6th Anniversary
.:6th Wedding Anniversary:.
How can I say what is too much for words?
A rainbow cannot fit into my heart
Perhaps we should be musical as birds
Perched singing of our love with practiced art.
You cannot taste my happiness, or feel
A little of the chill of your caress.
No word or metaphor can make it real,
Nor song contain the truth I would express.
In my love there are mountains miles high,
Valleys rainbow carpeted, and wide
Enough for clear, still lakes to steal the sky
R-R-R-R!!! I cannot tell you what's inside!
So you must turn to what you feel for me,
And read therein my tender rhapsody.
Reach deep, my love, and I will be there, too:
You have me in your heart, as I have you.poet unknown
This was a message from Babah Sarah for our anniversary.
To Bie:
May Allah bless our marriage and our family. May the years ahead continues to bring us happiness and prosperity. May our marriage last in bliss. Thank you for sharing your life with me and thank you for all you've done so far. All the things that should have been difficult in my life has become so much easier thanks to you.
My anniversary wish to you is:

Heh heh heh, you have to know Japanese to know what it means Bie.
I think it's pretty obvious what my reply for Babah Sarah is:

I hope for Allah's mercy always and pray that the love between us will last forever. Thank you for being such a great husband and thank you for being there all this while. I also hope that we continue to lead a peaceful and harmonious life and provide a safe and calm nest for Sarah and Amar.
So sweet..................... Congratulations to you both. May Allah bless this wonderful relationship that the two of u share!
lahai sweetnya... happy anniversary to the both of you... semoga berkekalan dunia akhirat, amin :)
happy anniversary! i love the photo of both your hands....
yup..yup... ameen... semoga dipenuhi rahmat, kasih sayang dan ketenangan....
R-R-R-R!!! I cannot tell you what's inside!
*hehe either the poet cant find a suitable R word or she's really Rrroaring inside! haha*
alamak meleleh la entry kali nih.
Happy anniversary. Hish...kejap kan rasa 6 tahun tuh.
uwa..biler romeow ku ni balik nih. huaaaaaaaa meow...meow
sherin thank you. when's yours?
izhal amin.
mom2ashley geee thanks. I didn't know which photo to post for this entry. I wanted to age our wedding photo, but then I didn't want to post up my 'face'. Then I remembered this photo taken by me at Ikea when we had lunch. Some may say it's overexposed, but I think this photo will do for this entry!
tuting tome terima kasih sahabat.
DITH isykh. I knew the poem was a bad idea! hehehe i thought the same, ni mesti habis idea ni.
zakiah kah kah kah... hang ni! sekali sekala, kasi chan la kawan. mmg sekejap rasa 6 tahun. Masa post entry ni rasa macam, kan best kalau dah 10 tahun. barulah rasa, waaahhh dah sepuluh tahun, tapi steady lagi. TApi i bet bila dah betul 10 tahun, tengok gambar muka berkedekut...
Romeow dah beli tulip belum?
see belum 10 tahun dah salah type,
muka berkedut, not berkedekut.
Mine was on the 17th of April hari tu. This is the 7th year.. Btw, I forgot to add, moga U & Mynn will get more gorgeous children like Sarah & Amar.. ;)
hehehe... macam mana agaknya muka berKEDEKUT tu? hehe.. gurauje.
This entry is sangat sweet.
Ageing is a must for everyone, and we cannot detest that fact of life. But what I do hope is for everyone to age gracefully into their older years with good health.
I imagine myself writing a similar entry in the distant future. I my case however, it is most probably because I forgot to buy the anniversary gift.
Anyway, I still have not figured out what the Japanese symbols mean. Need I call in Robert Langdon to decipher it?
Happy happy anniversary!! Semoga jodoh korang berkekalan ke anak cucu..insyaAllah... :0)
sherin wah, 7 years! with 2 beautiful kids.
dyanna yalah, grow old gracefully and 'originally'. Hari tu baru je ckp dgn auntie de, bila dah berkedut tu, kita ikatlah dgn getah or tampal dgn selotape.
hiyoshi Is he any good? do you need to pay him? clue for the symbols: think of the obvious 3 words sung by stevie wonder over the phone.
simah terima kasih dan amin.
Hehehehe happy anniversary... semoga bertambah berkat and murah rezeki amiin...
Happy Anniversary utk MS dan Babah. Rasa tak lambat lagi kan nak wish ni...hehe
*sob* i'm tearing...
thks for sharing your lovely kodak moments with us.
Just lovely. May Allah bless you and your family.
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