Is it safe to say Autumn is here? Or is it Winter already? I sort of 'swore' that we will start hibernating after we came back from Scotland in August. Then, Babah bought a new camera (aka
al-kamera named by
Ustaz Ikelah) and we went to Stratford upon Avon. Last Thursday, we went to Cardiff; a place I've always created excuses after excuses to visit.

Honestly, I still feel a little bit 'guilty' going to Cardiff although my summary of our trip to this place I used to call home is simply SUPERB! We accidentally invited ourselves to Li & Hila's house, and we just found ourselves on our way to Wales on Thursday afternoon. Insyaallah more about Li & Hila in my next entry.

Cardiff will always be special to us. The very first place we settled down as newlywed. We will always remember the small flat we rented above a SPAR shop at Crwys Road. And most importantly Sarah was born in Cardiff 3 years ago!

I used to pass by the above building everyday on the way to work. It has no significance whatsoever to me, but I'm sure it will bring back loads of memories to our friend
Dyanna. The above photo is for you Di
(MEng, BEng (with 1st Class Honours)
We've also managed to squeeze in a night experience in Cardiff Bay. The Babahs were busy shooting photos, while the Mamas and the kiddies explored the aromatic Middle-Eastern coffee and dessert at Bosphorous Restaurant.

Yes, we love castles so much that we just have to visit Caerphilly Castle which was about 10-15 minutes from Li & Hila's mansion. I remember driving our old red Ford Fiesta to this place with Uncle Afar, Auntie Nani and little Sarah who was barely 5 months old. Babah had to work at that time.

InsyaAllah I will write a special entry on this one of the most beautiful ruins in the U.K.

It was a fun day out for all of us. Both Sarah and Amar were relatively well behaved. We took this advantage to walk from the University areas, City Hall and to the town. We even stopped by my old place of work and met my former Employer, Mr Ashi. It was a very pleasant reunion! He even ruffled Sarah's hair and 'pinched' Amar's cheek. He insisted that we should move back to Cardiff.

On the last day, we went to Penarth the sandless beach. The moment the sea came into our view Sarah gasped and said "Amazing!" (pelat sikit though). And she immediately started clicking the (toy) camera she borrowed from Danial, the power rangers.

Right after that, we stopped by Penarth Marina. We thought of taking some more photos at Bute Park, Cardiff Castle and some other places too but both Sarah and Amar were fast asleep that we felt sorry to disturb their peaceful sleep.

What has made our trip so special is because of our friends who have catered our every single need. They have been very accommodating and warm that made us feel so exclusive. We are very lucky to have friends like them. I wish them really well and may Allah bless them with good health and success in their future undertakings.
This is only a brief entry (hehe) about our trip to Cardiff. Please expect more photos when I am a little bit more free. For the time being, I hope that all of you will benefit as much as you can the last few days of Ramadhan.
aawwww.. so nice.. Banyak tempat yang I tak pergi lagi!! Kena pergi la lepas ni. And, tell ur hubby - the photos are getting better and better! :)
I don't know about you K Nisak, but for me Cardiff is so synonym with you & Mynn. Cardiff did felt a little bit 'empty' when the three of you moved to England. :'( sob sob...
Thanks for the meaningful Trevithic picture! It's one of my best hang out places and it's also my 2nd/3rd home...I am not lying!
I like Amar's hair.. ikal kan?
Oh...those Autumn leaves. Lovely!!!
ya Allah, cantiknya gambar pokok tu..
cantik gambar2 lain juga.
eh, castle2 yg ada tukan, ada org jaga ke? maksudnya ada ke org tinggal kat dlmnya sebagai penjaga..
p.s. dah buat persiapan raya? saya lum lagi, tahun ni pun cam tak seronok nak beraya sakan sbb my AIman kena chicken pox dan adiknya Huda, dah start demam pulak..tak taulah nak ebrjangkit ke idak tu
yuppppppp sungguh lawa. Mamasarah belum jawab soalan saya..Guna camera apa? Sini pun dah mula berguguran.
first time here. so pretty!
Reminiscing eh? Lovely place and truly beautiful friends!
Salam Aidilfitri to u n ur family..
wei..tak habis habis jalan ni... jeles jeles...as usual..superb photos.. jangan lupa masukkan entry pasal raya kat sana nanti :0)
Yep, Dyanna is right. Now I don't really have a reason to visit Cardiff any more.
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