Thursday, April 06, 2006

Role Model

There are so many articles about a 2 year old child development. I'm attracted to this one, as it is clear to read and well presented. Sarah hits every milestone listed in the article, alhamdulillah.

When I was younger, Opah (my mum) always reminded my brother and I to be good examples to our younger brother. As usual, I took it as "masuk telinga kiri, keluar telinga kanan". It didn't make much sense at that time. Until I'm much much older, ie now.

I really have to be very careful of what I say and do in the house. Oh boy, how that little Sarah can imitate her Mama very well.

"Sebijik Mama, ni" said my dear husband to his 2+year old Sarah. Before that, Sarah was actually tidying up Babah's jacket and socks that have been tossed on the sofa, when he got home from work. She said, "(K)emas (d)ulu. Eeiiishh (S)epah ni!!"

On the good side, she knows how to perform ablution through her observations on us. Sejuk hati. "(M)uka (d)ulu, (t)angan pulak..."

There is also the funny but also not so funny side. For example, the last time our good friend came with her family to our house, Sarah called them "Yang (short for sayang, i think)" instead of the usual uncle and auntie (identiti terpaksa dirahsiakan). What did I tell you guys? Didn't I tell you to watch your language?

Sometimes, she would just construct her sentences and use words to suit her likings.

"Mama, ambik pen wawa. Pen wawa (j)atuh"

"Jatuh kat mana? Tak de pun?" I said sambil cari her pen.

"Ada pun. Ambik please"

Of course there are 'brother-sister' talks. For example, I was feeding them their usual bubur nasi when this conversation took place.

"Aman (Amar) nak (l)agi eh? Wait eh... waaaiiitt. Mama shuwap (suap) eh."

Now, I have frequented reminding myself to stop saying 'eh' and to keep my cool. Earlier this afternoon, I was folding the laundry. Amar was playing with his toys, and Sarah accidentally tripped over the folded laundry.

I could easily 'tinggikan my suara', but reminded myself that it was an accident. So I asked her to be more careful next time. She looked at me blankly for a few seconds, and said,

"Wawa nak (t)olon(g) (l)ipat ni."

Again the "sejuk hati" feeling strucked me, that she actually has a good intention to help me, despite the earlier act of clumsiness. So I asked her nicely, "Sarah nak tolong Mama lipat apa?"

Innocently, she answered, "Ni... Wawa (t)enga(h) (l)ipat panties Babah ni."

Now THAT I did not teach!!

Side reading, of original sites have been lost;
1. Children change your life and one way to get happy about that is to make room in your life for them. Life will never be the same. You won't have as much time for yourself. So enjoy the time with them. Unfortunately that always involves doing what they want you to do, as children are inherently selfish.

2. An acquaintance of mine who is a doctor told this story about her then four-year-old daughter. On the way to preschool, the doctor had left her stethoscope on the car seat, and her little girl picked it up and began playing with it. Be still, my heart, thought my friend, my daughter wants to follow in my footsteps!

Then the child spoke into the instrument: "Welcome to McDonald's. May I take your order?"

(Submitted by Qiltmeister)


Anonymous said...

ya allah,

i tergelak kuat baca pasal panties tu bie, dah lah tiba2 je and tengah kerja... semua orang tengok!

kelakar betul wawah ni.

Anonymous said...

haha..lawaknye entry ni, esp yg last skali tu ;) oh teringat mase naja dlm bilik dgn sarah, mase tu ade baju atas lantai, die ambik n kate,"wawa (k)emas". chait malu je ngan budk 2 tahun keh keh keh..

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum mama sarah & family..

(i dengan tersipu2nya mengomen dlm blog u ni..)

i ada teringat cerita muh tolak sarah dalam trolley kat tesco kat tpt women's clothing department.. ada unsur2 yang sama. did i read it somewhere or muh cerita? heeeheeeheee.. wawa sooo funny... :D

Anonymous said...

you baca dalam blog i kot auntie de, bawah segment "unstable angina".

you dgn uncle de kena buat blog lah....!

Anonymous said...

i would LOVE to, seriously lah mynn. u guys do seem to be genuinely having oodles of fun blogging, especially mama sarah(but not as much as i enjoy reading em, heehee..) tapi tu la, i know once start keje balik nanti, ngan kiddies and keje umah, its very likely to get abandoned halfway. don't quite like doing things in halves.

now, uncle de is a different story. if he's enticed enough, he might just turn to the DARK SIDE.. huaahahaa.. ekhemm.. s'cuse..

dearest mama sarah, sorry i spammed your comments box!

Anonymous said...

saya rabun internet tak reti la blog blog ni

dan most of all.. SAYA TAKDE BROADBAND! :((

Mama Pongkey said...

er, bukan men pakai briefs ke?


Mama Sarah said...

i've been sooo good today! main with anak2 most of the time. tiba2 so many comments already. yippe yeay.

welcome auntie de! you're most welcome to comment. dont shy-shy. would love to hear what you have to say. lagipun, bnyk cerita about you guys, so you all kena defend diri sendiri gak. hehehe.

untie naja: haaa tu lah. melentur buluh biar dari rebungnya (Betul ke tu?) habis auntie semua kena leter dgn si sarah jugak, eh? hehehe.

uncle de; bloggers kat malaysia pun ramai tak de broadband. ok je?

mynn aka babah sarah; haaa sorrylah i cerita pasal panties you tu. Rahsia rumahtangga ke you pakai panties bby? hehehe... jgn maraaahhh... gurau je.

KKL: adakah soalan anda terjawab?

Anonymous said...

Uncle De: Rabun internet konon!!! spek seinci tebal <-- sbb duduk depan computer byk sgt.
alaa... blog je guna dial up, hehehe, tapi kena blog sebaris-sepatah je lah tak boleh ada gambar2:p

korang buat apa weekend ni? nanti panas jom kita jalan pegi ... zoo ke, safari ke..?

KKL: -- ingatkan nak jawab nakal2, but hari ni hari jumaat so i sabar je --

Anonymous said...

Salam Tokey Blog..Makin meriah nampak warung you ni..Teh Tarik takde ke?? by the a new entry in my photo blog as visit and have your say! here >>

Mynn: Bila nak pegi zoo/safari tu?? ajak Family De je ke? Family I tak boleh ikut ke?

Anonymous said...

Jomlah kita semua pegi safari sama2! semua muat dalam multipla uncle de kan??? hahaha.

multipla for life

Anonymous said...

bie, i think you need to take a look at this blog:

buat utk i bie???

Mama Sarah said...

Lupa hari ni dah weekend! Terlupa nak plan pergi rumah Mama Danial aka Tom the Thomas Tank Engine. I hope nama I tak jada Mama Amar aka Noddy nanti. Or Mama Sarah aka Fifi The FlowerTot.

Budak2 zaman sekarang ni...

Blog I dah jadi macam Warung eh? Bagus. TApi layan diri sendiri ok? Nescafe, Milo, Horlicks, Teh semua ada kat dapur.

Aboh Danial: I selalu tengok your fotopages. I hope you tak judge gambar2 yang i ambik ni. GAmbar2 yang I ambik tak mengikut hukum-hukum fotografi. Sekadar mengambil utk kenangan masa depan. Camera you yg F828 tu, kalau tak de buyer, apa kata sedekah jariah je kat orang macam I ni. FUll time mom. SEbagai ganti, I doakan kejayaan you di masa hadapan. What say you?

Babah Sarah: Penat dah I ingatkan you suruh study. Iskhhh you ni!! Bagilah contoh yang baik pada adik2 ni, Naja, Wan, Auntie De, etc...

PAgi tadi, Sarah berleter kat you lagi eh? I dengar!!!! Sarah kata, "BAbah ni (s)epah!!"

SEbab you tak kemas katil. haaaa tu lah. mak borek anak rintik. nak buat camne??? NAnti i train SArah suruh dia ingatkan you study!

Anonymous said...

nisa..suruh muh tgk ni..mesti dia suka