Roast Lamb ala Mama Sarah
Back to the kitchen time!!! Link for the original recipe, here. As usual, there are some missing ingredients in the larder. So I had to alter it a little bit.

The basic ingredients.
Brown the coated lamb in hot oil for 5-10 minutes. Add onion, garlic and ginger and cook for a further 5-10 minutes. Then add some potatoes.
Next add chicken stock or water, and 1 tsp Bisto gravy powder to cheat.

Simmer for another 10-15 minutes, then transfer into a roasting tin. Cook in the oven until tender. (Depending the size of the meat)
Tips from Mama Sarah the chef wanabe;
Meanwhile, bring water to boil. Add carrots and baby corn first. Boil for a couple of minutes. Last add in the broccoli. Switch of the heat immediately to retain the crispiness of the veg. Drain and run under cold water for half a minute.
Arrange the veggies on a plate and add a tiny lump of butter.
Finally serve the cooked lamb together with the potatoes, veggies and rice (kalau dah melayu tu, melayu juga!!! Kena ada nasi)
Sarah and Amar have both enjoyed the meal too! Sarah didn't like the potatoes. She ate the lamb 'berlaukkan nasi'. Amar loved the potatoes (mashed) with meat.
Tok Ayah, this would be your birthday dinner treat from us if you were here. However, if we were in Malaysia, kita belanja dekat Big Plate je lagi senang.

The basic ingredients.
Season, then roll the lamb in plain flour.
Brown the coated lamb in hot oil for 5-10 minutes. Add onion, garlic and ginger and cook for a further 5-10 minutes. Then add some potatoes.
Next add chicken stock or water, and 1 tsp Bisto gravy powder to cheat.

Simmer for another 10-15 minutes, then transfer into a roasting tin. Cook in the oven until tender. (Depending the size of the meat)
Tips from Mama Sarah the chef wanabe;
- continue to cook the lamb in the oven is just an option.
- while cooking in the oven, moisten the lamb occassionally with the liquid
- remove the potatoes if they are cooked, otherwise they will become too soft
Meanwhile, bring water to boil. Add carrots and baby corn first. Boil for a couple of minutes. Last add in the broccoli. Switch of the heat immediately to retain the crispiness of the veg. Drain and run under cold water for half a minute.
Arrange the veggies on a plate and add a tiny lump of butter.
Finally serve the cooked lamb together with the potatoes, veggies and rice (kalau dah melayu tu, melayu juga!!! Kena ada nasi)
Sarah and Amar have both enjoyed the meal too! Sarah didn't like the potatoes. She ate the lamb 'berlaukkan nasi'. Amar loved the potatoes (mashed) with meat.
Tok Ayah, this would be your birthday dinner treat from us if you were here. However, if we were in Malaysia, kita belanja dekat Big Plate je lagi senang.
uii, sedapnya! eh, tinggal la sikit kat kami ni.. posto!posto! :)
The lamb looks great. My hubby is great fan of lamb and jumps at the sight or mention of lamb in the menu. :)
Btw, Big Plate kat mana eh?
Looks delicious! I will surely try this recipe. I like to make lamb casserole. Mish likes it! We can share recipes.hehehehe. :)
Another good post!
yummy yummy.. thanks for sharing the recipe....
Best.. I could'nt help but feel hungry everytime I'd pass through your site. Or it could simply be I'm fasting today :)
I'd been trying to cook myself; already got the Jamie Oliver book from my sister..
Tadi oven takde.. takleh laa masak :P
MS, nampak sangat sedap.
I somehow miss masak kat UK, I don't know for what particular reason, but it's really different cooking here. Semua macam kari je..
Assalamualaikum all,
Sorry for my late reply. But have been quite 'busy' over the weekend. Also, this entry and my other cooking tidak berniat untuk meng-air-liurkan sesiapa.
and must also remember not to use this blogspot as my own! It's meant to be about the kids. heh heh.
auntie de posto ke? alamak semua sudah selamat dihabiskan oleh sang suami. next time nak datang coventry khabaq awal-awal. boleh pergi beli lamb leg siap2.
DITH Ahlan wa sahlan. Did you have a great trip?
Big plate dekat Subang airport lama. One of the best places for western food.
Sherin gimme the casserole recipe... kalau jadi, i post gambar kat sini lagi.
Simah no problem!
Erman May Allah reward your good deed. Bagus betul berpuasa and masak utk family. Tak de oven? No problem, as i said, oven is just an option.
Kalau ada broiler pun boleh. Kalau tak just continue cooking dalam periuk/kuali sampai kuah kering.
Jamie Oliver! Simple and do-able recipes. Which one have you tried?
Miss Di DAh nama duduk Penang (sebut betul-betul). Kari lah.
Still buat your ever so famous Kuzi ke?
hehe.. tu la pasal.. the isle of kari nasi kandaq..
my last kuzi was during Eid'ul Adha.. after that I left the kuzi making to the pro.. (ie.. my mom) cannot lawan her kuzi.
Hmmm mana pergi comment saya? :(
Hari tu makan kambing masa wedding kawan. OK gak, kari le. But yours somehow looks more interesting. Slurrrppp...
Miss Di I would love to go to Penang. Have never been there before!!! Nak mkn nasi kandaq yg famous itu.
KKL I rasa semalam, at one point Blogspot ada kerja2 maintenance or something sedang dilakukan. I pun ada problem juga.
Sayang you punya comment hilang.
Waah, bestnya pergi wedding kat UK! We've only been to one.
But there's another one coming on 28/5. Our next door neighbour. Tapi bukan seagama. :(
(Tp diaorang vegetarian) :)
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