A Sneak Preview
It feels like a lot has happened recently. Lots of birthday parties including Lin and Yaya's birthday kenduri back home, family in-law went to Bukit Tinggi for holiday, lots of barbecue and blogging family angkat also went for holiday (Pulau Redang, Pulau Langkawi etc)
To those who had to work or stay in the lab, diharap bersabar. I'm sure your turn will come soon.

As for us, we went to North Wales over the weekend. It was a great break, especially because Auntie and Uncle De were the hosts.
I will try to write about the trip but I still have a lot of backlogging to do;
Below is a list of events waiting to be told:
- Stratford upon Avon (28 May 2006)
- Sundeep's Wedding (28 May 2006)
- The final visit to the Hospital (1 June 2006)
- A trip to North Wales (2 June 2006)
- Chester Zoo (3 June 2006)
- Barbecue and Farewell (4 June 2006)
Wahhh seronok nye..byk events.. Kami pun cuti seminggu tapi tak kemana2. Kalau cuaca ok pun m/be ke Speiland Ravensburg aje. Lagipun di sini hari2 hujan dan early July dah 2nd sem. exam..
woah..u sure have been busy!! tak sabar nak baca cerita cerita tu :0)
bz bz bz...
But do update!
We are honored to be considered 'family angkat'! (I hope you meant us and not a real angkat family back here!Kalau tidak malu ler koi *recoil*)
Don't worry. The way you tell your stories, they'll always stay fresh :)
Should I consider myself part of the 'family angkat' too? That way, if we're both wrong, dua-dua boleh recoil malu T_T
raffelsia in UK?
Ajzie best tak duduk german? are they really efficient?
Simah & Sherin trying to squeeze in some writing in between housework ni.
DITH you may un-recoil (uncoil!) yourself. i did mean you guys, if you don't mind me calling you lot my blogging family angkat. (or do you prefer, blogging jinbeng ;)
Hiyoshi hahaha kelakar lah your statement -->stay fresh. Macam iklan nappy Pampers Baby Dry. Stay dry for up to 12 hours.
di surprised???
MS, yes I am very surprised to see the rafflesia.. but it makes sense since they only grow in Borneo and at cooler temperature.. 19'C, something like that kot? But the forest floor looks like the hutan hujan di Malaysia lah.. ok, my documentary ends here. hehe..
last weekend went to KL, I might have a very good time over there that when I come back to work I have to try very hard to remember what I did at work last week.. everybody needs a break!
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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I didn't understand the concluding part of your article, could you please explain it more?
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