Amar 1st Birthday
Amar was born exactly a year ago (03/04/05). I'm amazed, has it been that long since I had little Amar? It feels like it was only yesterday when I first brought him home from the hospital. And, learnt how different it was changing a boy's nappy than a girl's. I was "sprinkled" so many times, and so was the floor. Ooohhh, that feels like yesterday!
For his birthday, we bought him several presents. (Several is almost a lot, and it was Babah's idea) Some would last in a matter of minutes (chocolates and other edible stuff), some a couple of years (clothes and toys) and one (hopefully) a lifetime (photobook/album).
We also did quite a lot of things this weekend. Starting with the park, then the town centre, Sunday lunch at Nando's and a grand finale at home; with birthday cake, presents, balloons, party hats etc..
At 1, he's already able to walk, understands simple instructions, and with a couple of tutorials from the Big Sis Sarah, he's capable to play with his new toys and climb the stairs easily! Gosh, I wonder what's next?
Anyway, Happy Birthday Amar. May Allah crown you with glory, peace and success.
Happy Birthday Amar.. MasyaAllah..
sekejap jek dah setahun ek? Rasa cam tak de la lama sangat masa last visit Conventry tgk Amar dulu dgn K Sawiah.
Happy Beshday Baby Amar!!!
yeahhhh heppi beddey.. varnakam.. putar malai..
yeahhhh heppi beddey.. varnakam.. putar malai..
yeahhhh heppi beddey.. varnakam.. putar malai..
Amar says, thank you all!!!
tq auntie di, glad you are still reading our blog.
thanks kakak lin and kakak yaya. Wish you were here. Best kalau ada choir nyanyi lagu Happy Birthday for me. Kakak Sarah nyanyi out of tune lah.
and, thanks anonymous and/cum Pok ki, i wonder who you are...?
Haa Unkel who is bad influence one....
time sure flies...
Amar is such a cute boy... hope he is not too nakal.
Amar is surely curious, who this bad influence Unkel Pok Ki is!
Amar is not that nakal yet. But very mobile, and I'm sure will become a good example of a "mobile missile system" soon.
Happy happy birthday Amar!!!
Hope you had a great day, and that Allah keeps you and your under the shade of His Divine Mercy always. :)
Auntie Manis.
Assalamualaikum. Happy First Birthday Amar! Alhamdulillah, it was great to get to know Amar during our visit to Coventry almost a year ago. Now Amar is growing bigger and looks a little different. Naufal misses him and sends his 'Salam' to Amar. Have a wonderful birthday Amar !
Amiiin to all your doa s.
Thank you soo much Aunty Manis, by the time you see me (Amar) I'll already be running.
To Uncle, Auntie and Abang Naufal, thank you for leaving a message. Do I (Amar) look different? I hope that is positive :) My salam to Abang Naufal too.
Unkel Pok Ki.. are we still in the guessing game? I'm thinking of a couple of people - but guess you are Sir O-K.
Anyway, to all of you, Kakak Sarah finished my birthday chocolate cake yesterday. I just had a little, Mama said I was still too small to have more than a few bites. So I can't wait for my next birthday!!!
Love, Amar.
Haaa... bugus,
jangan makan byk sgt kek.. nanti hyper laks.. too much sugar hehehe..
Dah ler Babanya hyper without even drinking coffee.. nanti anaknya hyper laks.. keep cool man.. like usual..;)
Hehehe then we can play kejar kejar kan? :D
Omo!Omo!(haha ni sbb byk sgt tgk K-drama) Amar dh 1 tahun ke? cepatnye..rase mcm baru je haritu die dtg cardiff, jalan pon jatuh2 lagi..rindunye kat amar n sarah!!entah bile boleh jumpe lagi..cutenye amarnye lesung pipit, macam Hyun Bin@Samshik in My Name is Kim Sam Soon hehe
p/s I watched TOO many Kdrama.should be revising for finals ni!! Miss Mama Amar n Sarah jugak! A lot!
Auntie Najaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Baca kita punya blog eh? hehehe, thank you tinggal comment. Most welcome for more.
sibuk nak finals yea? study baik2 ok? lepas xm nanti kita 'raya'.
good luck for your finals najar.
p/s -- you ARE watching to much K-dramas! sampai cakap pun macam orang korea. (tapi kitorang pun 2x5)
ehh muhaimin..apsal name i u salah eja?apsal jadik najar pulak tu? hehe
mmg, dok tgk korean dramas n movies je.panggil my mum pon 'omma' dh skrg ni kehkehkeh..pengaruh kdrama punye pasal.
kak nisak, tak tau la sempat raya x after xm.rase mcm nk balik msia awal, maybe late july x confirm lagi.
Naja and Auntie De (and others kalau minat), cuba click on my name and 'layari' my 'other' blog under Love is blind. I jumpa one video. Teringat zaman kahwin dulu. *nostalgia* kejap.
notasize10, gelak besar (literally!) i tgk video tu.. tapi takleh comment as an anonymous or non-blogspot-subscriber user :( kesian kat kami yg tak punya blog..
anyways.. ei, side business eh. tres productive. do keep it up!
auntie de, hehehe, i knew someone would like it. i pun (literally) tergelak besar. nasib baik tak jaga anak2. anyway, i'll enable the comment by anyone function now.
alo alo naja
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