The belated video-clip: Sarah doing the babytalk
I've been nagged by Babah Sarah to include this video here. Sarah was only 16 months when the video was taken, and she was being cheeky, her second nature at that time. Even little Amar loves to watch this video too. Amar just laugh and laugh and laugh watching this video. I took a video of Amar laughing while watching this video. But the lighting was very poor.
i mana nag lah bie ... lain lah mcm sarah & you gang up. patut buat dewan kuliah kat rumah.
ha-ah, kelakar amar gelak terkekek2 tengok sarah punya video tu.
you lah dean of the nagging uni! amar pun dah ada ciri2 seorang pensyarah.
sayang video amar gelak tu gelap. nak buat audio only pun, tak berapa clear. sebab ada suara background sarah jerit and tv cerita princess mononoke kuat sangat.
auntie de tengah tengok ANTM ke tu?
auntie manis, still kat lab ke? lewatnya kerja. lama tak dengar comment. i kena buat satu entry pasal gibli studio and sarah lah. banyak nak tulis.
ahahaha... mesti punya la, final episode kan. sikit tak sedar diri, exams esok ni! Astaghafirullah... padahal dah tau in advance sapa yang menang tu. double Astaghafirullah..
emyr pun ada gak buat camni at one point.. tapi version dia cam cakap hindi tau, no kidding! probably just his take on the welsh language, heehee..
Awal dah bangun yea? esok dah exam eh? or esok as in; esok-esok? hmmm i'm not worried about you lah auntie de. sure can, one! (tu slang phua chu kang)
emyr punya hindi version ada video tak? boleh bagi amar belajar bahasa welsh.
diolch vyn bwyr! (betul ke eja?)
diolch yn fawr <--- ni yg betul.
i was close. bagus lagi i punya memory ni rupanya.
Hmm.. did not want to say this but the nipple for the bottle looks a little bit like a small finger.. hmmm... is there any small meaning in the picture?
Also, grandparent unit tak ada bua apa apa comments ker?
hemmm.. i dont think we ever caught emyr on film. but sekarang ni if prompted he will start his hindi ramblings, haha..
the first welsh word i learnt was gwasanaeth.. at the motorway service, hihihihi..
eh mama sarah n family come to notts this weekend? ada makan2 tau.. aunty datin n family farewell
auntie de, eh kebetulan baru call auntie datin. tak de pulak dia sebut pasal makan2 tu. isykh, malu lah pulak nak pergi. *^_^*
hehehe, emyr dah ada his own language eh? kelakarlah!
to pok ki,
what do you mean? mana ada something yang rupa macam little finger dalam gambar tu?
heheh grandparents unit, maybe tengah baca tapi tak comment
auntie de
ooo auntie datin dah nak farewell ke? lama tak jumpa your family & family auntie datin eh? [eh = perkataan favourite sarah, auntie de punya influence lah ni]
what is faz...uncle de up to nowadays?
ooooo now i see what you mean pok ki. You mean the teat eh? that is a special teat. you know what, there is a coarse texture on the silicone rubber to immitate umm... how should i put this ... the "real" thing.
hope it helps ....
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