We could tell that Sarah was really happy with her birthday party. I asked her to reconfirm, "Did you enjoy your birthday, Sarah?"
and she answered, "Yes" with a very wide smile on her face. She may not differentiate it was actually held 3 days earlier than her real birthday but that did not matter much. She had her own birthday cake, blew her own candles and most importantly a Barbie Doll. She must have forgotten that she wanted a bicycle too. So PLEASE you all, don't you remind her with that now!
Anyway, happy birthday again dear Sarah.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet,
But not as sweet as you!
May Allah bless you always, dunia dan akhirat. Amin.
and she answered, "Yes" with a very wide smile on her face. She may not differentiate it was actually held 3 days earlier than her real birthday but that did not matter much. She had her own birthday cake, blew her own candles and most importantly a Barbie Doll. She must have forgotten that she wanted a bicycle too. So PLEASE you all, don't you remind her with that now!
Anyway, happy birthday again dear Sarah.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet,
But not as sweet as you!
May Allah bless you always, dunia dan akhirat. Amin.
Happy Birthday to Sarah and Emyr!
Happy Birthday Sarah & Emir! Hugs & kisses from Auntie Dyanna. (de javu la rasa).
Cool lah sarah, made her own birthday cake!
I wonder what causes little girls to like dolls and little boys to like robots? Is it the difference in chromosome (XX and XY)? Or is it by knowledge transfer from the parents?
Maaf Auntie De, I misspelled Emyr's name.. (some people are quite particular about their name when it is being misspelled; i.e Nur and Nor, kan tak sama).
aww, look at them! all dressed up for the party! haiyoh, so cute! Happy Birthday to Sarah and Emyr.
and Sarah! you look so adorable in your tinkerbell dress! grr! uu kek yang sunggun menawan hati..bet it's yummy :)
Happy birthday Sarah. Moga jadi anak yg baik dan cermelang. Cantik lah baju Sarah..sure Alya pun suka..tp kat Msia tak de mcm tuh..or ajzie yg tak jumpa??
Byk ajzie miss mama sarah punya n3..insyallah ada kelapangan saya akan membacanya..
waa...anak dara u dah besar la...so adorable...happy birthday to Sarah...and yr friend too..Emyr.
i'm so jealous..u two cd bake cake together...nak babay girl pulak!!!
sarah share my birthday!!
Happy birthday sarah!!1
i think finally pc i tak hang kot..yippie!!
DITH Thank you
Di dolls for girls - robots for boys. I wonder if you'd let your son or brothers play with a doll?
Farah y Tq! It's home-baked cake. Senget-benget but made with full of love by so many people (borrowing BAbah's words)
Ajzie selamat pulang ke German.
Kita yg excited tgk baju sarah ni. Dahlah corset bahagian atas tu. Siap boleh press button - keluar lampu
DD kita pun mcm tak caya Sarah dah 3 tahun. Tp, bila tgk kwn2 yg anak2nya dah masuk sekolah, rasa Sarah mcm kecik sgt lagi.
Simah ya ke???? hehe happy birthday to you too Simah.
Happy Birthday Sarah....
Semoga jadi anak yang sentiasa menggembirakan hati kedua ibubapa yer.
Comelnya Sarah dgn dress tu. Amar pun, bukan main lagi yer..Spiderman tu..hehe
Happy nya Sarah dgn present dia! Hehehe.. setelah behempas pulas 'bekerja' supaya mama n babahnya belikan.. I think she will treasure it for a long time..
Hepi besday to sarah dan emyr..
pasal robot tu, anak saya yg tiga thn pun nangis bila robot tu mula berjoget..
Selamat hari ulang tahun untuk sarah, bertuah sarah dapat mama yang sangat prihatin, siap prepare kek, dan pakaian yang cantik....bertuah anak2 hari ni
Pertama kali seumur hidup saya sambut birthday dengan sebiji kek dan pelbagai juadah lain lagi masa saya kerja kat
site, kebetulan saya last day kat situ, so kawan2 kat site buat kejutan, dan saya dapat call dari Datuk O wish tq atas kerja saya..selama di situ...
kalau ngan suami utk anak2 beli jer kek dan masak, jemput kawan2 anak2 mai rumah...simple jer
Untuk sarah, semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki, berjaya dalam hidup dan menjadi anak yang soleh untuk mama dan papa....salam dari acik shami, dan mimi dari Msia....semalam mimi dah tengok sarah tengah buat kek..dia jerit kakak...masak....
Yus Yang paling excited ialah ibubapanya :)
Ju I hope so! I tak nak pi dah kedai tu. Tebal dah muka ni.
Mama Singa Tu lah, yang syoknya siBabah sebenarnya. Ingat anak pun suka. rupanya jadi cerita lain pulak.
Shami Tu semua spontan je Shami. TAk delah preparation beria-ia. Tapi memang benar, bertuah diaorang ni sebenarnya.
p/s: pandai mimi cakap eh?
happy birthday to Sarah, comelnya dia.
Happy Birthday to whom it may concern.
(Gosh, I'm starting to sound like all those official looking people that I so detest)
Anyway, Safiya is just too cute! Love her big eyes.
Just wondering. What was the real reason behind Emyr's err...fit of rage?
Happy 3rd birthday Sarah. Semoga membesar dengan sehat, jadi lebih pandai and jadi anak yg baik.
Happy Birthday Sarah and Emyr!
May Allah give his Blessings and Guidance.
apasal lilin tu terlalu banyak? i tot 3?
I like the second last picture of Amar. the expression was clear
oh oh i missed Sarah's birthday! Err happy birthday sarah, advanced or belated as it may be! i think nunu has a dedication to you. Check out her blog ok?
mamafaris thank you very much!
Hiyoshi tu angkara robot yang bergerak. he only played with a 'still' robot. not a moving one.
ibuamin thank you auntie Chal.
ikelah Amar loved every second of his limelight!
lilin tu, bagi diaorang puas sikit tiup. kita bukannya ikut adat "tiup lilin mengira umur. hehe
auntie anne thank you auntie anne and nunu! you're really something!
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