The Real Birthday and more birthday presents

Sarah's birthday is not over yet! I wished her "Happy Birthday" when she woke up on Wednesday morning. She replied, "Birthday Sarah lagi ke?" with her eyes rounded so big and flashed a smile from ear to ear!

Since it was fasting month, we had to wait until after berbuka puasa to 'celebrate' her real birthday. This time, a smaller chocolate cake and wearing her best pink Chinese style suit, a special birthday present from her Nanny.
Amar was wearing his light blue baju melayu. But the photos of him were all blurry. He moved so much! So no photo of him in the blue baju melayu, sorry.

The day Sarah received the parcel from Nanny, we had a photo session at home. Sarah loved the presents very much. She almost forgot her Barbie doll!
Nanny sent a red Cheongsam too. Both suits fit Sarah perfectly.

Just look at her! Where did she learn to pose like that? Isykh 3x...

Amar wanted to join in too, but he was not sitting still. He looks bigger than Sarah in this photo!

Apart from the suits, Nanny also sent us this lovely fridge magnet. Both Sarah and Amar love it. They both 'take turn' to play with it.

Sarah was over the moon when she saw this bag. Sarah kept all her Barbie doll's accessories in this bag and carried it at the back all set to go out? But where to? That will have to wait until this weekend. Let's hope for a fine weather first!
Thanks Nanny and Atuk for the wonderful birthday presents. Sarah has been answering all the phone calls lately, she was expecting her Nanny to call so that she could say "Thank you Nanny" personally for the very special gifts.
Also, thank you to Lin & Yaya, Auntie Anne & her little Nunu and Auntie Naja for their special birthday entries for Sarah.
Thanks Nanny and Atuk for the wonderful birthday presents. Sarah has been answering all the phone calls lately, she was expecting her Nanny to call so that she could say "Thank you Nanny" personally for the very special gifts.
Also, thank you to Lin & Yaya, Auntie Anne & her little Nunu and Auntie Naja for their special birthday entries for Sarah.
To Sarah:
Happy Birthday girl! Weekend ni weather forecast clear.. boleh la ajak mama n babah pi jalan.. bawak beg comel tu sekali.
Cantik lah cheongsam Sarah. comel aje Sarah nih. happy besday dari Alya dan Ammar di Germany.
Sarah looks so nice in the cheongsam. The aksi2 pon vogue la :D
Aiyoo MS, don't la mention, me shy lohhh
bergaya sakan ur princess ni...geram mcm nak cuit cubit dia... berapa baju da tukar for that day Nisa?
Sarah looks so big already. Hmmmm, dari mana dia belajar posing?
Ju forecast je tu. tak plan lagi ni. TApi banyak gak urusan nak kena buat weekend ni.
Ajzie Happy belated birthday to ALya and Ammar too.
Naja Sarah pun excited dgn baju-baju dia! Nasib baik Amar tak reti bab2 fashion ni.
Simah 2 je. hehe.
QoTH Dari mana? Entahlah. Free style tu.
Comei nya birthday girl tu...
Hepi birthday...
Amboi!!...tak habis lagi yer...takpe..Happy Birthday one more time for Sarah. Nampak ayu berbaju cheongsam tu....happy sungguh dia yer...
maklang thank you!
Yus tak habis lagi lerrr. hehe. tapi cake dah habis. alhamdulillah.
Amboi pandai Sarah posing!
amboi..anak dara ni, pandai posing..siaplah u MS heehe..
eh, amar tu mmg lagi besor ya drp Sarah? tenggelam nampak si Sarah tu..
bagusnya depa take turn main magnet tu..anak2 saya siap berebut, ummilah kena jd pengadil..
to Sarah...
Happy Birthday! Ewahhh best best nya prezent...
Pak cik uncle tak leh tenguk gambar2 Sarah sbb firewall Saudi ni punya hal...tapi boleh bayangkan la Sarah dok posing ...hehehe
To Sarah's mom, Thanks for sharing!
happy bday sarah!!!
alamak baru bleh kasik comment da...
Huh the red cheongsam pose bikin tyra banks nangis dik...hhehe.
To mama sarah, still not to late nak wish u selamat berposa dan selamat berhari raya.
she looks adorable in her cheongsams! and happy belated birthday to sarah!
Happ Birthday Sarah! I am sorry I missed it!!!! Wah, the party was soooo grand.Mama Sarah, kalau Sarah's wedding nanti sure lagi grand ya? Happy Birthay darling Sarah! You look soo cute in your sexy cheong sam. :D
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