Chester Zoo: 3 June 2006
There was a plan to take Sarah and Amar to Kidderminster Safari but was abandoned due to very bad weather. That was on Sarah's 2nd birthday last year.
Our trip to Chester Zoo on 3 June 2006 was just a perfect timing for everything; the fine weather, the strategic location (very close to Auntie & Uncle De's house) and Sarah's age.
Our trip to Chester Zoo on 3 June 2006 was just a perfect timing for everything; the fine weather, the strategic location (very close to Auntie & Uncle De's house) and Sarah's age.
Turn left at the next exit
This photo was taken in a car going at 40-50mph. Don't go blaming on me at this poor shaking photo. Like Babah said, we desperately in need of a better camera, lens and accessories. I should have adjusted the camera to fast shutter but honestly didn't know how to. This is the only photo with "Chester Zoo" sign. So I thought of posting it here too.
Their efficient staff made parking very easy. The 'parking' staff carefully directed all the cars to park in order. As our car was behind Uncle De's, we got to park next to Uncle De. And the car behind us, parked next to ours, and so on. (That way we didn't have to go round and round to find a space)
Their efficient staff made parking very easy. The 'parking' staff carefully directed all the cars to park in order. As our car was behind Uncle De's, we got to park next to Uncle De. And the car behind us, parked next to ours, and so on. (That way we didn't have to go round and round to find a space)
There were hundreds of other visitors too, but there were many counters. We only queued for a short while. The entrance fees was around £29 for our family. Free for children under 3.
When we arrived. It was blazing hot!

So we bought a hat each for Safiya, Sarah, Amar and Babah.
I was quite impressed Sarah and Amar wore their hats religiously.
Poor Amar, despite the hot weather, he still had to keep
his left arm extra warm in a purple sock.
Poor Amar, despite the hot weather, he still had to keep
his left arm extra warm in a purple sock.

It was definitely a huge place! Chester Zoo covers an area of 100 acres (but within a total land holding of over 400 acres). It was founded in 1934 by George Mottershead. Report says the zoo receives more than 1 million visitors per year!
The place is very clean with lots of kiosks selling chocolate, crisps, drinks and ice cream. There are plenty of designated picnic area too. (They do encourage you to bring your own food.) And a lot of plain lawn with enticing and colourful beds of flowers.
The place is very clean with lots of kiosks selling chocolate, crisps, drinks and ice cream. There are plenty of designated picnic area too. (They do encourage you to bring your own food.) And a lot of plain lawn with enticing and colourful beds of flowers.
Chester Zoo cares for more than 7000 animals! Including conservation work on endangered species including plants. There are specific areas for different plants from different parts of the world. To name a few, there were Roman Garden, Andes Garden, Glorious Grasses, British Native Species, Orchids and Wildlife Garden.
In the heart of the Zoo, there is a canal where you can take a boat ride. Not too sure if there were any crocodiles or alligator in there.
Sarah was looking forward to see the Lion. The lion(s) was placed in a huge area behind very tall fence. We saw 'a' Lion lying and sleeping in between tall grass. It looked huge and we could see his brown mane. But we couldn't see his face.
When I was at the Zoo, I thought that the zookeeper could have at least mowed the grass so that we could see the lion better. But only now that I think, they might want to keep it long as to resemble the natural habitat.
Sarah was looking forward to see the Lion. The lion(s) was placed in a huge area behind very tall fence. We saw 'a' Lion lying and sleeping in between tall grass. It looked huge and we could see his brown mane. But we couldn't see his face.
When I was at the Zoo, I thought that the zookeeper could have at least mowed the grass so that we could see the lion better. But only now that I think, they might want to keep it long as to resemble the natural habitat.
Taking a breather after that long walk. While we were resting with the cooling blue and red 'slurpee', we heard the lion roared very loudly! We quickly ran a 50m race to get the front spot to see the lion. His roar was thunderous and resounding. No wonder it was called the King of the Jungle.

Sarah was astounded to see the tiger too. When we saw the tiger, it looked like a HUGE cat sitting straight so majestically. Babah tried to take a lot of photos of the tiger and other animals but they didn't come out perfect, as most animals were behind fence, cage or glass.
Yes, yes, yes, we could do with a better camera. (If only Mr Rosli Othman was there. He could do the photography for us. He might have all the right gears)
If you could see properly, there are flamingoes in the photo above. I have always thought that flamingoes were vibrant pink but the ones we saw were pale pink.
Yes, yes, yes, we could do with a better camera. (If only Mr Rosli Othman was there. He could do the photography for us. He might have all the right gears)
If you could see properly, there are flamingoes in the photo above. I have always thought that flamingoes were vibrant pink but the ones we saw were pale pink.
Couldn't help but to include this one too. Emyr loves monkeys, chimpanzee and orang utans. He pointed at the picture above and said "Babah... Babah..." (Oh dear!)

Some donkeys (I can't remember the name on the signboard) But they look like donkeys (don't you think?)
Sang kancil too (!)
Babah took a LOT of photos of these buds. Apparently they were poppies buds. I have no idea what Babah had in mind, but the blooms do look pretty vibrant.
This was our cut-throat lunch/tea. Actually, not that bad really. The fish and chips was £5.75. (The same as fish & chips sold in Debenhams or M&S Cafe)
After a few more rounds to see some more animals, a stop at a souvenir shop, a no more memory space on our camera, Babah quick visit to the Gents, we decided to call it a day!
At the end of our visit, the 'De's all looked like Udang Galah Bakar. And the Mynn's -ummmm.... like udang galah rentung.
Poor Auntie De cooked Mee Soup for dinner. The soup was flavoured with beef and king prawn. It was scrumptious! Sorry no accompanying photo. The photographer only remembered to take some photos after she has sedawa kekenyangan.
Subhanallah! Chester zoo is so lovely and well maintained. If only we have such zoos here. But how can that be possible when people keep on 'poaching' wild animals to make exotic meals!!!
Kudos to Sarah and Amar for obediently keeping their hats on. Unfortunately those hats didnt manage to prevent them from ending up being burnt sotongs??
One last observation: Auntie De is a terrific cook that even after being bushed out at the zoo, she managed to whip up a good scrumptious meal of mee soup! WHat a good host she was!
What a pleasant trip, and your account of it was a great read too. Like DITH, I was thinking "Why can't our zoo be as nice?" Kesian you all semua ended up like udang bakar, though. But when you think of the kids having fun, everything - hot sun, cut-throat lunches, etc - all seem to be worth it, right?
Unfortunately Auntie De suffered from sun burnt. kesian merah2 kulit. memang macam udang galah bakar.
kita orang sekeluarga pulak, merah padam dan hitam legam.
kesian auntie de kena masak. i dah cakap dah tak payah susah2 masak. buat simple2 reheat something from the can pun ok.
Tapi she insisted on cooking something proper for her guests. (I alhamdulillah aje...)
Yes, it was a worth trip to the zoo. Selalunya kalau pergi rumah auntie de, kita pergi shopping dekat Cheshire Oaks. Tapi this time kita khaskan utk anak2 pulak. bagi diaorang puas hati pulak.
All this talk about getting burnt reminds me of my trip to Langkawi. And no, I have not yet returned to my natural state of fairness.
hiyoshi bersabar sahaja lah...
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