Monday, June 05, 2006

Stratford upon Avon: 28 May 2006

Shakespeare's Birthplace (photo from web, link here)

It was our 5th visit to Stratford upon Avon. It is only half an hour away from our house. That's why I didn't mind going there on a warm and sunny day like on 28 May 2006. We have already cancelled our plan to visit Auntie De that weekend due to Babah's confusion on his rota. So we decided to go on a short day trip visit to Shakespeare birthplace again.

Apart from the relatively short journey from home, Stratford has a lot of picturesque buildings, scenic view, tranquil river and there is also an open space for the children to run around.

We could tell Sarah and Amar both enjoyed the trip.

I have grown to like the swans too. They do look pretty serene in the water although they could be a noisy bunch sometimes, especially when fighting for food. At least Sarah and I were not intimidated by them anymore.

For lunch Babah asked where I wanted to eat. I said, either grab some sandwiches or McDonalds. He said he wanted to eat at a proper restaurant.

1. With kids like Sarah and Amar, I doubt we could eat in peace in a restaurant.
2. I didn't want Babah to spend a fortune on limited choice of food.
3. I'm not a leech.

We went passed an Indian, Italian, all-day breakfast pub, another few Italian restaurants until we reached the end of the road. And there was this Chinese restaurant, empty but inviting.

After we ordered the food, Babah said he actually wanted to treat us all to a good meal. He has been on a few outings with his friends so it was about time for us to have a special treat from him. Patutpun he has been so picky about the choice of restaurant.

The food was great! Especially the squids. The prawns were succulent too. Pendek cerita, semua sedap. I was surprised that I was full so quickly, and more surprised that I could even eat when Sarah was one minute next to Babah, next minute under the table, and after that sitting next to me. Then nowhere to be seen.

Also surprised even though Amar was busy banging the spoon and chopstick against the plate and glass and the window sill.

(Cepatlah besar! I long for a peaceful dinner with Babah)

Babah too enjoyed the lunch very much. He was eating at 100km/h.

Overall, our 5th visit to Stratford upon Avon has been the most exciting trip so far! (But next time, will bring some home-made sandwiches or nasi goreng and eat by the river instead)


Sherin de Souza said...

It is beautiful. I really miss England!:)
InsyaAllah we will go there again when the kids are a bit older. For now, I don't know how they are going to keep still for so many hours in the airplane! :O

I am glad that the kids had fun.

I have the same problem. We cannot have nice dinners at nice restaurants
if the kids are with us. :) But, once in awhile, we would get out parents to babysit and then, off we'd go. You can do the same when you are back home.:)

dith said...

Unlike Sherin, I can't say I miss England coz I've never been there! :(

Anyway, plz dont pray for Amar to grow up fast coz once he's all grown up and has a mind of his own, you'l wish for him to stay small and cute forever! (like how I am wishing for my big son Muhammad now!, hehe)

*trying to visualize poor Babah stuffing up his food in break-neck speed*

Jamil said...

You know, with that kind of eating, mynn would have gone way past the speed limit on most kampung roads.

Then again, they don't fine you for eating too fast. So, no worries!

I want to go back to England too! I want to visit all the places that I missed visiting due to my small age T_T

Ikelah said...

cantik tempat tu... hmmmm... tak pernah pergi...nak buat macam mana?

betul cakap DITH tu, boys ni banyak own ideas yang pelik-pelik masa remaja(exception untuk eldest i guess sebab ada sense of responsibility ;)..tapi melepas nak enjoy).

dyanna said...

amboi Amar.. seronok nampak! hehe.. (ref to last picture there.. he looks very cheeky..)

mom2ashley said...

yea i been there too! i miss england too!!! i was studying there during uni days..

Mama Pongkey said...

:) Last time we were there a couple of years ago (with O-K's sister) we brought packed lunches too (nasi goreng, ayam tandoori, lots of crisps, carbonated drinks), which we had at the nearby Warwick Castle (pernah pergi? They have peacocks in their huge lawns/gardens). Then we hopped over to Stratford-upon Avon. Had tea and scones at the teashop opposite Shakespeare's birthplace. Ohh yum.

Mama Sarah said...

Thanks you all, I tried to reply last night but I think there were some problem with the server. Anyway,

Sherin you don't trust your maid to babysit your kids? Or you only pay her to clean?

DITH Mynn has spent more than half his life time here in UK. OK jugalah duduk sini. TApi bila tiba time raya - startlah missing Malaysia and family badly.

hehehe, I've already missed their zaman baby.

and p/s: Babah didn't suffer from any concussion. just stomach too full later on.

Hiyoshi I still think you are only 6 yrs old. (I think because the gambar you used in Xanga) psst: which part of england?

DITH & ikelah Get sabbatical leave and try get a job here!!! 1-2 years contract pun cukuplah. I'm sure both you and DITH are super consultant level here.

Then I can claim myself as your jinbeng and tumpang glamour.

p/s: you left a message previously regarding under-exposed photo. I wish I could talk photography language. But Don't want to try before googling what it means first.

and oh about being boys... and being eldest. hehe, i'm guessing ikelah is anak sulung? So he gets the exception? Mynn is anak sulung too. but.. hmmm???

Di Amar memang. He's quiet & good 60%. Cheeky 20%.

Mom2Ashley which uni did you go to, mate?

Mama Sarah said...

KKL I remember that time. you rang but we were in Notts.

jomlah datang lagi. boleh visit sekali lagi. haha

Ajzie said...

Wahh seronok kalau anak2 happy kan. Tak sabar nak jln2 gak nih. Comey Ammar n Sarah. Berapa umur mereka yea? Sama dengan Alya dan Ammar Haziq yea?

Anonymous said...

Hi mamasarah,
seems like both amar and sarah had so much fun and the place is beautiful. wonder when i'll get the chance to visit.. hmm


Mama Sarah said...

Ajzie Sarah= 2 tahun setengah (3 in October)

Amar= 14 months.

Jue Before going to Australia, datanglah sini dulu!

Sherin de Souza said...

I can't leave my maid alone with the kids. Never have and never will. If I have to, I'll leave the maid at my in laws or parents.. Depan kita they may be nice but behind us, nobody knows..

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