Sunny Friday
It was a sunny public holiday Friday. We went to the park again. This time with FOOD!! Being typical Malays, we chose a shaded spot. While the mat salehs preferred to be directly under the sun.
We all shared an ice cream, Mc Donald's Mc Flurry to be exact. I couldn't eat more than 2 spoonfuls of icecream. Because despite the bright sunshine, it was actually quite cold.
Sarah was enjoying the open field. She ran happily around us. After 3-4 rounds of running, she ditched her pink jacket. She also tried to go further away, but I think she could only trust herself being 30 metres away from us.
There were a few dogs too. If they got close to us, Sarah would give her little squeels and 'pretended' to be scared. She's a drama princess.Amar was asleep the first half of the picnic. When he woke up, he just sat still observing his surroundings. Until a 3 year old boy and his mum came to make friends with us. Then Amar played 'catch the ball - throw the ball' with the boy while the mums were talking on more adult matter.
The boy's mum kept on referring Amar as a 'she' or 'her'. I had to correct her saying that Amar is a boy. She apologised and said all babies look like a girl to her.
May be it's time for Amar to have a haircut.
Reminds me of my first (also named Sarah) when she was at that age. But I had my first three kids when I was still studying thus I didnt really see them grow up in front of my eyes, :(
I thought I read somewhere in your blog that you have a daughter called Sarah too.
And Auntie De has a daughter called Safya.
Is that a concidence or purely coincidence?
I can call you Mama Sarah Senior!!
haha.. I baru perasan, in the last picture tu. amar is wearing his bubble jacket tu.. sarah relax je pakai tshirt. bak kata uncle de `tarak sejuk ah!`
That's the point of the photo. Anak saya tu memang! Tepu kepada cuaca sejuk. I bet, kalau Amar tu pandai buka jacket sendiri, dia pun dah lama buka jacket juga.
I pulak, menggigil2 sejuk duduk kat shade. next time memang kena cari kat tempat yang direct sunlight sikit. hitam - no hitam.
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