Cambridge in my Heart: Turrets, Towers and Around Town
Mainly used for degree ceremonies and formerly for meetings of the Council of the Senate. Designed by architect James Gibbs using Portland stone, built in 1722 - 1730. At the end of the academic year, class lists for most degrees are posted up on the outer wall of the building. Just like my old Uni. How embarrassing!

Noted as one of the oldest churches in the world. More history about the church, click here.

One of the oldest printers and publishers in the world! The site of its bookshop overlooking Senate House has sold books continuously since 1581, making it the oldest bookshop in England.
I think your prayers have been answered! This is the last entry of Cambridge from me. There are hundreds more photos, but they will be treasured in our family photo album. Although a short visit and missing loads more interesting places, we have definitely had a tremendous time there!
Very nice pictures once again but I am waiting for the candlelit anniversary dinner pics! :)
alamak jalan jalan england la pulak nih...
lovely pics...oh seperti pn sherin...saya pun ternanti nanti candlelit dinner. :)
geram tul tengok gambar2 cantik ni. suka tgk bangunan2 depa yg bersejarah tu..
nanti awak cuci ke semua 800 kpg gambar tu?
I wonder why I haven't gone to visit Cambridge?
Nice pictures.
great pics, i guess some of the buildings will look better if displayed in black-white.
MamaSarah haiii lama saya tak kemari, rindu betul nak tgk pic2 yg awak ambil. Byk N3 yg saya dah terlepas. Anyway nice picture..saya suka tgk.
james gibbs... arkitek rupanya... familiar betul nama tu mungkin sebab saya minat james hatfield (metallica rhythmist) pada satu ketika dulu...
man cambridge uni press ni lama betul neee... zaman melaka dulu...
Salam kenal MamaSarah. Slalu tgk nama MamaSarah dlm n3 member2 blog. Hari ni baru sempat nak tegur. Cantik sungguh view2 kat sana. Nanti saya go tru n3 Mamasarah.Cannot capture all the things in one time. Hihi..
oppss sori, blh saya link blog MamaSarah?
mama sarah..memang hampir semua bangunan kat Uk tu esp the old ones memang bentuk castle ker?
sherin & zakiah candlelit dinner? macammana nak ber dinner with 2 noisy children?
syikin tak cuci semua. sebab ada gambar yang repetitive.
dyanna mmg nice place Cik Di. Best kalau pergi waktu summer / cuaca terang. (maklum sahajalah, cuaca di sini gloomy sokmo)
ikelah betul juga kan? Terlupa nak consider b&w!
Ajzie thanks, dah memang tempat tu cantik.
izhal masih ingat sejarah malaya rupanya. Bagus!
oldtown~smell the roses Sudi, sudikan lah. Terima kasih kerana melawat blog saya ni. Dan permintaan utk meng'link' diluluskan. hehe. sudi, sudikan lah.
simah tulah. I pun fikir yang sama. Architect zaman dulu tak dak idea kot. haha. I assume, bangunan2 bersejarah ni banyak di influence oleh client; iaitu Raja2 / Queen yang memerintah zaman tu. Maka mereka tentu nak grand designs bersesuaian dgn status mereka. Haha.. itu hanya satu andaian semata-mata.
mamasarah: Banyak gambar, nih sapa yg ambik course architecture mau kembang semua idea kat kepala..he..he..sib baik saya dolu tak ambik course ni, nyaris ambik dah....he..he
Gambar yang cantik, terima kasih..berkongsi..
Ni asyik gambar cik tuan jer, mana gambar cik puan kita nih...teringin rasa nak tengok, jom ler bagi kami tengok....he..he..he
eh, i stumbled across another blog just a few seconds ago and saw your picture from your posting Cambridge in my Heart: The Colleges... gambaq sarah ngan amar kat corridor tu... must be your friends blog neee... i dont forget a good picture when i see one...
ps-dulu saya kan amik sejarah SPM... dapat A1 heheh...
shami interestinglah belajar pasal architecture. i think lepas a few years of work experience rasa lebih 'bermakna' apa yang belajar dulu2.
izhal i wonder siapa pulak cilok my gambar and letak kat his/her blog without my permission...??? entah2 blog 'the young man holding Sarah' (aka suami saya lah tu) Dia memang sungguh dengki meletak gambar saya.
Hey, saya pun ambik Sejarah. Dapat A1 jugak tau! Tak sia-sia Cikgu Zaki ajar my class.
So Mama Sarah...where is the entry on Edinburgh, or was it Glasgow??
I'm just hoping that it would be Edinburgh, so that I can see the place where I spent 3+ memorable years of my life.
p/s waiting to see lots and lots of pics!!
oh...i miss that place!!!!!
pycno Di harap bersabar tuan-tuan dan puan-puan. hehehe...
mom2ashley i feel like going there again too. But not during winter.
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