Stratford upon Avon: 30 September 2006

The fellow painted himself and posed like a statue, jumped occasionally on his metal block to scare some people (especially girls) who gave him money.

I personally like Stratford upon Avon very much because all the major spots were within reach by walking.
And there were just so many beautiful sceneries.

We were fine fasting on the day. The weather was cloudy and mild. We didn't take as much photos as we usually did - Someone was so busy fiddling with the buttons on the camera and always getting the setting wrong (and blamed it on the poor weather) Lucky, we still have our old faithful Sony.
Kawe ingat awok doh nok buang kawe bila kotak 400D tu sampai hari tu.
Mujur ler awok masih nok bawok kawe rata. Dapat jugok awok ambik gambo. Kalau nok harap kan DSLR yg konon nya canggih manggih tu, kempunan ler awok!
-You faithful Sony
Tak pernah sampai lagi kat Stratford Upon Avon. Dulu nak pergi weather pulak tak best. Anyway thanks for updating. Dah tak hangit dah ;)
Salam Mama Sarah-- some of the photos turns out really nice.. did u use a dslr to capture them or the standard digicam? anyways-- tersenyum gak tgk the "shakespeare statue wannabe" tu.. kat UK and even europe byk betul that sort of act kan? some looks sooo real and even manage to pose in a seemingly uncomfortable position for quite a length of time just to fool people (and of course to get some money out of it) :) I once saw a statue of a man riding a bicycle- with his hair and tie hung in mid air as if being blown by the wind while cycling-- before i realized 'it' is one of 'them'.. cool huh..
eh biar betul, tht's not a statue? Macam real lah.
Oh masih faithful itu, sony ye? I think the master is the faithful one :p
Sony via DITH Laaaa ingat awok lahir di Japan. Tapi rupanya Made in Malaya. Slang Pahang lagi :)
Naja hahaha... sorrylah mengemas tak habis-habis lah. pastu sibuk kat dapur pulak. cuba testing resepi itu ini. almaklumlah surirumah lah katakan...
mama imaan The 1st, statue and Amar pointing were taken by dslr. I took the rest using our 'old and faithful' sony cybershot.
saya belum berani nak menyentuh itu dslr.
hey, that guy pretending riding a bike sounds cool. belum pernah 'terserempak' lagi. Tapi nampak macam-macam 'statues' di Edinburgh hari tu.
anne Not joking. Kalau u datang UK nanti, pi lah cari pakcik tu.
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