Our Tale in Cambridge

Since it was our 6th wedding anniversary, I thought may be it's fun to just have an adventure and drive to a place we have never been before (as a family).
This time I answered, "Pergi Cambridge, nak?"
And his answer was, "Jom".
Simple as that.
The truth was, I have been secretly visiting Cambridge the past week via internet. Trying to locate interesting places to visit on our special day. Also to find cheap suitable hotels or bed and breakfast. Actually the latter was planned as a surprise for the family. But I just had to ask permission from Babah first, in case he didn't approve to staying overnight in Cambridge. And in case Babah didn't want to go to Cambridge for reasons like bad weather or we could just go on a day trip.
When it comes to money matters, I'm the difficult one. It's not a nice feeling to spend freely on someone else's money. Unless if I earn the money, then I don't quite mind. Anyway, when Babah agreed to stay overnight, I planned to pay for the hotel. I already found a reasonable rate hotel during my search, about 5.6km from Cambridge. The nearer ones are mostly fully booked. We managed to make a last minute online booking before we left.

Getting to Cambridge was fine. But when we reached the city centre, we were quite confused by the signs. There were so many small lanes before we actually had to turn into the correct lane. We had to turn back a couple of times before we actually reached the Lion Yard's Carpark, the nearest, but the second most EXPENSIVE, cut-throat price we have ever experienced.
Finally, we got out of the car and got to breath the air in Cambridge. But sadly, it started to rain that very minute! So out came the brollies and raincoats.
Both Sarah and Amar were pretty well behaved. It was quite tricky to take photos that day. Not only challenged by the weather but there were also so many other tourists fighting for the best spot. Or people crossing infront of you when you have just pressed the button on your camera.

The weather was pretty moody. The rain suddenly stopped. Babah suggested for a river cruise. So we made our way to Quayside, near River Cam. There, we saw many different agents trying to find customers for their punts. Babah approached one agent and we were quoted £32 for the whole family. (To me it was sooooo EXPENSIVE!!!) At least we get a "chauffeur" driving us along the river ala the gondolas in Venice.
Sarah was the happiest person. Although she wasn't jumping up and down, but she was the first one to get on the punt. I was quite surprised Sarah didn't hesitate at all. Amar was excited too. He leaned on the side of the punt trying to reach the water. It was quite difficult to keep Amar still. We had to tame him with a bottle of milk.
We saw at least 7 different colleges along the river. Our kind chauffeur explained some of the interesting facts of the buildings. Some I remember, but most of them I have forgotten! (luckily there is always the internet to find an accurate information)
It was a 45 minutes cruise. The minute we stepped off the punt, it started to rain lightly again.

I could definitely imagined Cambridge in bright and sunny weather. It would have been a fantastic tour. Still, even in such temperamental weather, we managed to take 400 plus photos! And both Sarah and Amar were very, very good. So why should I complain?

With Travelodge, I had a piece of mind that the rate quoted was for the whole room suitable for upto 4 people. I don't mind settling in another Travelodge in the future, although just a no frills hotel providing minimum but they are standard facilities. There was an ample space for everyone to sleep and a kettle and a selection of teabags to keep Babah happy. So what more could one ask for?
p/s: Babah ended up paying for the hotel. He insisted!

We paid a small amount of money to go into 3 colleges. They were all special in their own way. Separate entries about these places are on the way.
Four hours and another 400 plus photos later, we decided to call it a day. We had no more memory space on our camera! Our journey back was smooth with two very tired children sleeping the whole journey.
It was another momentous visit for us. Something that at least I, would remember and cherish for the rest of my life.
I end this entry with an excerpt from Babah's writing;
We had a wonderful, almost perfect weekend (minus the weather, of course). Yes, we're very tired and the piggy bank is slightly more vacuous but the experience was, as they say, priceless. Overall we took over 800 pictures and Puan Mama Sarah and I are having a headache (only slightly weather induced) trying to sort out which pictures to upload to our blogs.
Alhamdulillah, we thank god we have the means, the energy and the time to make such travels, something we couldn't have done several years back.
Truly, an anniversary to remember for years to come.~Babah Sarah~
pps: Expect more photos in my next entries.
eh..camner saya boleh terlepas entri anniversary ni ya? rasanya semalam masuk blog ni mcm masih entri si Sarah nak jadi scientist tu?..pelik..pelik..
happy anniversary mama n babah. moga doa kalian termakbul.
bestnya p cambridge. 800 kpg gambar!!! cayalah..
yg paling suka tu gambar sungai n chauffuer tu. rasa mcm zaman dolu dolu...
rezekilah mama, babah yg bayarkan..hehe
Wow! Such a nice way to celebrate your love for each other. Holiday with the kids and taking 800 pix of all those precious moments with your family! Syoknyye..
syikin yealah. i'm so lucky. babah was kind to bayar for everything.
i terbayang something, kalau camera masih guna film, entah berapa roll film yang kami guna agaknya. mesti kedekut nak tangkap gambar. pilih tempat tertentu sahaja. (kalau 800 bahagi film 36 = 22 roll film kena beli) waaahhhh.. memang lagi jimat beli digital camera lah.
sherin syok sherin. cuma hujan jelah. tapi tupun ok gak. ala-ala autumn. (tak pun musim tengkujuh di MRSMKT, haha)
hehe jln jugak you all ye, mcm we all jugak, kuat berjalan. our second anniversary last yr azim travelled to harrogate, spent a night in travelodge, took a lot of photos and visited my old A-level school. truly enjoyed that, so I thought you did.
Mamasarah: Lor lepas jugak entry awak, apa pun selamat ulang tahun perkahwinan yg keberapa eikkk..moga bahagia selalu, ada gambar sungai menarik...rasa macam tgok, citer2 inggeris masa kecik2 dulu..he..he..
800 pictures in one weekend? Phooyoohh!! Hope you or Uncle Mynn didn't get sore fingers from pressing the shutter button so many times! :D
fuyooooo!! 800 gambar????? rasanya korang akan tunjukkan berapa kat kitaorang? very curiously wondering now..n waiting...
Musim tengkujuh MRSMKT syok juga. Rasa nak tidur je.. heheehe:) I miss that.
Gambar2 tu mengimbas kembali kenangan saya di Cambrigde dulu masa attended the conference, it's really a campus town.
Dari Coventry ke Hatfield jauh tak? Hubby saya akan ke sana 2 minggu lagi.
Salam dari mama faris buat mama sarah.
mama, kalau nak tau lanjt pasal perlembagaan tu, masuk
itulah, guna kamera digital mmg berbaloi. dulu saya tak suka kd ni sbbnya saya prefer kamera manual, hinggalah p corus paradise dulu, try pinjam adik punya kd..lbh krg 50 kpg gambar rasanya dpt..mcm tak percaya aje tak perlu guna filem roll tukan..sejak tu dah tukar pandanganlah ttg kamera digital ni.
blh bagitau kd u ni jenis apa, mana tau nak dptkan satu nanti :D
When it comes to money matters, I'm the difficult one. It's not a nice feeling to spend freely on someone else's money. Unless if I earn the money, then I don't quite mind. Anyway, when Babah agreed to stay overnight, I planned to pay for the hotel.
Nisak!!?? He's the bread winner but you manage the family! So what's the fuss?? Let him pay!! Obviously you need 10 more years to feel how I feel! hehe
hmm, was gonna say something 'bout cambridge, hmm... an old city... like seeing classics in novels come to live. am imagining if were to live in the 1500 or so? is it that old??? talking out of kejahilan ni... heheheh....
de mo ne, cam romantik juga la kan, got to go on the sampan thingy...
i agree with babah sarah - an anniversary celebration to remember for years to come. maybe till the next best place la.. heheheh...
azim we waited 6 years to celebrate our anniversary away. Definitely a good getaway. dulu2, poket kempis & anak2 kecik. Now memang totally the best time to berjalan.
shami nantikan entry sungai... harap masih belum bosan dgn entry cambridge saya. hehehe
ajab booboo our fingers were fine, thanks. I think the camera may need a gentle massage.
simah berapa ya. nanti saya kira. tak lah tunjuk banyak kot. nanti you all boring pulak. lagipun quality gambar mediocre aje, sebab cuaca gloomy.
sherin noooo!!! teringat banjir, and cacing2 dan creature2 yang berenang dalam air. ngeri.
faruha hatfield. saya check internet. Agak2 sejam setengah-dua jam dari coventry.
syikin kami guna Sony Cybershot DSCP-8. TAk tahulah ada jual lagi ke tak model ni. Camera kami dah berusia 3 tahun!!! TApi memang puas hati ada digital camera. Beli memory stick yang besar sikit, and simpan extra battery. Worth it.
p/s: thanks for the link.
DITH alamak, how do you feel after 10 years? You see, I tend to worry about money management in the family sikit. I kinda like if we have sufficient balance at the end of the month. Kosong worries me A LOT. apatah lagi kalau negative. SEbab tu, berjimat or opt for cheaper option is always better.
Tuting Tome till the next best place... hehehehehe.... i wonder where next????? OR pergi mana next year? Probably, being me - I might wait another 6 years to go on another getaway. tapi entahlah, harap Allah murahkan rezeki kami, dapat kami pergi honeymoon berdua pulak. Kanak2 kena tinggal!
waah..ke Cambridge pulak.....yus baru masuk blog MS hari ni. Ada plan nak ke Cambridge gak minggu ni atau minggu depan....adeii...cam mengikut MS pulak...tapi takpekan..hehe. Pun belum confirm lagi ni..hehe.
hehe yus kita share idea lah yus. esok yus recommend lah jugak kat kita. yang benarnya musim summer je seronok jalan. sebab hari panjang.
bila tiba autumn + winter, kita memerap jelah kat rumah. main colour2 dgn anak2.
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