Sauntering around Scotland: Not quite there yet
It all began when Auntie De came to visit us with her family early this month. With a brief proposal and an impulse assent by both parties, we headed to Scotland on Friday, 25 August 2006.
We began our journey from Coventry, while Auntie De and family from Wrexham. We met at a Welcome Break Services, after Junction 27 of M6. And from there, we just tailed their car until we reached our destination.

We began our journey from Coventry, while Auntie De and family from Wrexham. We met at a Welcome Break Services, after Junction 27 of M6. And from there, we just tailed their car until we reached our destination.
On the way, we went passed Lancaster.

Both my father and brother were alumni of Lancaster University. (Sorry the above photo was the best I could capture on a moving car) (p/s: and I know the sign is not the best of Lancaster Uni's signage. But I was quite surprised to see the sign by the Motorway, so I took a photo of it)
It was already past 5 pm when we arrived. But that did not hinder the kids to be happy to see the sailing boats, the birds, ducks, swans and running around for a little while.
Lake Windermere of Lake District
About an hour from Lancaster, we purposely stopped at Lake Windermere to admire the scenic view of the most beautiful lake in England. Among famous people who used to live here was Beatrix Potter, the creator of Peter Rabbit.It was already past 5 pm when we arrived. But that did not hinder the kids to be happy to see the sailing boats, the birds, ducks, swans and running around for a little while.
Both Sarah and Emyr were definitely excited when we first arrived.
Sarah with her best friends. (Amar tidur masa ni)

Stay away from the water Sarah!

"Sikit je" she replied.

The names of the hills (or places) seen on the background were stated on the plaque.
The view from our room. Mc Arthur Glenn retail park.

Stay away from the water Sarah!

"Sikit je" she replied.

The names of the hills (or places) seen on the background were stated on the plaque.
It was a nice feeling to re-visit this place. I still remember where we used to have our picnic with other Malaysian family at the field opposite the photo above (during my father's student years at Lancaster University). Then my brother took my friends and I to the same place when I visited him during our Uni years. Although nothing much has changed, it was still nice to come back and share the experience with my own little family and Auntie De's.
An hour or so later, we continued our journey up North using the narrow and winding road by the Ullswater Lake. The view was definitely breathtaking.
Ullswater Lake (part of Lake District)

Finally we arrived in Livingston, where we booked with Travelodge to stay for one night.

The snaky route got Amar sick. Later we found out, Emyr vomited too. Poor kids. And poor us, we had to clean up their mess and bear the smell!

Finally we arrived in Livingston, where we booked with Travelodge to stay for one night.
The decor were the same with the Travelodge we stayed in Cambridge last week, only more modern.

That night, everyone was very, very tired and slept soundly. We all couldn't wait for the next day for the REAL Edinburgh experience. (Yes, Pycno. We went to Edinburgh!!!)
ya Allah, p jalan2 lagi family betullah.
gunung ganang, tasik..tu yg tak tahan tengok tu..cantiknya Subhanallah..mmg saya suka tgk pemandangan semulajd
siannya anak muntah..ada bawak febreeze tak? blh la spray dlm keta tu..hehe.
i love the one wif sarah & the ducks...
bestnyerr gi jejalan....
(yet another jelous comment frm anne yg tak kemana2 merdeka ni :(
syikin auntie de mentioned febreeze jugak. TApi tak de and tak beli pun. Kebetulan saya bawa washing liquid dan sponge. SEntal guna tu je.
anne silalah jangan jealous. Your turn will come soon, insyaAllah.
Love Sarah's expression while watching Jackie Chan. Heh Jackie Chan cakap omputih :)
McArthur Glenn dpn mata tu tak dikunjungikah? Rugi tu rugi
ayoyoyoy... berjalan sakan u satu family.. all over england. enjoying the summers, or is it already approaching fall? or autumn? am not that familiar with the temperate weather... kita orang khatulistiwa!!
agree with anne.. cute sarah n ducks.. if it was me and nayya, i'd be the one yg excited... ahahaha
ayoyoyoy... berjalan sakan u satu family.. all over england. enjoying the summers, or is it already approaching fall? or autumn? am not that familiar with the temperate weather... kita orang khatulistiwa!!
agree with anne.. cute sarah n ducks.. if it was me and nayya, i'd be the one yg excited... ahahaha
The pictures of the lake are very breathtaking, seriously. Now, I really do feel like I HAVE to go somewhere nice and serene (KL is out of the question).
The kids looked so worn out, but I bet it was a pretty exciting trip. Will wait for your next entry patiently :)
Mama Sarah, you're making me wanna ask Mummy and Daddy to migrate to England (or Scotland). *sigh ...... *
when i look at the view...i am jelous..waaa nak ikut pi samaaaa...
Cantik2 la gambaq mamasarah hantar, rasa macam nak pi saja...he..he ye simah, kita duk geram kut jauh ja...tak dapat pi pun tak pa kawan kita dah buat kita macam pi sana, he..he..
Bilalah agaknya nak sampai sana ....
You know what? We were staying in Livingston for one year, before moving to Buccleuch Street in Edinburgh. In fact my daughter was born in Livingston.
La, no wonder I didn't hear from you for quite sometime! Bercuti-cuti ke scotland rupanya.. Nice pictures MS.
Mish & I read your entry this time. We were wondering how come we never went there before. We only jalan-jalan bahagian selatan je.:)
I love Sarah and her answer,"Sikit aje." Kalau banyak terpaksa la MS berenang masuk ambil Sarah. Btw, poor kiddies sampai muntah-muntah. :O
naja tulah naja. ada orang frust tak dapat mengunjung mcarthur glen. hahaha.
tutingtome it's autumn now. dah sejuk balik. and bila pergi up North - lagilah sejuk. Windy lagi. Hujan lagi. SEJUK boleh tahan.
dyanna sebenarnya ada tu je sekeping gambar Ullswater lake. tak dapat nak ambik banyak. Jalan narrow sangat. Saya gayat.
ajab booboo I think you may raise the question after the arrival of B2. We don't want B2 to arrive in the plane :)
simah & shami & maklang hehehehe... apa kata both of you take a break and jalan2 ke sini. suami jaga anak2 lah pulak.
pycnogenol REALLY??? We should have taken more photos of Livingston then. We didn't know. There was a huge retail park near the hotel. Complete with cinema and all. The place looked really modern and fresh. We loved the Travelodge there too.
Buccleuch Street... We really should have contacted you first! I wanted to. But you were away for '1 week'. Btw, we were on the South bridge, but then we turned back. Kalau terus je - tentu boleh cari buccleuch street kan?
sherin hahaha. sengaja tak beritahu/umum. Sebab weather not that good. Alhamdulillah, everything went well. and sempat singgah windermere lagi. That was really a bonus. Also Sherin, I've always remembered 'nasihat' orang - lagi north you pergi, people lagi friendly. I find that VERY TRUE. Cuma i rasa Edinburgh terlalu ramai orang. Probably it was because of the Festival.
Ditto Mama Sarah! The weather in Scotland may be colder than the South, but the people are WARM and friendly....including those who have studied there before. ;)
Buccleuch St. is just 2 minutes walk from The University of Edinburgh Main Library. The Meadows is the big beautiful park just behind the main library building.
We saw Edinburgh Uni and Heriot Watt Uni signs. But then we didn't know you stayed in Edinburgh. Could be Glasgow/Aberdeen - could even be Inverness!!!
We could have made an attempt to find a proper Edinburgh Uni entrance (At least) to take some photos for you.
I could see "The meadows" and Buccleuch St on the map. Dekat sgt dgn South Bridge! Kalau kita tahu, dah tentu kita cari, and pose infront of your ex-house. Boleh email to you kan?
isykh... entah2 your kids belajar di edinburgh nanti :)
Haha frust ye Mama Sarah? Takpe2 Auntie De still kt Wrexham rite? Cheshire Oak lagi best tu.
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