Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Amar tossing and turning
The past week, Amar has shown some slight changes in a few things. First is his sleeping pattern. Normally, he naps twice during the day and goes to bed around 7-8 at night. The past week, he still did the same but I noticed that he cried in the middle of the night.

After some time of consolation, ie assuring that I was there for him, he quietened down and slept again. Not a great problem, it's just that he used to sleep through the night and I hope that he won't get into a habit waking in the middle of the night.

The next night, he cried again. His eyes were closed but he has the same crying look and position like the night before. Then I noticed that it looked like his arm which he was leaning on was stuck as he probably tried to turn while he was sleeping. Again, simple solution. Repositioned and reassurance then rest again.

The following day, the same! I'm thinking how to get him sleep on his back and stay in the same position the whole night? How? He's one buas boy when sleeping during the night. He turns 360° and always bumping his head on the railings of his cot.

Clingy Amar
Since Saturday, Amar developed this weird clingy habit to myself. As you have already known from the previous entries, Amar is quiet, independent and he can play by himself without giving much trouble to any of us. He prefers to walk freely rather than to be picked up. He doesn't care if I leave the room as long as he's occupied with his toys or books or something to watch on tv.

Unlike Sarah when she was younger, I felt like I was forever carrying her even while cooking and constantly needing our attention for whatever reasons. (But that wasn't entirely her fault.)

Back to Amar, since Saturday, he followed me wherever I go like a little lamb. And started to cling on my legs and cried to be picked up.

Jealous Amar
Surprise, surprise, he even pushed Kakak Sarah whenever Sarah was on my laps. And for the first time, I saw his first angry expression when Sarah tried to snatch his toy spade in his hand. He held the spade firmly and he shouted with all his might at her.

Previously, I taught Sarah that if she wanted something that Amar was holding, she has to get another toy to exchange with Amar.

Sarah tried the same trick, she picked up another toy in exchange with the toy spade. Amar didn't want to bargain. He wanted his toy spade. Sarah gave up. I felt sorry for Sarah and tried to console her although she seemed fine.

What has happened to Mr Cool Amar?
I have no idea. Probably it's just part of growing up. He's testing with all his emotions at this minute. Well on Saturday and Sunday, I felt that Amar has a slight high temperature. So I gave him 5ml Calpol. Even that didn't satisfy him, he wanted more! I gave him the spoon to hold.

Or is it because he knew that he was getting the MMR injection on Monday? So he played sick? Haha, not funny Amar.

Sarah's appointment for a review on her eczema was at 9am. Amar's injection was at 10.30am the same day. I took Amar for his injection. He was alright at first, waaaaaaaaaaaa for a bit when the needle went in, and alright again when he received a smiling face sticker as a reward.

That's probably it then, he was playing a trick on us. He didn't want to go for the injection!


Mama Pongkey said...

Hm, Amar is testing his boundaries, maybe?
How is he today (I am assuming that you'll read this tomorrow, 17th May).

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum Nisak,
Orang tua2 kata bertukar bulan.
Bangun tengah malam, mungkin sebab dia mimpi ( toddlers nightmare)? Btw how old is cute little Amar?
Mungkin jugak teething pain?
Sophia 16 months pun camtu, ada time she sleeps thro the nite. Tapi ada jugak for a few consecutive nights dia bangun tengah malam muka sangat sedih. Pastu dah tak bangun malam dah.
She hasnt started to walk til recently, org kata mungkin sebab aggresive teething ( at this age dah ada 16, or maybe 18 gigi! Just 2 more to go!). Hope Amar is better now.

dith said...

I would say that he's having low-grade viral infection of some sort. The night-mares can be pretty normal especially when he's getting boisterous nowadays.

But if he is really acting this all out in anticipationof the MMR jab, then Nisak, you ve got a genius there! :)

Anonymous said...

Cian amar, kena injek (^_^)

Tulah, rasanya amar tau kut dia nak kena injection tu (haha)
Mamasarah duk anxious kut, so dia boleh sense that something was going to happen to him
err.. maybe not, maybe yes.. don't layan me sangat
ni theory sebab baru je baca pasal behavioural science for case report..
tak sabar nak habiskan..

simah said...

lepas kena injection..dia terus mcm normal tak?

Mama Sarah said...

Assalamualaikum and thank you all!

KKL Amar dah big boy :( Gonna miss him as a baby.

mamasarasophia hehe.. when i was writing the entry, i pun terbayang-bayang nenek i ckp "nak tukar bulan"

amar is 13+months. baru 7 gigi. a few more protruding from the gum. air liur meleleh and suka gigit orang dah jadi his 2nd nature.

your sophia certainly has a mouthful of choppers there!

p/s: your sara-sophia tu one girl or two girls? teringin pulak nak berkenalan dgn mereka. ada link for us to visit?

DITH 13+ months Amar acting sick and genius.

I think you are right Doc. He has an infection in his middle finger right under the nail. Just before I put him to bed last night, I noticed his swollen finger. This morning - ada yellowish spot dkt swollen finger tu.

NOOOOO! This is the 3rd time. (1st time was at the same spot, 2nd time, little finger. This time the middle finger again)

How could I missed this symptoms. He was like this before. Clingy and crying through the night. I'm trying to book an emergency appointment today or tomorrow for antibiotics.

naz kalau nak bawa jumpa auntie naz the dentist, maka anxious lah ;)

Simah Immediately lepas injection - dia tidur 3 hours. Then I would say less clingy until last night. The worst. semalam nangis banyak kali. but then i already knew that he has swollen middle finger.

dia nangis sekejap. tp kerap. probably tertindih jari dia yg sakit.

my poor mr cool amar

Mama Sarah said...

phew! got an appointment for Amar at 5.50pm today!!! alhamdulillah.

Anonymous said...


ala ala sian budak sweet auntie de poorly ke? hee hee, lama tak kacau dia.. kelakar tgk dia tersipu2. anyway, get well soon amar!

p/s: emyr pun dulu langgar2 cotsides, so i line the inside of the cot with single duvet. mama dia pun suka tido katil dia sekarang! :D

Mama Sarah said...

auntie de you boleh lah nak tumpang cot emyr. kalau i tumpang cot amar, habis runtuh cot tu.

you letak duvet tu macam mana? you skirt the inner railing, gantung macam mana? kasi mms sikit.

amar mmg tak sihat hari ni. because of the infection. two hours after paracetamol, dia dah tak sedap badan balik.

malam susah nak tidur. tunggang terbalik tidur. pusing sana. pusing sini. nasib baik tak nangis. cuma dia restless.

i pun sumbat his last dose of paracetamol for today. (dah 4x today)

tu senyap tidur.

tapi malam panjang lagi ni. (now baru 12.20mlm)

middle finger dia dah double the original size. harapnya he's better tomorrow. rumah tunggang langgang, sebab nak layan dia sorang.

p/s auntie de, this weekend dkt wrexham ke?

Anonymous said...


kesiannya amar, i yang dengar pun risau. hmm.. im curious pasal why he's having these infections. nail biter ke?

kalau emyr demam, and paracetamol tak jalan, i kasi junior ibuprofen in addition. 5 mls three times a day. will also help with the finger pain kut. if you want to try, amar should be able to take brufen now kan? he's 1+ already

ala, i buat single duvet tu macam giant cot bumper. kalau u rajin, jahit la riben ke apa ke ikat kat cot railings. (nak harapkan cot bumper depa nipis sgt, tak berkesan) insyaAllah mujarab, haha

we'll be in wrexham this weekend insyaAllah.

mama sarah, ikea start sale today la. droooll... ;D

Anonymous said...

alamak i forgot, amar is ?asthmatic kan? brufen may exacerbate asthma in some ppl. if u want to try, maybe 2.5 ml dulu and see?

Mama Sarah said...

ingat nak beli brufen juga. tapi ingat nak suruh GP prescribe je. tengok2 GP kedekut tu tak bagi!!! paracetamol pun dia kata, "I don't encourage him to take paracetamol"

dia bagi antibiotics je.

Dapat GP lain, bukan yg lady doctor yg treated sarah.

anyway, i ada mms you gambar jari amar.

dyanna said...

K nisak,
I'm quite shocked to read abt Amar's situation right now from Mynn's blog. At first I didn't thought the swollen finger would grow into a serious condition. I'll make du'a for Amar, hope he'll get better soon.

Anonymous said...

che'ya! i visited your blog the other day, fuhh.. punya la banyak popups! ada satu tu siap takmo hilang unless i click on it.. hantu betul la diorang ni

dyanna said...

betoi ka auntie de...
itu la pasal sebab gune redirecting service from cjb..it's not my intention to advertise/sell anything to you .. hehe.

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