Tetamu from Cardiff
Last Friday, our friend from Cardiff came to visit and stayed at our house for 2 nights. We were so excited to have them here. Especially Sarah!
Ju arrived with her three children (Farah, Hazman and Hazim) around 8 pm. Although it was supposedly scheduled earlier, but there was traffic jam on the way to our place.
The children were just amazing. They played together or took equal turns with PS2. They helped their mommy and I with so many things too. They listen to their mommy, they are just obedient kids! The most impressive thing to me was when their mom woke them up for Sahur, they all woke up easily and didn't even cry or wimp. They came down for the extra early breakfast quietly and just ate whatever was prepared for them.
Often I heard them said; "Thank you mommy, I love you mommy for (this and that)" and made me wish that Sarah and Amar will be as good as them when they grow up.

Unfortunately, I didn't take them to visit the historic Coventry or the beautiful Stratford upon Avon for various reasons. Main reason being, it so happened that Saturday was the first day of fasting and we tried not to tire the children. They were all fasting, even the 5 year old Ajeem.
So activities were just within the compound of our house. Farah was such a darling. She is going to be 8 soon. Despite the age gap, Farah still happily played with Sarah all the time.
For berbuka puasa, Ju and I prepared soto, spring roll filled with minced lamb and vege, creme caramel and mango juice. The children just ate happily around our small dining table and they even had second helping.
And guess what, the children said "Thank you Auntie for making me this food" and "The food is yummy!" I thought I heard them wrongly. But they did compliment me! I was not used to young kids complimenting me, but hey - I was really 'kembang'!
So activities were just within the compound of our house. Farah was such a darling. She is going to be 8 soon. Despite the age gap, Farah still happily played with Sarah all the time.
For berbuka puasa, Ju and I prepared soto, spring roll filled with minced lamb and vege, creme caramel and mango juice. The children just ate happily around our small dining table and they even had second helping.
And guess what, the children said "Thank you Auntie for making me this food" and "The food is yummy!" I thought I heard them wrongly. But they did compliment me! I was not used to young kids complimenting me, but hey - I was really 'kembang'!
They went back on Sunday morning. Sarah suddenly went quiet looking at them loading their stuff into their car. She even refused to salam with any of them and just pulled a solemn face. Hopefully we will be able to take them to some interesting places in the future when they come to visit us again.
I'm sure Ju's husband and parents in Malaysia are dead proud of her. She is one brave and excellent mommy with wonderful children.
Ju sent me a text message later on to say that they have reached home safely. And among other things I quote her "The children said they love me because bawa pi rumah you!"
p/s: the last photo was pinched from Ju's blog.
I'm sure Ju's husband and parents in Malaysia are dead proud of her. She is one brave and excellent mommy with wonderful children.
Ju sent me a text message later on to say that they have reached home safely. And among other things I quote her "The children said they love me because bawa pi rumah you!"
p/s: the last photo was pinched from Ju's blog.
mama sarah - MasyaAllah...:-D
TQ mama sarah for telling us this MasyaAllah story...:-)
btw my pulut al-panggang jadi tapi takde 'panggang'nye..balut guna susi sheet (nori). :-) maklumla daun pisang takde.
alhamdulillah, juadah buka puasa hari pertama
Syoknya dapat jumpa dgn Ju.Wow, her kids are amazing. Kena belajar dari Ju la. I sekarang dah start marah Em, sometimes dia tak nak dgr cakap.:(
Take care!
Sejuk perut ibu mengandung anak2 baik dan bijak macam ni. Kak nisak, naja kenal ke kak ju ni? die dh lame kat cardiff ke?
p/s harini makan pulut panggang teringat kat conversation MS and fm
fm wah mana dapat idea guna nori sheets? tak de 'panggang'nya? abih tu, pulut apa namanya tu?
berbuka dgn siapa tu masak special2?
sherin Ha ah, bnyk juga I belajar dari Ju. Em tu saje je gurau2 dgn you kot.
naja Ingat tak masa kita pi visit new year tahun ni? Rumah lama k.pa. tp now diorang dah pindah.
p/s: naja teringat kat you all yang setia bertandang kat teratak usang kitaorang ni. Esp masa bulan puasa tahun lepas.
Mama Sarah,
Thanks for the lovely entry about us. We enjoyed the trip very much! On the way balik, all the kids terkejut sebab sekejap aje dah sampai rumah. InsyaAllah, kalau ada rezeki, we all datang lagi. Kali ni utk berjalan, bukan makan tido je kat rumah u! :)
p/s: mama sarah, please do come to our house raya nanti. boleh la I masak utk u sekeluarga pulak.
To Ju:
Alhamdulillah ! I am very enlightened to hear about you and your ever 'thanking' children. We mothers should aim to raise kids who are forever counting their blessings!
Masyallah to hear that you're all alone there raising your three kids. As Nisak had said: you're a brave one!
Take care all and may Allah swt help us raise 'soleh' children!
Nisak, kesian Sarah. She reminds me of my nieces when we were about to leave them each time. They;ll go sulking and refuse to salam us! :p
MS, yes i remember now
Errr... sorry terletak entry.. ini blog entry untuk ibuk ibuk ya...
hehehehe... OK... u jadi ibu lah hari ini, pergi masak dan jangan asyik nak makan di kedai je.
hmmmm... beautifully writtened.
just a feather light comment on ju's blog. the flowery background makes it difficult for my ailing eyes to read.
May Allah give all ou you strenght and Guidance. Selamat berpuasa serta dapat memenuhi bulan ini dengan amalan-amalan dengan penuh ketaqwaan.
Kak Ju,
Bestnya baca pasal kak ju n your children, they're very nice. Selamat berpuasa di Cardiff. (Oh! I miss Cardiff & zaman2 berbuka di Darul Isra). Take care.
MS: Masak apa utk berbuka sepanjang Ramadhan ni? Anything special?
err... actually when I think about it, I think everything that we cook at our own kitchen is very special in its own way. Lagi2 kalau buat M'sian dishes, sbb kat UK semua kena buat sendiri. Beli2 tak main la kan (sbb mmg takde pun! :P)
ps; I'm spamming your comment box.
nice chatting wif u tday! ams tak tanya ke dia cemana dia asuh anak2 dia smpi sopan & berbudi pekerti mcm tu? belajar ngan supernanny ke :)
Ju panjang umur, murah rezeki kita jumpa lagi.
DITH you must be their favouritest auntie eh?
naja ya...!
OK utk tontonan umum lah.
ikelah sekali sekala tu, letak lah nasihat sebegini dkt my other half's blog juga. Galakkan membaca kitab juga. ini dok belek manual canon jek :(
dyanna x3 ya saya sedang berusaha utk compile juadah buka puasa saya sepanjang Ramadhan ni. so far boleh tahan lah. Tapi rasanya masuk minggu ke-2 mesti dah mati kutu nak masak apa?
p/s: i miss buka puasa dkt darul isra jugak.
anne tu natural talent alsupermommy tu!
Tumpang lalu sat mama sarah. I nak ucap selamat berpuasa kepada Aunty De and family.. :)
Alhamdulillah berjumpa juga geng2 mrsmkt ni kat mana-mana jua pun... biaq silaturrahim berkekalan dunia akhirat....
sherin go ahead. i'm sure auntie de baca ni! cuma busy nak jawab je.
izhal thank you sensei!
:) lovely stories of friends appreciating each other....children dah sambungkan sillaratulrahim dari kechil2 lagi...
and lovely mom ...that Ju fren of urs...
thanks mama sarah!
Love the posing Farah. Lentok di semua tempat yang betul. And yes, 'vouge' is the correct adjective :)
The children have been brought up really well. Makes me feel rather ashamed of myself -_-"
Yoshi, you mean vogue?
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