Tiramisu minus Amaretto
Tiramisu ala Mama Sarah
(original recipe from The Complete Book of Italian Cooking edited by V. Sperling & C. McFadden)
(original recipe from The Complete Book of Italian Cooking edited by V. Sperling & C. McFadden)

The Ingredients:
20-24 (150g) sponge fingers
2 tbsp cold black coffee
2 tbsp coffee essence
4 egg yolks
90g (6 tbsp) caster sugar
few drops of vanilla essence
grated rind of ½ lemon
350g (1 ½ cups) Mascarpone cheese
2 tsp lemon juice
250ml (1 cup) double (heavy) cream
1 tbsp milk
30g (½ cup) flaked almonds, lightly roasted
2 tbsp cocoa powder
1 tbsp icing sugar

1. Arrange almost half the sponge fingers in the base of a glass bowl or serving dish.

2. Combine the black coffee, coffee essence and

3. Put the egg yolks into a heatproof bowl with the sugar, vanilla essence and lemon rind. Stand over a saucepan of gently simmering water and whisk until very thick and creamy and the whisk leaves a very heavy trail when lifted from the bowl. [3]
4. Put the Mascarpone cheese in a bowl with the lemon juice and beat until smooth.

5. Combine the egg and Mascarpone cheese mixtures and when evenly blended pour half over the sponge fingers and spread out evenly.

6. Add another layer of fingers, sprinkle with the remaining coffee and then cover with the rest of the cheese mixture. Chill for at least 2 hours and preferably longer, or overnight.

7. To serve, whip the cream and milk together until fairly stiff and spread or pipe over the dessert.
Sprinkle with the flaked almonds and then sift an even layer of cocoa powder so the top is completely covered.
Finally sift a light layer of icing sugar over the cocoa.
Mama Sarah's Footnote:
[1] I understand the concern of my family members and readers of the ingredients I use in my cooking. Of course, I do not use alcohol. If we were in Restaurants, we would specifically request if the Chef could substitute the alcohol with a non-alcohol ingredient.
When I made this Tiramisu, I simply omitted the Amaretto and increased the equal volume of coffee essence to make up the liquid quantities.
[2] I have made a research on Amaretto if there is a suitable substitute rather than just omitting the flavour. I found out that Amaretto can be substituted by mixing the following;
1 Tablespoon light Karo syrup
1 Tablespoon almond extract
1/4 cup clear apple juice
p/s: Karo syrup is corn syrup, suitable even for constipated babies :)
1 Tablespoon almond extract
1/4 cup clear apple juice
p/s: Karo syrup is corn syrup, suitable even for constipated babies :)
[3] Here's how you can cheat (The Uncle De's method). Simply replace step 3 with a tub of devon custard (around 500g). This way, you will not have to worry your zabaglione turning into scrambled eggs.

banyaknya ingredients nak kena pakai... thanks 4 sharing the recipe :0)
Nampak sodap.. definitely will try for the next coming Raya. Hehe... tapi maybe a few trials dulu kan before confidently hidang food kat tetamu.
wow... sedapnya. ada cheat pulak macam computer games...cheat mode.
tahan berapa lama kalau disimpan di tropical countries?
Thanks Chef Mama Sarah. I dunno whether we can find the ingredients in M'sia. Maybe at Cold Storage. Will try it out!
Thanks. It looks yummy..
ikelah, if memory serves me right, in tropical countries they have this magic box called 'peti ais'.
about the request to restaurant's chef and all this home cookings, one Prophetic narration jumps to mind, quoted freely, 'Nothing is better for an anak Adam than what comes out from his two hands.'
Thanks a lot for sharing this lovely piece with us!
Guess what? ANother recipe for my Sarah to try!!! hehe
Cant wait for them to come back and try YOUR recipes!
Aik rasenye dh post comment tadi tapi takde pulak, takpe boleh post lagi hehe
That tiramisu looks so sedap,kalau jd dtg coventry kene buat tau..
but on 2nd thought kalau x dpt dtg coventry, boleh je jumpe kat kuantan kan? kan? hahahahah boleh makan ikan bakar fresh!
that was me kak nisak, accidentally clicking the anonymous button!
Dang... I really like my Amaretto... hahaha... just joking!
ada mobile magic box tak kalau nak suruh mama sarah poskan??? hehehe
ada orang sakit kepala sempat memblog.
pandai ms buat tiramisu. Bolehlah saya cuba lps ni. Looks very nice.
I'm soooooooooooooooo jealous of you! YOu can REALLY cook, you have 2 beautiful kids, a joyful loving husband and u're in england!! Let's swith places. Oh. Minus the husband and the 2 kids la. ;P
One should seek contentment in what one has..like they say about green grass.. it is always a pain to take care of.
Usaha, amal, tawakkal and syukur.
Of course, the tiramisu looks and sound devine. I have not tasted it before due to the alchohol content, or if I have it must have been a long time ago and I have forgotten. ;)
The ingredients can be found in Msia, only the price is pretty steep.
Waaaah, banyaknya peminat tiramisu!
simah sebenarnya you tak payah guna all the ingredients pun! banyak yang optional, ie coffee essence, double cream, cocoa powder, icing sugar semua tu boleh omit.
dy waaahh, go ahead master kuzi! don't forget to take photos.
ikelah heh heh. mesti ada cheat punya utk kesenangan orang yang nak cepat macam saya! tahan berapa lama? saya kurang pasti lah, sebab tak pernah buat kat malaysia. tapi, kalau quantity yang saya buat baru ni, kalau utk 4-6 orang rasanya sekali hadap aje. (harapnya yang tukang hadap tu sukalah tiramisu)
Sherin hehehe, cubalah. let me know where you get the ingredients from, nanti boleh beritahu mana nak beli pada those yang nak cuba from msia.
nnydd apa nak reply kat anta ni, ya syeikh? hmmmm but thanks for the quotation.
DITH poor Sarah! she must be thinking that she will get a 3 months break from the kitchen. rupanya her mum has something else in mind!
anonymous @ naja haaa jangan lupa call 2-3 hari sebelum datang coventry.
naja kalau tak beritahu pun, kita kenal lah. siapa lagi yang sudi nak dtg coventry ni ha... and nak jemput kita makan ikan bakar fresh kat kuantan nun. :)
p/s: congrats again DR Naja. and salam pada Dr GIGI Wan Nur Azreena. Saya sungguh bangga sekali dengan pencapaian kamu berdua!
orang kilang excuse me??? ishhhh, pukul karang!
Thanks for the recipe. Amaretto tu tak bleh ganti dengan esen badam ker. Tu kata chef wan la kan.
Sini kempunan nak makan cakes sedap sedap nih. Kat mesia teringin nak makan beli ajer one piece kat Starbucks. Sini one piece pun dah RM14. Langsung tak lalu nak makan.
Ni mesti try nih!
Hehehehe. We use 2 cups of double cream not 1. And substitute amaretto for almond extract. Also I think we use more eggs. Hmm kena check recipe balik...
eh baru perasan mmg bleh ganti dengan lalmond extract. Tu la lain kali baca bebetui. Heheheh
MS: how do you make the borders aroung the pictures?
ikelah ala kesiannya siapa yang sakit kepala tu??? perlu magic paracetamol tak?
yus boleh cuba, tapi tak pasti orang mengandung dinasihatkan makan tiramisu atau tak.
kot2 lah teringin juga, substitute step 3 dgn custard ok? and kurangkan amount caffeine. ok?
Aik ramai pulak yang tulis comment while i was replying the previous comments.
afie911 you ni! tak perlu jealous. I'm leading a normal life just like any other women out there. Pandai masak tu, slow sikit. nampak aje pandai masak, rasa tu belakang kira. presentation comes first. heh heh.
Orang kilang pretty steep as in - the ready to eat ones? Or the bahan2 price?
Yes just checked the recipe.
We use more eggs, more double cream, more sugar, 1 cup of coffee and some cocoa powder. No lemon juice, icing sugar, milk, almond flakes nor almond extract.
zakiah ya betul. saya baca kat internet - amaretto tu rasa dia macam almond. maka substitutenya almond essence/extract.
RM14 kat msia? or 14 dirham di dubai? kami tak beli tiramisu kat UK ni, sebab almost sure ada alcohol. yang kat msia tu pun, kena check juga. maka yang selamatnya- buatlah sendiri! dan abaikan amaretto itu.
KKL may be your recipe is for hidangan utk 6-8 people? hence more double cream/eggs needed. why don't you try to substitute the zabaglione part (Step 3) with custard. I suka juga this style sebab faster method!
zakiah heh heh. nasib baik mengaku!
We don't have a zabaglione step. The eggs are all raw!!! :D
Hehehe... betul kot for 6-8 people. Memang very filling, you only need a bit. We have served it to about 10 people no problem. Kalau 4 people 2 round.
KKL as for your latest comment entry about your recipe: i believe there are hundreds of different ways of making tiramisu. I've checked the internet myself.
Previously, although based on the same recipe book, i omitted coffee essence, amaretto (Definitely), double cream (For topping) (because i don't need more calories) and never used cocoa powder, almond flakes.
I stripped the recipe to the minimumEST!!!!!
and i prefer that sort of tiramisu!
For my entry, i bought the complete ingredients, just to make it look nice in my blog. But actually, the roasted almond flakes added some crunch and taste good as well.
KKL hehehe laju nya hang mengomen!
all raw? aiseh man. Your recipe is not child and pregnant woman friendly eh? but friendly for 8 people. heh heh
if i were you, i would still add the zest of lemon juice and grated rind of lemon too mask the eggy taste. (i don't think i would eat raw egg recipes......) (Takut salmonella you)
di border gambar saya. heh heh heh. ada juga orang perasan yea? saya ni berangan, konon gambar tu macam dalam frame gambar. tapi kalau gambar cantik macam blog ikelah tu best juga. ni gambar senget-benget, bikin malu aje?
eh, melalut pulak. (Dah terlanjur orang tanya...)
dekat template tu cari dekat bawah *post* or *body structure* (I tak sure lah your blog template) tapi i adjust dekat post image. I increased the border size.
rasa nak tukar frame colour to brown jugaklah, what do you think di? (green + brown = warna pokok)
mamasarah: pandainya awka memasak..rajin tul belajar resepi baru terutama yg banyak ingredients tu.
sayang betui suami awak ngan awak ni..moga cinta n kasih sayang kalian akan kekal abadi selamanya dunia n akhirat..amin. air tangan isteri pengikat suamikan..kan...kan..
eh, geramnya saya tgk gambar2 strawberries tu..nampak 'hidup' jer..manis ya? mcm yg saya pernah makan kat cameron tu, masam rasanya.tu yg kurang gemor tu.
mmg cantik2lah gambar yg awka tangkap..guna kamera apa?
Mama Sarah,
You all ni selalu makan sedap2 dan selalu juga I tengok you all buat benda2 pun yang sedap & fattening macam tiramisu ni, tapi you all slim-melim, lurus melidi. Bestnyee...Apakah rahsia you all eh ?
I suka makan tapi cepat gemok!
Syikin amin, amin, amin kan doa.
kalau pandai pilih, dapatlah strawberry yang manis. kalau tak, masam lah. kdg2 kalau masam sangat, kita makan dengan sugar and cream. Tapi masa di nottingham baru ni, kita makan gitu je, sebab memang manis!
bab camera: (malu je nak beritahu ni) kami guna Sony DSC-P8. Umur camera ni tua sikit daripada Sarah. (Kami beli nak menyambut anak sulung!)
waalaikumsalam wbt budak gemok siapa pulalah gerangan budak gemok ni yea?
kami ni tak delah makan sedap2. kat rumah ni, saya selalu je dengar ada orang tu complain lapar!
lama jugak dah nak tanya. Thanks for the info..
nak wat colour baru? Warna pokok maybe boleh masuk kot dgn theme.. cuba try test tengok..
Asalamualaikum..., kawan datang nak makan...he..he hari tu macam kecoh pasal gemuk, saper tu...macam ada kat sini pulak...tapi citer pasal makan...pulak...rasa2 macam biasa jer ..orang2 tu...he..he..he . Ralit jap layan gambar2 awak...he..he.he tang gambag buah strawbery tu ha..berkenan sungguh, saya memang tak tahan tengok kalau orang pos gambar pokok2..ni...minat sangat...nanti pos lagi gambar 2 pokok ka, buah ka nah...
Mama Sarah .... I nak copy this recipe and paste it somewhere. Sedap nye nyammmmmm .. as I said before, coming here can be hazardous to your (my!) appetite. I wish I have your perseverance in making these lovely desserts.
Now I'm really resenting the fact that I haven't had lunch yet. I should've gone and ate first :(
Nak tiramisu!!!!!
Adoiiii sedap nya.. Rajin nya Mama Sarah.
Kak Nisak, though i prefer dtg utk buat surprise (and at the same time boleh tgk rumah sepah ke tak haha), insyaAllah will call you a few days b4 dtg.tapi tak janji, tgk dulu plan mcm mane ni..Please consider Kuantan as an option,kite boleh slalu hangout together chewah hehe
Kak Zakiah [i assume kak :)], kek kat secret recipe pon sedap, and harga reasonable. RM5 satu slice (quite generous slice i would say). Try raspberry cheese cake, yummy!!
Nisak, check your mail!
dyanna no prob. have you tried it yet? tukar colour, panjang ceritalah di. nanti kita story later.
shami suka bunga dan buah yea? kalau kita ada gambar bunga/buah lagi, kita inform. (pressure.. pressure)
QOTH do try. let me know kalau senang nak beli bahan di msia.
hiyoshi last time, you always complain you missed your breakfast. now,your lunch!
come on mate, take care of your diet.
Ajzie Nampak je sedap tu.. heh heh.
Naja wuiii selamba je panggil orang 'kak'?? oooo ingat those yang datang blog ni, sama umur dengan saya ya?
oooooooooo!!! saya muda belia tau. baru 25 tahun :)
p/s: call lah ya? boleh jumpa mertuaku sekali.
QoTH THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wah record baru number of comments...
mama sarah: jangan ler pressure...he..he..he..pelan2 ler...he..he..he, masa nilah tunjukan kepandaian dan kerajinana awak....he..he lawak jer..
wah lau! 45 comments! Pergh..!!!
yes K nisak, kita memang sebaya.. 25 tahun. muehehe...
rasa cam nak try buat pulak, boleh gi Giant tgk ada bahan tak.
Byk nye comments Mama Sarah dah 45comments, buat ler N3 pasal resepi lagi eik pas nih, saya pun suka gak..
Saya amat busy!
uncle de pass tak my tiramisu?
shami masa ni nak tunjuk lagak. hahaha..
esok kalau ada orang datang rumah, memang tak terhidang kuih ni. pressure sungguh. kita beli jelah kat kedai yang ready made.
dyanna entah yang banyak tu, saya sendiri yg penuhkan comment box. jwb sikit2.
ajzie entah sempat blog ke tidak nanti. mertua nak datang ni. berangan juga nak buat kuih lagi.
mama sarah: kata x QS jugak, belajar kat mana, tahun berapa, pernah kerja kat mana...he..he..hubby pun Qs jugak ka...he..he..jawap...nah...
macam mana nak tau pass ke idak, kena la rasa dulu. so next time kitorang datang kena la buat...hehe
sajer nak cukupkan 50
Let me just feast my eyes on the photos!!
(coz I know to actually make the tiramisu myself is another matter altogether :P)
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