Carrot Cake Ala Mama Sarah (Recipe from Good Housekeeping)
Fresh from the oven
I've been wanting to bake a carrot cake since 1996. That's 10 long years ago at University. (Somebody is calculating my age, ah? I'm only 25 years old, btw)
I bought "Good Housekeeping" Magazine: April 2006, and I found 'Spiced Carrot and Walnut Pudding' recipe in it. I bought the ingredients a week after I got the magazine.
But, it was only yesterday (Sunday) that I forced myself to give it a try. I have typed the recipe halfway here, but thought that it might be illegal to publish it here without notifying the magazine first. So, I've deleted the half-typed recipe and you just have to bear with my own words.

Most of the ingredients, a couple of utensils needed and a pot of flower

The first step: whisk together brown sugar, eggs and oil.

The recipe recommends using an electric whisk. Luckily I have this mini hand electric whisk, my first ever birthday present from my husband. Wow, I've had that for 6 years now! (Is someone still trying to calculate my age? I'm 25 years old)
Please excuse my mediocre apparatus. I don't need high class or expensive gadget for my kitchen. Although any gifts or presents are always welcome. Hint: my next 25th birthday is in December. (Naja!! Quit counting my age, please.)
The recipe also said to beat for 3-4 minutes until thoroughly mixed. I'm not sure if the mixture is supposed to be bubbly like the picture above. But that was what happened to my mixture.
Then, STIR (don't whisk) in the flour, spice, baking powder and bicarbonate of soda. Whisk if you dare, and see what will happen?
Lastly, stir in the orange zest , grated carrots, prunes and walnuts.
What's the difference between pour the mixture into a baking tin and spoon the mixture? The recipe said spoon the mixture into a baking tin. May be the technique affects the outcome of the cake.
According to the recipe, bake the cake for 1hr 15min at 170°C (or 150°C fan). But I baked mine in less than one hour. Probably I used a bigger or wider baking tin.
I did not complete the recipe by adding any filling or topping. I was too worried about the calories. So I stopped at this stage.
The results: No Frill Carrot Cake ala Mama Sarah
I tried to find a picture of the spiced carrot and walnut pudding from goodhousekeeping website. Unfortunately there was no match. I found a nice picture of carrot cake for you to compare with mine.

Hmmm.... I should put a fork by my slice of carrot cake making it look more scrumptious. May be my next try.
Anyway, Babah's verdict for my carrot cake was 4/5. That's not bad for a first timer, don't you think?
As for the kids, I'm sure Sarah would say "Anam" (meaning 6). She ate a slice and a half.
Amar eats anything and everything, so he would say "jejeje...tsssttsss..." (meaning 10)
~Mama Sarah yang perasan~
Oklah... oklah.. tak boleh lawan kek pisang si Naja ni, World Class Masterchef! Dengan ucapan: Good luck for your finals . (Tak tau nak cakap good luck in Korean lah, Aza Aza Fighting boleh ke?)
somebody's been busy in the kitchen ..very enlightening recipe too heheheh
mcm orang turki cakap...eline sağlık!
ala kalu translate directly maknanya ..*tangan sihat* hehe tapi u can guess what it really means from there right?
ehhh.. kita dah nak dekat sebaya laa.. cuma saya muda sikit.. hehe..
although your carrot cake took 10 years in the making, the outcome looks very very delicious.
simah tangan sihat, green fingers you name it... i wish ada semua tu. saya hanya mencuba.
anonymous yeay saya sudah dapat spam comment lah. tapi saya tidak kisah utk mendelete mereka. kerana saya tidak mahu menyusahkan pembaca saya utk buat word verification. sebab saya pun malas nak type word verification bila tinggal comment kat blog orang.
Di ya kita hampir sebaya? heh heh heh. bila anda menjangkau 26 tahun, dihati saya masih lagi 25. hebat kan?
:) looks very appetising... post ke London boleh?
Decoration kek paling hebat I have ever seen was from a Libyan neighbour of mine, seriously kalah hotel punya kek!
KKL long time no hear? why go hibernating so long? are you well?
post to london? hehehe. nanti pak posmen makan dulu.
Rupanya tak lah susah sangat buat carrot cake. Starbucks jual mahal sungguh!
next time bila you datang sini, i trylah letak filling dgn deco :)
wahh.. where's my share mama sarah? ke dah diselamatkan?
good luck naja, wherever you are! auntie de punya fone has died lah.
dear auntie de,
miss your comments so much lah! Where have you been? a place with no internet signal?
tak sangka carrot cake tak susah sangat nak buat rupanya. kaya kan starbucks je beli carrot cake kat situ.
nxt time, beritahu awal2 bila nak datang! boleh buat carrot cake utk you.
uncle de sent me to exile, but nowhere as exotic as pulau seychelles lah. selama i in exile ni pun i teringat2, apa la cerita blog mama sarah..
eh, amik contract la buat carrot cake ngan starbucks. kalau tak starbucks, mara hall pun jadi laa.. hee hee. tak pun u join forces ngan soon-to-be dr naja buka cake house kan? i boleh jadi rakan kongsi tidurrr... hee hee
waalaikumsalam auntie de i can assure you guys yang you tak akan nak buka cake house dgn i!!! nanti bukannya laku dibeli pelanggan. sendiri makan ada lah!
you and tidur sewaktu ketika dahulu.. ha ha ha!!!
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