)
Kids are kids. When they are small we would always want to kiss them all the time. Tapi when they are between 4-12, rasa nak gigit2 je...dah mula tak mau dengar cakap mak bapak, then the teenage years which I am yet to face...hopefully it will be ok for me to raise teenage kids. Macamana pun kasih ibu terhadap anak2 tak mungkin pudar..But I wlaways wonder how some people can just throw their kids...
simah hehehe.. dulu2 b4 ada anak, i berangan nak anak perempuan dulu. Supaya adik2 akan ikut kesopanan dan tatasusila kakak dia.
Sarah is not all bad, though. High maintenance sikit -> sometimes. Other times, she is very entertaining.
How long did you take to learn turkish?
mynn aka Babah Sarah n Amar i wonder siapa bentuk anak2 jadi nakal, ah?
Sarah tu kelakarlah.. seriously kelakar. Amar pun kelakar!
Di keh keh keh control macho. kecik2 dah pandai control macho ke? tapi serious Di,.. Amar pandai buat muka innocent.
Tulah dia, mangsa kena langgar lari oleh kakak dia. mangsa dipijak. mangsa dirampas mainan.
kesian anak-anakku.
mak lang we were sending comments around the same time!
It's nice of you to leave a message/comment.
Betullah! I pun rs sama, sampai hati orang buang anak.
i tak belajar pon turkish...self denial sikit.. pandai sendiri sendiri ja..hatice lagi pandai dari i..!! but if u want to learn turkish..maximum sebulan dua pon boleh pandai...bukan susah sangat pon... i just never bothered to learn...
nak tanya sikit...mcm mana u letak gambaq bismillah or any gambaq kat blog u? i mean the pic on the side bar..boleh ajar tak? saya budak baru belajar..
simah "saya budak baru belajar" <-- hehe saya pun suka ckp camtu.
nk letak gmbq kt sidebar eh? (malu nak cerita)
1. pilih gmbar yang you suka on the net.
2. copy url. pastu, boleh paste terus dkt sidebar template.
OR (Recommended way) paste dkt photobucket dulu (photobucket kena register dulu) and boleh adjust size of the picture. then boleh copy the new url from there.
i dulu belajar melalui blog forum website.
p/s: jgn lupa copy your template b4 buat any adjustment, kot2 lah ter-accident ke nanti.
alahai simah, you punya sidebar hebat2, sure tampal gambar pun kacang putih je for you.
sidebar i biasa ja...tak hebat mcm mana pon..i had help..i cuba main tampal url kat template..gambar tak keluar pon..yg keluar cuba code dia.. nantila bila tak penat n when my mind is clear i will try godek godek template..thanks for the info..n wish me luck!! eh u umur berapa? apasal terdampar kat UK la ni?
simah funny you asked my age. i mentioned it in my cake entry, when you asked. so now you know that i'm forever 25 at heart, eh?
blown away to UK again, to accompany spouse. <-- stamp dlm passport.
simah pasal gambar tu, cuba copy my url bawah ni, pastu paste your url utk ganti my url di tempat yang sepatutnya.
img src="http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g129/nisakzin/normal_Bismillah_283.jpg"
letak < > before and after the instruction dulu. (i tak leh letak kat sini, sebab nanti i tak leh post the comment)
It's me sherin.
U have a very nice blog and u take good photos! :)
Beautiful kids.... so adorable....
Keep in touch!
It's nice to hear from you too!!!! Lamanya tak dengar khabar berita. Tak sabar nak visit your blog ni.
Don't you go missing again!
:D My mum says I am exactly as I was when I was a toddler: talking non-stop!
... so you have been warned... :D
KKL talking non stop. yea ke? bahagia si O-K dgn your celoteh.
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