A Trip to North Wales: 2 June 2006
We went to Wrexham, North Wales on 2 June 2006. We left Coventry around 11am and reached Auntie and Uncle De's house around 12.40pm. Sarah behaved extremely well throughout the journey. She didn't sleep at all. Amar slept almost the whole journey. So he was good too.
When we arrived, Auntie De was in the kitchen preparing lunch for all of us. Emyr uttered all sort of things we could not understand, but we knew for sure that he was super duper excited, jumping up and down and running around the living room.
Safiya was shy and cried in the beginning. Uncle De and Babah talked [boring] gadget stuff instantly. Sarah and Amar were as excited! There were lots of toys and books. Must be heaven for them. Shortly after that, Babah followed Uncle De for Friday prayers.
For lunch, the kids had spiral pasta soup with beef and veg, first fried in olive oil with a hint of garlic and oregano. The adults had rice with chicken ala sweet sour and fried pak choi in soy sauce.
It was 'refreshing' to taste someone else's cooking. Over time, you do get bored with your own style of cooking. I was 'studying' the food - Auntie De must have fried the onion and chicken on very high fire until you get the chargrilled taste, which was delicious, of course! I could eat the whole lot, but one must behave at other people's house.

3 happy children
Later in the afternoon, Uncle De took out an inflatable mini pool for the kids to do their splashing in the garden. At first, I didn't let Amar to play in the water. But kesian sangat he wanted so much to join in the fun. So, he got a pair of swimpants too with his left arm wrapped in plastic bag.
after some time. Auntie De said he
was freezing cold.
I went to do my prayers, while Babah and Uncle De watched the kids. By the time I finished, Amar has filled the plastic bag with water and soaked the sock and his finger.
That night, Auntie De cooked another special dish - honey glazed roast chicken served with poached broccoli and cauliflower.
The best I've ever tasted. (Hafis pun kalah!) Well done Auntie De.
(pandai-pandai je I bagi nama)
I want a piece of that chicken now...
*i feel like chicken tonight, like chicken tonight!*
It was 'refreshing' to taste someone else's cooking.
Indeedy! But dont make it a norm or you'll end up like me!! hehe
Mama, kesian betul tengok si KKL..melalut2 nyanyi lagu chicken pulak
p.s. Maman dah buat entry baru khas untuk Mama Sarah!
wah... delicious.. mmmm..finger lickin' good! alamak, salah iklan!
dr in the house,
mmg rasa sedap once in a while rasa masakan orang lain kan? So, I tak sabar nak rasa masakan u.. :)
KKL Ni dah berapa hari tak makan properly ni?
Mari sini, I buatkan bubur style Auntie De.
DITH end up like puan doktor tu macam mana? End up jadi doktor ke?
bab KKL tu, kita kena hantar dia pergi jumpa hypnotherapist, bagi unwind si KKL ni sikit.
DITH again Saya dah melawat Maman's Planet. Dia sangat comel! Tapi nampak tinggi. Muhammad pun nampak tinggi lampai. Aliah pulak very angelic. Tentu Pn Doktor bahagia dan sejuk hati melihat mereka.
p/s: Muhammad di KL study apa ya?
Sherin ni sorang lagi nak kena pergi jumpa therapist.
Sherin hehehe bila i balik msia nanti, i nak buat jadual.
monday - makan rumah sherin
tuesday - rumah DITH
wednesday - rumah diyanna
thursday - rumah auntie de
friday - rumah KKL
Saturday - rumah ajzie
ahad - rumah simah
hahahaha.. sungguh bahagia hidupku.
Boleh2 suka2.. schedule yg MSarah buat, After makan2 leh gie JB&Spore shopping2..hihihi
Nisak...I've lost passion in cooking...huhuhu...must mingle with you all to gain it back!
saya nak ikut ke rumah orang2 lain.. hari isnin, selasa, khamis, jumaat, sabtu, ahad.. muahaha..
Kesian si Amar dan Sarah, asyik kena makan masakan para ibu lain T_T
Emyr uttered all sort of things we could not understand, but we knew for sure that he was super duper excited, jumping up and down and running around the living room.
Nisak, kenapa kita adults tak dapat sambutan sebegini bila pergi rumah kawan?? hehe
DITH - The next time we have the bloggers meet, we can always try the ROTFLOL greet. ;)
Masyallah! Tak boleh nak bayangkan orang2 tua macam kita dok berputar di lantai...jangan di mulakan! :))
Ajzie Wah dah bagi green light. Tunggu kehadiran kami!
Kak Doctor saya kat msia boleh bilang dengan jari masuk dapur. Saya rasa, ahli keluarga yang baca blog saya mesti rasa saya tipu bab masak memasak.
i think you should mingle with KKL and Sir O-K to regain your supernatural power in cooking. Me and family can always be your guests, tentu seronok makan-makan.
dyanna heh heh heh. kita imagine everyday macam hari raya. selamba je bertandang rumah orang!
Hiyoshi yea, sungguh kesian anak2 saya tu nanti.
DITH saya pun kurang pasti kenapa. mungkin anak2 kami di UK ni jarang menerima tetamu kot?
Sarah tu pun cukup suka bila ada tetamu. Maka banyaklah aksi2 yang dia nak tunjukkan.
Pycno hehehe... funny you suggest that. I'm starting to have this image of Mowgli rolling with the pack of wolves in the Jungle.
DITH & Orang2 Tua macam Kita ya lah. nanti dikatakan buang tabiat pulak.
wow, previously ada bloggers meet ke??? bestnya ... cant wait for the next one. would be interesting to see the faces behind the writings (and pictures in the case of ikelah)
emyr lompat2 tu prolly because it was sarah and amar. sekarang ni dia tgk gambar amar, dok panggil aman aman aman... but seriously ive not seen him that excited with other ppl!
living room saya kurang space untuk orang2 tua berguling dan menggelupur DITH. kalau ada space mugkin juga saya dan uncle de sudah menyambut tetamu dengan excitednya seperti emyr. :D tapi pasal takde space, buat dalam hati sahaje.. haha
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