A surprise visit again

Makan time! Yum Yum.
Auntie and Uncle De love to do this! They ring us one minute, and they are already infront of our house the next minute.
On this occassion, they called us when we were at the park. But our meeting point was at Borders (A Bookshop with a Kopitiam) (Starbucks is located on the 1st floor. The only Starbucks in Coventry) Unfortunately, when we arrived at Borders cum Starbucks, they have just closed. They closed early because it was "Good Friday".
At home, Auntie and Uncle De gave Amar a boxed birthday present. They presented the present with a manually operated pump, but the pump was not included in the gift. The present was a room sized bouncy castle (aka a spare bed for guests under 70kg)!!!
Uncle De and Babah Sarah were both huffing and puffing to pump up the gigantic castle. They haven't been exercising properly lately, so it was a good cardiovascular exercise for them.
The children loved the castle, especially Sarah. As usual, Amar has to observe his Kakak Sarah on 'how to play with this thing' first. Later, he decided that the bouncy castle was a better cot for him.
Thank you again Auntie, Uncle, Emyr and Safya for the lovely present.
Yay! Does this mean I get to use the bouncy castle the next time I come round? :D (excited macam budak2)
cute... (i mean the babies) :D bouncy castle kena tuip sendiri ke?! Dasyhat sungguh..
ha ah bouncy castle kena tiup guna mulut, rasa nak pecah lungs
(Uso! just joking)
guna pump basikal, still it took what felt like a few thousand pumps baru fully inflated.
ingatkan you meant uncle yang cute ;p
uncle de that is
okla okla.. uncle muh pun cute jugaklah.. :p as with the other times, we`re v sorry for pouncing on u as often as we do, cuma saja taknak u buat elaborate preparation. but u`ll always come up with something fabulous. maybe it` time to rethink the strategy eh? any bright ideas uncle de? heehee..
uncle de's bright idea:
use a manual pump for the bouncing castle when a powered pump is in the garage!
auntie manis; CAN!! 20p per entry tau. Ni idea Auntie De.
Di; didn't i say manually operated pump? or does that mean something else? sorry to mislead you. like mynn has said, they brought along a pam basikal. but the pam does not come with the present. :(
Sekarang ni pun one of the tiang dah lose air. nampak macam rumah senget je. tak lama lagi, selamat lah kena bungkus tu. tak kuasa i nak tiup!
lagipun, sarah dok buat back dive lah. sommersault lah. cartwheel lah. all the stunts, you name it!
Babah lah tok guru.
Auntie De;hehehe... i was cropping the photo nak upload kat sini. tgk2 i ter-eureka uncle de with the light bulb on top of his head. ketawa sorang2 subuh tadi.
so has he come with a bright idea?
btw; terer lah you baca blog on PDA. bila nak pomen computer ni?
p/s bby: you ada link on your name again!
oh.. ingatkan 'manual pump'= pump paru-paru.
btw, tak tahu pula k aida ade baby baru.. congrats!
b'cos there were these words .. huffing, puffing and cardiovascular
which triggered me to assume tiup sendiri lah.
kalau kitorang tiup sendiri, tak bernyawa lah uncle de & myself, guna pump basikal pun dah semput kitorang dibuatnya
Auntie de
both of you are always welcome. Sarah & Amar pun suka Emyr & Safya.
did you guys know, bila amar baru lahir, sarah thinking of Emyr called him "amar" .. so basically sarah came up with amar's name.
Takpe 20p bagus. I'll just flop meself on it and never get off! But if I tiupkan entry free okay? :D
kena-ke-layan tiup2 ni? save your breath lah cik adik. kalau nak bounce2, kita beli automatic pump kat argos. pastu pulang balik. boleh ke macam tu?
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