Nottingham ~ Farewell Party ~ Barbecue
Sarah and her Babah were outside in the garden most of the time. Babah was helping with the barbecue. While Sarah played with the bubble gun and sometimes enjoying the nature. She saw another favourite creature of hers in the garden: Ladybird.
Flowers in Aunty Wa's Garden
Sarah has also become attached to Baby Safya. She enjoyed giving Baby Safya her monstrous 'peek-a-boo's. And has always managed to make Baby Safya laugh, which later made us all laugh too. Uncle De caught one of these moments in camera. May be I could get a copy of it and post it here.
Sarah loved to give Baby Safya cpr-like kiss too. Poor baby, she has to put up with this too.

Just before we left, Amar had a chance to walk freely on his own. He decided to open all the cabinets in the kitchen like he always does at home. He was just checking Aunty Wa's Wedgwood Collection but decided not to mess with it.
We came home with two tired kids. They behaved very well in the car and slept most of the journey home.
Hmm teringat masa ex-housemate dekat Cambridge yang suka buat barbeque. She had similar flowers in her garden too. I guess spring is finally here (inshaAllah)?
Must have been a great farewell I daresay.
KKL: Everyone seems to have nice garden. Ours is just concrete pavement. BUt low maintenace. So ok juga.
DITH: Yup. A great one, but v sad at the same time.
Hehehe I never had a garden here. No just have potted plants scattered about the house. Low maintenance nyer pokok of course! I am afraid the daun kesum you gave me died a frizzled death due to proximity to the heater (my bad!) I saw a 5-foot version of that pokok at someone's house. It almost gave me nightmares, nampak macam pokok hantu. Not sure why though.
Hmmm... kambing.....hmmm... yummy....
Hehehe... gambar2 lain no comment.. tak minat. gambar makanan gaks best... hehehe
My pokok kesum pun dah selamat dikebumikan. Mati setelah ditinggalkan beberapa minggu tanpa disiram masa kita balik msia. kesian sgt. i sayang sungguh pokok kesum i tu.
bnyk i bagi2 kat kawan2. ramai yg kata mati jugak.
my inlaws nak dtg soon, i nak kirim 2-3 pokok. nak tanam lagi. hmmmm, unless kita decide nak balik msia for good. sob*sob*
pok ki; lamb tu sedap sangat. penuh perisa. manis masin cukup. nyaman.
tambah lagi lamb UK ni. tak de pulak rasa hanyir.
speaking of farewells, bila KKL balik msia? and bila O-K plan nak datang UK?
ahhhh the hardest question in the world..
(shrugs his shoulders, arms raised to his side, palm up)
hmmm... malam ni nak makan lamb chop lah...
mama sarah, we have the video of sarah making safiya laugh.. beriya2-iya safiya gelak! and ada part sarah tgk 'pink tights' safiya. nanti kita tunjuk. nak dl ni will take just over a week with dialup..
auntie de pink tights = panties eh?
seminggu nak dl? it's time to change, my dear.
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